Manthan Bhavsar
Founder & CMO at Metizsoft | Entrepreneur | E-commerce, Fintech & Platform Engineering Expert | Investor | Tea Enthusiast | Podcaster - Chai Time With ManthanBaba | Helping Businesses Grow & Thrive
There is a growing awareness of Artificial Intelligence, robotics, and Super-intelligent machines in Indian Society. It is also said as “FUTURE OF HUMANS.”
Artificial Intelligence Applications demonstrated by highly equipped machines are gaining popularity. In the near term will dominate the worldwide economy by performing every aspect of the task in your daily lives.
Humans+Intelligent machines are mastering in areas of robotics and its automation, SAR, neurosciences, cognitive science, wealth management business, etc., and making the process truly intelligent to super-changing Society.
Artificial Intelligence, unlike natural intelligence, is a wide-ranging branch of computer sciences and machines typically concerned and programmed to perform human-like tasks and follow specific behavior like planning, knowledge representations, learning, emotions, consciousness, and reasoning.
In general terms, researchers have trained computer models to identify an individual’s personality traits. It often revolves around well-defined complex-implementation algorithms, a set of unambiguous instructions to solve and perform tasks.
These modern machines will become increasingly capable of performing tasks requiring problem-solving behavior, biological intelligence, self-driving four-wheelers, play strategic imperfect-information games, and cognitive functions.
With an increase in modern technology, a new means of cyber-attacks and crimes will be invented; however, this new-era defining technology will bring about broadly shared safety and security.
This evolutionary system has become a truly revolutionary feat of computers, set to become an extreme feat of all modern software and components over the upcoming years.
AI was founded in 1995, and it is growing into faith-based technology. AI is filling the growing power of wisdom and technology, and this project is giving rise to super-intelligent machines and technologies.
We have always heard about the positive aspects of AI’ however, and you will come to the roller coaster ride of the science-fiction project through this article.
Addressing New Cyber risk and Nefarious Threats through AI
There are several waves of optimism in controlling cyber crimes and vulnerable attacks through Artificial Intelligence. People will devote less time and effort to maintaining online theft, crimes, and fraud.
We are part of the community, and people believe this project can threaten our Democracy. However, the concurrent advantages of Artificial Intelligence prove highly powerful for fighting crimes like this.
The AI-driven industries are becoming more conscious as most tasks like jobs, office-work, etc., are primarily performed by the robot.
Therefore, cyber attackers have grown in their understating of new cyber crimes. There is an extraordinary impact of AI on cyber-security, even though AI threats are constant and accurate.
AI is becoming a powerful weapon to devise more destructive forms of attacks; however, amplifying that vulnerability attacks are in trends, there is an escalation in cyber arms. As a result, AI is continuously monitored to counter cyber security threats and attacks.
The threats or cyber-attacks stretch from the back-office to the supply chain to the front office; however, organizations like the USA, AI Programmes, Department of Defence, and the space agency NASA is adhering to take severe and strict actions.
AI is severely affecting data and privacy factors. Threats are not limited to complex societal issues, fragmented digital figures, but AI could lead to military risk and loss of control over dangerous weapons. This is called AI weaponization.
Unfortunately, cyber criminals access mere passcode bars, making it easy for hackers to access several personal information and applications.
AI and Cyber Security Solutions
It is spookily impressive that AI can be hacked, but AI might be the solution to stop AI hacks and crimes.
Precisely, in 2021, we are expecting countless developments and growth in AI cyber security departments. However, the field of AI is increasing rapidly in privacy, safety, inequality, and security.
The increased potential risk and inappropriate online behavior are affecting everyone’s life, and to determine unlawful activities, there are some of the reinforced cyber security strategies below-
- Deploying AI,
- AI can identify and prioritize risk
- Countering cybersecurity threats,
- AI-based cybersecurity tools,
- Strengthening Democracy,
- The criminal justice system,
- Researching on user-based threats
- Proactive security
Managing Entitlements to Secure Cloud Infrastructure
Do you know what cloud infrastructure management system- CIEM? - The Foster Research explains that many businesses to transitions are working remotely due to covid-19. Due to this digital transformation’s acceleration has blurred the line between the public and internal network offering complex environment, protecting identities and cyber securities.
This term is used as a SaaS solution (Software as A service) that reduces the risk, provides a cloud-native security platform to help business properly, and gives permission to identities recommendations to risk reduction.
Adequate cloud-native security continues to grow further, and the solution depends on IAM policies which stand for properly administering identify and access management.
One of the most challenging realities has emerged that CIEM is complicated and difficult to get in touch with because organizations utilize multiple cloud service providers resulting inadequate identities.
To address these complex challenges, customers should use this most comprehensive and robust entitlement cloud management platform.