Harvard Business School Innovating in Health Care - Certificate
The Perry Consulting Group, LLC
We are focused on process improvement to solve daily healthcare organizations' revenue cycle operational challenges.
October 7, 2022 | Innovating in Healthcare?
INSIDE – The?Advantage
__ By Brenda Perry, Executive Director?
October 2022???Issue # 6
At The Perry Consulting Group, continued education is the cornerstone of my firm. Below are the details for the Harvard Business School course curriculum.
https://t.co/dEQs7dqzPn Link to view the certification
Healthcare spending, quality, and access continue to plague America and global nations. With U.S. healthcare costs trending toward $4 trillion in 2020, the need to innovate and create smart, viable business plans is more important than ever before.
This course focuses on a framework of evaluating and crafting business models that attain alignment with healthcare organizations and the six factors that critically shape new healthcare —structure, financing, regulations, consumers, accountability, technology, and public policy. Innovating in Health Care discusses the impact of these factors on business models for three different kinds of innovations: consumer-focused, technology-driven, and integrations which create scale.
Through lectures, insights from global healthcare innovators, and real-world case examples, learners will explore the challenges and decisions facing real healthcare organizations and how to analyze each situation through the IHC framework. By the end of the course, you will understand how to evaluate opportunities and how to apply elements of successful business models for different kinds of healthcare innovations.
The course is offered in two formats: an open online experience and a limited, team-based deep dive experience, where teams (self-assembled or newly created online) can produce actual business plans evaluated by peer teams and the IHC course instructors.
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
To learn more, https://theperryconsultinggroup.com/blogs-and-articles or call 469-820-9587.