Harnessing mobile technology to deliver improved patient experiences
Harnessing mobile technology to deliver improved patient experiences

Harnessing mobile technology to deliver improved patient experiences

The healthcare industry was slow to recognize the importance of digital technologies when it came to improving the patient experience but it doesn’t need to be that way when it comes to?digital healthcare and telemedicine.


The healthcare industry has been the subject of a lot of attention in recent years. This increased focus on patient experience stems in part from the fact that it’s an important component of the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey, which measures hospital performance and is factored into reimbursement rates.

There has been a proliferation of mobile devices within and outside the hospital during the last decade, creating an opportunity to leverage these devices to improve patient satisfaction and engagement. The rise of mobile applications and digital platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, along with growing concerns about healthcare costs, is driving patients to seek out information about their health or care providers online. This can mean that a hospital’s website may be one of the first points of contact and establishes a precedent for high expectations from patients.

Mobile technology is a subset of computer technology that deals with the use of mobile communication devices such as smartphones, tablets, and other devices. Mobile technology is often used to enable direct interaction between a user and an application or website where they can perform tasks and receive information. The term mobile technology used to refer to the mobile phone itself, but now it also includes the applications on it. Mobile applications allow users to access their data from anywhere at any time.

The use of mobile technology in healthcare has been rapidly growing over the past few years; however, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed before this can become mainstream practice. But mobile technology has also given patients access to vital information about their health, allowing them to keep up with their treatment or find out what’s happening with their insurance coverage.

Finally, mobile technology has made it easier for medical professionals to communicate with each other and share information about the latest developments in medicine—whether that means updating an email list or creating a platform for accessing their healthcare information.

Improving patient experience is a top-of-mind issue

For many healthcare executives, their main focus is to?improve hospital patient experience. Patient experience is a top-of-mind issue. It’s no surprise that hospitals are focused on delivering excellent care and improving the experience for patients, but it’s also important for financial reasons.

In fact, patient satisfaction has been shown to be one of the most important factors in determining reimbursement rates from insurance companies and government programs like Medicare; if you don’t have happy patients who come back regularly and recommend you often enough (and thus pay more), your hospital may have trouble receiving any revenue from these sources.

It’s no secret either: patient satisfaction surveys are widely used by hospitals around the globe as an indicator of how well they’re doing at meeting their goals related to quality improvement efforts—and there is no better way to measure this than through HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers & Systems). The survey results are then shared with physicians so they can learn what makes patients feel cared for during their visits while also contributing towards improved outcomes overall!

The heightened focus on the patient experience stems in part from the fact that it’s an important component of the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey, which measures hospital performance and is factored into reimbursement rates.

One way hospitals can improve patient satisfaction is by improving communication between doctors and patients—particularly those with chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease. These types of conditions place heavy demands on patients’ time, energy levels, and attention spans.

Mobile technology to improve communication

There has been a proliferation of mobile devices within and outside the hospital during the last decade, creating an opportunity to leverage these devices to improve patient satisfaction and engagement.

Mobile technology has been around for a few decades, but it’s only recently that hospitals have begun to harness its power. In 2016 alone, more than 30 percent of Americans had at least one smartphone and 81 percent owned one. That same year, there were an estimated 2 billion mobile devices in use worldwide—that’s more than half the world’s population! And while many people think of smartphones as being used primarily for entertainment purposes (think Snapchat), they’re also used in healthcare settings to provide information about their patient’s health status or manage appointments and access medical records. A recent study found that almost half of all visits to doctors’ offices occurred via mobile phones; another showed that mobile app downloads increased by 20 percent between 2013-2014 alone!

The rise of mobile applications and digital platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, along with growing concerns about healthcare costs, is driving patients to seek out information about their health or care providers online. This has led to an increase in the number of people searching for information on the Internet related to their condition or treatment options.

This trend has resulted in a dramatic increase in the amount of time spent per day by users on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn. As a result, effective communication means that healthcare professionals need to be present on these social media platforms again. Plenty of today’s social media stars are individuals who belong to the healthcare profession. The popularity of their content highlights the fact that people today want healthcare communication on the platforms they use the most.

Healthcare Websites’ Rising Importance

With the rising use of smartphones and mobile devices, more individuals are browning the web using these devices than ever before. As a result, more and more websites are first opened from a mobile device. This can mean that a hospital’s website may be one of the first points of contact and establishes a precedent for high expectations from patients.

The website can be the first point of contact for patients, who may not have access to other forms of communication. This means that the hospital’s website is one of the first places they turn to when they need information or support, which establishes a precedent for high expectations from patients.

In order to create an effective interface with your audience, you need to understand what they want from your site and how best to deliver it.

Patients are now expecting a similar level of interaction on websites as they receive on e-commerce sites like Amazon or eBay. They want to be able to do more, and it’s not just about the “buy” button. The patients are looking for a personalized experience when they visit your website, where you can provide them with relevant information that will help them make an informed decision about your products and services.

Patients want more information about how each service works—the benefits, how much it costs, and any risks associated with using it—and what other options are available if one particular service doesn’t work out for them.


In conclusion, mobile technology is making it easier than ever for patients to access information about their health or care providers. The ability to get those details on an app or a website when they need them will make all the difference in the world for providers and their patients. It’s also driving businesses outside of healthcare into developing innovative new ways of engaging their customers via mobile devices as well.

A business can leverage mobile technology to create new experiences for its customers or employees. You should learn more about how you can do this. Mobile technology has become an integral part of our lives, and it’s important for businesses to understand how they can use it as part of their digital transformation strategy. Learn what makes mobile so powerful, why it’s important for businesses, and how you can use it in your own organization!



