Has Automation Killed the Kiss?
Honestly, I don't want a relationship with every product I buy or every service I use. Nope, there is never going to be a time when I want a relationship with my washing powder, dish provider or loo paper (well maybe). I buy these items and I just want them to work. But when I do choose to have a relationship with say, my bank, then I don't want to be dealing with a machine who gives me no shortcut to operator, none of the options I'm looking for or worse still, makes me listen to scratchy elevator music. I know we've all bleated on about voice recognition systems at one point or another, but how is it then that we continue to use it? They're horrid bloody things, immediately getting my back up when the most boring voice tells me I am now just the x number caller in line. She might as well sigh, irritated that I'm just another person to be processed, and while I was romanced once, that I'm just not that important anymore. I might have started the relationship but I can end it too. Unless you show me you care, you will never get the kiss.