In Harm’s Way - Ch. 19
Excerpt from rough draft of In Harm’s Way by Pat Otterness
????????????Hoist with my own petard,?I though.?Now what??“What do you want, Vaughn?” I asked.??“What have I done now to arouse your ire? I’ve been minding my own business.?Not entirely a lie.
????????????“I think we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot, Ms. Chance.??We need to work?together.
He gave me an oily smile. An ingratiating leer, actually.
?As the Stomach Turns,?I thought, misquoting the title of a popular TV show. “And why would I want to do that, exactly?”??My disappointment was chewing a hole through my civility.
“I’ve noticed how much you like men in uniform,” he said. “I thought you would like an opportunity to work with a?real?man.”??He laid a meaty palm on my shoulder.??Then, in a blur of motion …?poof!?… he disappeared.
“Woof!” said a fast-moving Wolf, Demon aboard and loaded for bear.
I looked around and saw Sheriff’s Investigator Vaughn plastered up against the huge pyracantha that bordered my house, shocked for once into silence.
After a moment, a string of profanity tumbled from his lips.??I was fighting so hard not to laugh, I almost peed my pants.
“Get me out of this bush!” Vaughn said in a high, angry voice. “Get me the hell loose from these thorns!”??He was well and truly caught in the prickly embrace of my pyracantha bush.
His raised voice drew the attention of Chance and Hiram, who had been walking away when Wolf dashed past.?
“What happened?”??Hiram looked at me, and then at Inspector Vaughn.??
“ I’m not sure,” I said, “but I think Wolf attempted an intervention. This idiot was trying to make nice with me.”
Chance scratched his head.??“I thought mebbe it was?you?that pushed him in there.”
If only!?I guess we should pull him out,” I said.
“I’m going to kill that dog,” Vaughn growled, struggling without success to free himself.
“On second thought, he has a poor attitude. Maybe we should leave him there.??”??I made as if to walk away.
“He threatened my dog.” said Hiram. “He can hang there till he rots.”
Chance, though, began to pick the thorns away from Vaughn’s once-tidy uniform. “ I wouldn’t mess with Harm’s dog, if I was you,” he warned. “ You’ve never seen Harm when he’s mad.”
Detective Inspector Vaughn tumbled free, scowling.??Clearly not so much hurt as offended.??“You’re going to pay for this uniform,” he said.
“Not my dog,” I replied.
“Your bush, though.??Yes indeedy, your?bush.”??He slammed his cruiser door, screeched out of my yard in a cloud of dust and was gone.
I was a little concerned for Demon’s welfare, and walked out on the porch to see if he was back, nearly tripping over Wolf, who was stretched out full length on the floorboards in a puddle of dog drool.??To his back clung what appeared to be a comatose cat: Demon.??I reached out a tentative hand to lift him off, and?Bam!?Demon nailed me.??Why did I never learn?
“Fine,” I said. “Your choice.”??Demon didn’t even open his eyes. Wolf rewarded me with a half-hearted tail wag and settled more deeply into the puddle of drool.
????????????The phone was ringing as I stepped back into the house, blotting the blood from Demon’s rebuke.
????????????“Chat, where have you been?” demanded my sister Hope.??“I’ve been calling all over looking for you.”
????????????“Yes, he told me.”??I grinned to myself.??“What is so desperately urgent???I was visiting at someone’s house.??Chance actually came there to fetch me.??It better be good.”
????????????After a long silence I said, “Well???Why did you call me?”
????????????“Now don’t get mad, okay???I wanted to talk to you about Jon.”
????????????“Jon What’s-his-name.??My big date at MacDonald’s???You can’t have forgotten that,” said Hope.
????????????“I can’t believe you sent Chance out looking for me just so we could discuss your love life.??Are you out of your mind???Wait!??Forget I asked.??I know the answer.”
????????????“What if he doesn’t call me again???What if he’s Mr. Right and I’ve lost my chance?”
