Harvey Duncan, Apprentice of the Year 2023: Supporting the Next Generation to Overcome the Barriers of Employment
It would be great to get some background on you as an individual and how you have gotten to where you are today?
I started my journey with Ealing Council through the Kickstart scheme, a six-month programme that I participated in from June 2021 to December 2021. At the time, I wasn’t sure what would come next, but then I found out that Ealing Council wanted to offer me an apprenticeship. They even created a role just for me, which was incredible because I never imagined I would get an opportunity like that.?
I did the apprenticeship for around 15 months and during that time, my supervisor recognised my potential and the progress I was making. She decided that she didn’t want to lose me and wanted to find a way to keep me on. In October 2022, she told me she was creating a permanent role for me after my apprenticeship.
I was so happy and relieved because, for most of my life, I had felt uncertain about my next steps - moving from education to college and then from college to employment. For the first time, I didn’t have to worry about what came next. I was now a permanent employee at Ealing Council.?
It’s been about 18 months since then, and I couldn’t be more grateful for this journey.?
What does your role consist of??
My job title is quite a mouthful - it’s FIS & Youth Service - Peer Advocacy & Web Communications Officer. My role spans two different services: the Family Information Service and Youth Services. What I really like about my role is that it overlaps between the two teams, so I don’t have to work separately for each one. Instead, my responsibilities naturally connect across both areas.?
A big part of my job involves working directly with young people aged 13 to 25 who have disabilities and additional needs.?In October 2023, I set up a new forum for young people with additional needs and disabilities. The goal of this initiative is to help them get their voices heard, involve them in projects across the Council and empower them to make a difference in Ealing.?I also manage and maintain the "Preparing for Adulthood" website, which falls under the Ealing Local Offer and is linked to the Family Services team. In addition to this, I attend conferences and do public speaking engagements.?
How did you get involved with Spark!?
That’s a funny story! I already knew about Spark because I knew they offered work experience opportunities for their students. I was also aware that Ealing Council had provided placements for these students to gain work experience.?
Then, just before Christmas, I first met Char, she had been searching for employers with additional needs because she had launched the Adapted Programme at Belvue High School, a special school in Ealing. She was excited about the idea of me working with her students, as she believed they would be inspired by my journey.?
Many young people with disabilities and additional needs struggle to believe that employment is an option for them. They often think it’s not possible due to the barriers they face. That’s why I love working with them - to help them see that they can absolutely go into employment. I tell them:
"Look at me - I’m working full-time at Ealing Council, doing 35 hours a week! If I can do it, so can you."
Last Monday, I visited Belvue High School with Char, and she was thrilled to have me there. The students were so open and engaged, asking me questions like, "Why are you in a wheelchair?" and "What’s your disability?" I was so happy that they felt comfortable asking because I am an open and honest person, and I want them to feel comfortable talking about these things.?
Why do you think that initiatives like the one Char has created are so important??
Okay, I’m going to be very honest. When I was in secondary school, I never had the kinds of opportunities that young people today are getting, opportunities to visit employers, experience a workplace or talk to people about careers, jobs and employment. I never had that chance back then.?
That was about 12 or 13 years ago and things were very different. That’s why Char running this programme is so amazing - because she is inspiring these young people to think about employment.?
She’s helping them understand how employment can give them purpose, independence and direction. It encourages them to start thinking about their future.?
Looking at the opportunities young people have today, I wish I had the same experiences when I was younger. That’s why it means so much to me to work with these incredible young people - to help them overcome the barriers to employment and how they can become active members of society.?
It makes me so happy to help this generation and the next see that they can live an independent, purposeful life through employment. I want them to think, "I can do this. I can get a job. Nothing is going to stop me."?
What advice would you give your 16 year old self??
Never be scared of the big world out there.?
You can cope with whatever barriers life throws at you. You have the strength within yourself to push through challenges and you are surrounded by an amazing support system - your family and those who believe in you will help you get to where you want to be in the future.?
I am so passionate about helping young people and I want to give back to Ealing Council because they have been there for me every step of the way. They have helped me feel secure and prepared, ensuring that I could reach where I am today.?
Now that I work for Ealing Council, I want to return the favour by supporting the next generation. Just as I was given the opportunity to succeed, I want to be there for young people - to make sure they feel supported, encouraged and able to achieve their dreams.?