Harness the Volcano: Continuous Improvement in Glarive!

Harness the Volcano: Continuous Improvement in Glarive!

Cryslyn’s long, purposeful strides propelled her along the factory floor. Elran, her chief engineer, struggled to keep up. Cryslyn was a well-known business leader in Glarive, a world existing deep inside a volcano. Her response was immediate after a discordant clang echoed through her factory. Jumping out of her office chair, she headed straight to the source of the problem. The alarm sounds continued to blare. Hurried shouts of workers called out above the warning blasts.

In the central processing room, there was a flurry of activity around the Magma Molder. The colossal machine used controlled bursts of lava heat to refine and shape obsidian. The end product was an export-ready slab. Under normal operation, the Magma Molder emitted a radiant orange glow. Now there was a plume of dense, black smoke coming out. This was the fourth time this month. It was an ongoing problem. One that continued to plague Cryslyn.

(Watch and Listen to this article here)

Cryslyn had engaged RockRend Consulting. A reputed change management consultancy. The hope was that an external perspective might help improve the systems. They dressed sharply and talked the talk. Their team spent weeks interviewing her employees, assessing systems, and studying operations. Then they retreated to compile their findings.

About two months later, Cryslyn received a thick, ornately bound report. It contained charts, graphs, and detailed technical jargon. There was a list of many improvements. Cryslyn and her leadership team put the strategies in place. Her team adopted some suggestions. But soon they went back to their previous ways. Now that flashy report was sitting on a shelf, collecting dust.

Cryslyn continued to watch the technicians hovering around the Magma Molder. They had removed the control panel covers. A spaghetti of wires was strewn everywhere. “Should I schedule another lesson’s learned meeting?” asked Elran. Cryslyn looked at Elran. “Hold off for the moment,” responded Cryslyn.

There were several lessons learned meetings held before and after the RockRend Consulting report. They’d prepared each meeting well. And held it in the company training room. There was a mix of hope and trepidation at each meeting. You could feel the palpable undercurrent of collective responsibility.

Cryslyn’s team is a tight-knit community. They know their livelihoods and safety intertwine with the factory’s success. It was clear Gralen felt the process was too theoretical. “What we need is action,” he exclaimed. Cryslyn thought she heard a younger employee mutter, “It’s the same as last time.” Each session was a long day, with many topics discussed. It was difficult to collect all the information. Cryslyn knew they all felt overwhelmed afterward. It was hard enough to comprehend the information. Implementing effective change was near impossible. If she was honest with herself, very little changed after losing a day of production for each lessons learned meeting.

The smoke had now cleared. The wires are back in place, hidden behind the replaced control panels. “They're ready to fire it up,” said Elran. Cryslyn nodded. Out of sight, behind her back, she crossed her fingers. Lyron called out, “Clear!” A cascade of thumbs-ups rose into the air. A chorus of “Clear!” in response came from the various technicians.

Lyron pulled the main switch, and an electronic hum filled the room. “Stand back!” he yelled. He looked at Cryslyn and gave her a confident nod. Lyron turned the operation switch to ‘Start Up’ and pushed the large green button.

A gentle hiss of coolant signalling that subterranean liquid was circulating. Satisfied, he pushed the next green button. A valve above the machine opened. A slow drip of magma fell through and entered the chamber. Next to the buttons was a large lever. Lyron pulled it all the way across. Then he moved the control switch to ‘Run’. An intricate dance of mechanical arms began. Empty molds moved under dispenser nozzles. At the precise moment, molten obsidian fell into each mold. The process repeated with each full mold exiting the Magma Molder. An orange glow grew from the machine and lit up all the Glarivian faces.

The room erupted in a cheer. Lyron walked over to Cryslyn. “It’s a good machine. These Glarivians are great. We need to get the integration right,” said Lyron. “I understand," responded Cryslyn. “Make sure everything is okay with the Magma Molder and then come to my office,” she continued. Lyron nodded. Cryslyn turned and exited the central processing room.

Shortly after, there was a meeting in Cryslyn’s office. Cryslyn, Elron, and Lyron met with Dorsian Anodrisma of Andros Maw Daiman. Cryslyn first met Dorsian several weeks earlier. It was fortuitous that Cryslyn was in the middle of a meeting with him when the alarm bells rang. He experienced the issues firsthand.