????????????“What if I barf up my dinner in disgust?” I replied.??“What if I hang up this phone right now?”??I meant it, too.??Rushing home expecting?whoever?only to be ambushed by Vaughn was not my idea of a good time.
????????????“It was so embarrassing,” said Hope.??“Having you and Harm and that Deputy there.??“I couldn’t be myself.??I was too flustered.”
????????????“Nines,” I said.
????????????“Nines.??Deputy Fivush Nines.”
????????????“I thought his name was Phil.”
????????????“Same thing.??Phil.??Fivush.”
????????????“Whatever.??This isn’t about him.??It’s about you and Harm messing up my blind date.”
????????????“Hey!??You were the one peering under stalls, looking for friends.??I wouldn’t even have known you were there if you hadn’t called yourself to my attention.??Give me a break!”
????????????“All I want is another chance, Chat.??A fresh start with Jon, without you and Harm there discussing dead bodies.”
????????????“Reality check, Ms. Second Chance,” I chuckled.??“Jon Mason is a forensic tech.??If you hook up with him, you will always be listening to conversations about dead bodies …”??A click from the receiver told me Hope had disconnected. Oh, well.
????????????I was lying flat on my belly on the basement floor, wielding a bent coat hanger when I heard footsteps upstairs. Alarm, followed by annoyance, made me more alert as the footsteps neared.??I couldn’t remember if I’d locked my door.??Not that that would stop Chance or Hiram if they chose to enter uninvited.??Even Wolf knew how to open my door.
????????????“Chat?” Hiram’s voice filtered down from the head of the stairs.??“Are you okay.”??His feet clattered down the steps and stopped at my feet.??“Why are you lying on the floor???Did you fall?” His voice was full of concern.
????????????“Yes,” I said. “ I fell down the stairs and skidded across the floor with a coat hanger in my hand, which jammed under the washing machine.”??Really, men could be so stupid!??“Could you give me a hand with this???Something has rolled under the washing machine, and I can’t seem to pry it out.”
????????????“What is it?” he asked, peering down to try to see between the floor and the washing machine.
“No idea,” I said, “but I think it’s metal. It fell out of the corpse’s hand when I fell into the grave, It was all covered in mud. I jammed it in my pocket and forgot about it.”??I jiggled the coat hanger. “It just showed up in my laundry. I think it’s wedged under there.”
“Corpse?” said Hiram.??“You took something from a?corpse’s?hand?”?
I could hear the revulsion in his voice. “How could you?do?that?”
“I wasn’t thinking, okay? You had to be there. It just fell and I picked it up out of the mud. I had other things to worry about, like not falling on top of a decomposing body”.
“Urp!” said Hiram.
“No-o-ooo!” I cried, but it was too late.??Hot vomit splashed across my bare legs.??I peed my pants. Why not.??It was looking like that kind of day.
Hiram beat a hasty retreat before I could even get up off the floor, and a good thing, too.??I was in no mood to deal with his queasy stomach or his half-assed excuses for coming in my house without knocking. I used my clean tee shirt from the dryer to wipe off the vomit and then marched upstairs and into the shower.??After a while the warm water soothed my offended feelings.??I wasn’t quite ready to clean up the mingled fluids on my basement floor though.??It could wait until tomorrow.?Or whenever hell froze over.
Working at Pudami Publications which prepares practice and resource books for classes 6th to 10th. I take care of the English content. I also have a YouTube channel Website
2 年Very nice
Senior Manager at SBI General Insurance
2 年Beautiful bright and yellow
?? Thriving in Retirement ? Web Diva? ? Zealous Wordsmith ? Cookie Queen ? Musical Theatre Maven ? Crafting Enthusiast ? Curly Girl
2 年And it just keeps getting better, Pat Otterness!
??Interior Designer at LH Designs .. Writer .. ‘. ‘Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside.’ - Coco Chanel
2 年I’m curious about that metal object.. and a few times now we hear about Harm’s anger … hmmm! ?? Pat