Hartlepool Fc endorsement
Noel Flannery
I am a performance mindset coach with sports stars and CEO's. Transforming their performance in every area of life.
Dear Sir/Madam
Noel Flannery, who is a peak performance mind coach, approached us as he was keen to apply his coaching technique to a team environment, particularly focussed on football. Although he works with many professionals in other sports he was keen to extend the breadth of his knowledge and experience and therefore offered to work with the Hartlepool FC players.
Although Noel had not worked in this particular field before he had adapted his techniques to suit our needs and led us through a very clear course of action.
He did one group session with all the team and the coaches with the aim of inspiring confidence in everyone as to the beneficial effects of his techniques, using exercises to immediately demonstrate the power of the mind on our physical performance.
Having observed the benefits of Noels coaching all our players were keen to take part in individual sessions. This gave Noel the opportunity to assess each player's particular needs and give them the tools required to overcome any difficulties.
Each player received a written assessment post session with some added materials for them to work through, which I also received.
Unfortunately, due to funding limitations, we were unable to continue to retain Noel's services. I wholeheartedly believe that the coaching that Noel offers can indeed be the defining factor in any team's success.
I would not hesitate to engage Noel's services in the future if budget allows and indeed I hope that this will be the case at some point.
Kind Regards
Dave Challinor
Hartlepool FC Manager.
Joe Parkinson
Hartlepool FC Asst Manager..