Dorsian outlined the Andros Maw Daiman Continuous Improvement Strategy. It identified the most important problems. Quickly finds solutions. And rapidly creates new habits. Cryslyn felt excited because this system addressed changing habits. Through bad experiences, Cryslyn identified three key areas where previous change attempts had failed.

  • Habits: Glarivians are creatures of habit. Once a habit is ingrained, it stays put unless replaced with a new habit. Without emphasis on implementing new habits, staff quickly return to old ways.
  • Conscious Understanding and Unconscious Action: Understanding is a conscious function. Action is an unconscious function. For actions to change, learning must be at an unconscious level.
  • Ineffective Translation: A clear understanding of issues is not recognised by consultants or management. This leads to a new system containing gaps or being ineffective.

The Andros Maw Daiman Exceptional Effort Continuous Improvement System addressed these issues. Its simplicity obscures its power.

The system requires short (1/2 hour) and regular (weekly) on-time team meetings. These must start on time and finish on time. At the inaugural meeting, every Glarivian brings their top two problems. Collectively, they rank from most urgent to least urgent to resolve. They agree to focus on solving the top two problems as a priority. To that end, every Glarivian has a task to complete before the next meeting. Preferably, they select their own tasks. This increases Glarivian accountability. They meet each week to review and update. A key element is the ‘No Excuse Policy’. If a Glarivian doesn’t complete the task they set, they cannot give an excuse. They can only say, 'I didn’t do it'.

Dorsian’s previous clients had transformed their businesses using this system. Staff cohesion increased significantly. There was higher motivation and satisfaction, and complaints were almost eliminated. Most of all, the system tapped into the company’s greatest asset. Its employees had a wealth of knowledge to help improve operations. This system gave a company access to this value at no extra cost.

A few months later, Cryslyn was sitting in her office, smiling. Things had never been better. Productivity was up. Profits were up. Morale was at its highest. Cryslyn was happy. She’s worked so hard for so long. Yet, this continuous improvement system was so simple and made a massive difference. She thought about how many hidden gems are right in front of you. All you need to do is open your eyes to see them.

Exceptional Effort Continuous Improvement

Clearly, this is a story about DamianAndrews.com 's Exceptional Effort Continuous Improvement program.?

It’s a very simple system to implement. Plan and hold the meetings as outlined in the story, and the results are almost immediate.

You can do this yourself. However, if you want help, please feel free to reach out. We’d be more than happy to help.

The DamianAndrews.com Continuous Improvement programme is part of the Exceptional Effort package. But it can operate as a stand-alone programme as well.

The benefits include Effortless Adaptability, creating Sustainable Habits, developing an Innovative Mindset, have Enhanced Efficiency and giving you a Competitive Advantage.??

Continuous Improvement is designed to forge unparalleled meaningful business and life relationships.

We believe in Continuous Improvement so much that it comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.

Plus, we have developed a unique system using MicroLearning, SocialLearning, and Gamification, so changes are rapidly implemented in your business.

If it’s not unreasonable for you to learn more about how Continuous Improvement can have a dramatic impact on growing your business revenue and profit, please feel free to reach out. We’d love to chat and understand how we can help your businesses keep up and thrive.


Sliding Elephants through Eyes of Needles

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Greg Coquillo J.G Simone Ambreen Nadeem Gary Travis Raj Gupta Lift Others to Get Lifted Ghulam Haider Guy Michael Williams Georges Da Costa Ambreen Nadeem Heidi Briones Helen S. Hayat KOUIDER Holly Smith Heather Louise Vasey ?????? Hina Shahzad Hamid Waseem Eur Ing. Ts. Sukor Zainal Muhammed Imran Ghani Emmanuel Iserameiya, LL.M, MBA, AIGP CIPP/E, CIPM, FIP, CISM, C-IAM, C-DPO, AgilePM Ioana Dimoftache Ibrahima NIANG Ian Jolly Dr. Irène Y. Kilubi

Ambreen Nadeem

Top 100 Thought Leaders l Bestselling Author I Keynote Speaker l Podcast Host l Founder of Psychology Talks l Marketing Research Consultant

1 年

Great article

J.G Simone

56K + Followers Previously Senior Quality Assurance Verifier - Aecon Utility Engineering

1 年

Thanks for the shout out Damian Andrews


