Harnessing the Power of Connection: Why Telephone Townhalls are Key to a Successful Campaign
Live calls, automated calls, and full-service texting to help conservatives win elections and public policy battles
Voters are constantly spammed with digital content, even when they don’t want to be. Instead of blasting messages in their faces, political campaigns ought to employ innovative and effective strategies to purposefully engage with voters. Incorporating a multitude of telephone townhalls provide several key benefits that can significantly contribute to your campaign's success.
A scientific study conducted in 2019, takes these facts further and acknowledges that it’s not simply the act of having a telephone townhall that helps candidates win their elections.?
Telephone townhalls are a popular tool but when you let CHQ enhance your telephone townhalls, they become “an effective platform to reach many constituents at once and cultivate trust, approval, and positive impressions among participants.”
CHQ will help you make the most of your telephone townhall by:
Putting in the work before the event – We’ll help you reach out to voters and invite them to join well ahead of your event through peer-to-peer text messages, an email blast to your list, a social media post, and an automated call.
Prepare you and your team – Our experts will work with your team to plan the flow and structure of questions and lay out the rules for discussion, produce quality line-by-lines and include notes to help guide the conversation, and act as a moderator to open the call and keep the conversation going.
Have an interesting, worthwhile conversation – We’re the pros when it comes to helping you keep the conversation fast and lively, give the audience several ways to participate including poll questions, gather email addresses, and share valuable information with your audience.
Keep it going after the event – We will record your event so you can share it later on social channels. We’ll also help you send it via peer-to-peer text messages to those who may have missed your event. Email supporters a synopsis and the link to listen to the recording.
When it comes to communicating directly with voters, CampaignHQ are the experts. If you’re not already incorporating a multitude of telephone townhalls into your campaign plan, let us help you unlock the benefits that other campaigns are seeing with this effective tool.?