Harnessing Inner Power: Moving Forward When Deals Fall Apart

Harnessing Inner Power: Moving Forward When Deals Fall Apart

Not too long ago, I faced one of the most challenging days of my career. It was tough, but it also turned out to be a powerful learning experience, one I’m grateful for. That day gave me the chance to really observe my emotions and how I interact with others when things go south. It was an opportunity to see how I manage myself after facing a setback.?

I had spent a month working on a huge deal, and just a few days ago, the client finally said, "I agree to the numbers and terms, let's move forward." I was thrilled. We proceeded with the paperwork, signed the contracts, and even collected the client's deposit. Everything seemed to be moving smoothly. But just two hours after receiving the deposit, the client backed out. It felt like a gut punch—completely blindsided me. I did everything I could to save the deal. I brought in the managers, and they did everything in their power too. We even sweetened the offer, but nothing worked. Eventually, I had to accept defeat, refund the deposit, and cancel the contract.

As I sat quietly at my desk, I took a moment to process everything. I watched my emotions closely. I was filled with rage and disbelief. My thoughts were racing—I just wanted to pack up and go home, never to deal with that client again. But I didn’t do that. By pausing and observing, I was able to step back and recognize, “This is just part of the game.” Situations like this are inevitable, and my strong emotions were just a natural reaction to the loss. I acknowledged them, but I knew I couldn’t let them control me, couldn’t give it power. I didn’t want to be dragged down by judgment, anger, or regret.

Instead, I turned my focus inward, choosing gratitude over frustration. I reminded myself how fortunate I was to have come this far, and how grateful I was to have a full pipeline of opportunities still awaiting me. I gave thanks for the clients I could still serve, and the chances that still lay ahead.?

In that moment of deep gratitude, something shifted. The weight of disappointment lifted, and my entire energy transformed. I stood up, feeling lighter, and carried on with my day—this time infused with an incredible feeling that cannot be put into words, knowing that abundance was still within my reach.

The setback became just a small ripple in a sea of possibilities.

This only happened because I took the time to observe myself. Over time, I’ve come to realize we all have different aspects of personalities, each one showing up depending on the situation. But we also have the power to say "no" to those aspects when they try to take over.

Picture a pie chart with different sections representing those aspects of ourselves. The small dot in the middle is "you." Whichever section you focus on is what you become. In the heat of the moment, I was angry. That part of me wanted to act out like any angry person might. But because I shifted my attention away from it, I took away its power. It faded, and I was able to move on with my day.

Pie chart showing different aspects of personalites like, ego, anger, judgement, jealousy, envy, fear, pride, contentment. In the middle is You

As you reflect on your own journey, what aspects are you choosing to give power to, and how might shifting your focus transform the way you navigate life/work challenges?


