Harnessing Machine Learning in Payments
Vinod Sharma
Chief Technology Officer | Artificial Intelligence (AI, ML & DL) | Strategic Partnerships | Fintech | Security & Risk
This post was originally published at Myblog first on Sept-09-2017. To find out more about me click here.
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Abstract – As I mentioned in my earlier blog post “Machine Learning in FinTech – Demystified “ you will realise today in payments machine learning is one of many advanced, most talked and becoming critically important tools for analytics got its place business toolbox with lot of pride and respect. Main objective is depict how Machine learning can and has already extended into so many aspects of daily life. ML gets the problem-solving call in conjunction with deep learning artificial neural networks. As these jargons i.e AI, ML, DL or ANN etc may be getting their day in the sun, but they’ve been around for a while. It’s just in the past 5-10 years that they have gained traction, technology that was once niche is now becoming more mainstream and cost-effective reaching to common man. Until recent machine learning was known as historical phenomena in the worlds of academia and supercomputing. This is the part 3 in this series first part was Artificial Intelligence for Digital Payments Security and second part was Data Science of Payments.
Introduction – Artificial Intelligence domain is still very new and at just initial stage, trust me no one in todays time (at-least I wont believe any one who says he/she know everything in AI) knows the full domain/scope/boundaries of AI. Technologies like .... To Read full post click here...
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