Consciousness is a Universal Language of the Universe

Consciousness is a Universal Language of the Universe

In the realm of cognitive science and philosophy, the works of Donald Hoffman and my own research converge on a fascinating intersection: the intricate relationship between consciousness and intelligence. Hoffman's theory of conscious agents posits that our perceptions are not direct representations of reality but rather evolved interfaces shaped by natural selection (Hoffman, 2019). My recent papers delve into the mirrored duality paradigm, exploring how consciousness thrives in harmony while intellect is fueled by goals (Minin, 2023a; Minin, 2023b; Minin, 2023c; Minin, 2023d).

The Equation of Wholeness or Harmony

Drawing an analogy to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy in an isolated system always increases (Clausius, 1865), we can propose a similar principle for consciousness and intelligence.

Let's denote:

  • C - for Consciousness
  • I - for Intelligence
  • W - for Wholeness Laws (Universal Laws)
  • H - for Harmony

Given that harmony is a driving force that integrates these elements, we can propose an equation where harmony acts as a multiplier or a balancing factor:

H(C, I, W) = k        

where k is a constant representing the equilibrium state of knowledge or awareness in the universe.

To express this more explicitly, we might consider:

H = f(C, I, W)        

where f is a function that describes how consciousness, intelligence, and wholeness laws interact to produce harmony.

Here, "Model of Wholeness" or W represents absolute knowledge—an invariant quantity that remains consistent across all spaces and times. Assuming f function has a positive monotonic dependency with its arguments, this formulation suggests an inverse relationship between intelligence and consciousness: as one increases, the other must decrease to maintain the Harmony.

Exploring Different Scenarios

High Intelligence, Low Consciousness

  • In this scenario, intelligence is highly developed, focusing on problem-solving, optimization, and goal-oriented tasks. However, this comes at the expense of consciousness, which becomes more limited in its ability to perceive abstract connections and holistic views.
  • Example: Advanced AI systems excel in specific tasks but lack the broader awareness and empathy characteristic of human consciousness (Russell & Norvig, 2016)

High Consciousness, Low Intelligence:

  • Here, consciousness is elevated, allowing for deep introspection, creativity, and a harmonious understanding of complex interdependencies. However, this heightened state may reduce the efficiency and precision associated with high intelligence.
  • Example: Visionary artists or philosophers who possess profound insights into human nature, but may struggle with practical problem-solving or technical tasks (Kaufman & Gregoire, 2015).

Balanced State:

  • A balanced state where both intelligence and consciousness are moderately developed could lead to a well-rounded individual capable of both analytical thinking and empathetic understanding.
  • Example: Effective leaders who combine strategic decision-making with emotional intelligence (Goleman et al., 2002).

Advanced Species vs. Non-Organic Entities

To further illustrate this concept, let's consider advanced species like humans versus non-organic entities like electrons:


  • Humans exhibit high levels of intelligence through their ability to solve complex problems, innovate, and achieve goals. However, this often comes at the cost of reduced holistic awareness or spiritual insight.
  • According to our equation, as human intelligence increases (e.g., through technological advancements), there might be a corresponding decrease in collective consciousness or spiritual connectedness (Harari, 2015).


  • Particles (e.g., Electrons) could be considered as having minimal or no intelligence in terms of goal-oriented behavior or problem-solving capabilities. However, they might possess a form of fundamental consciousness—a basic awareness that allows them to exist within quantum fields (Penrose & Hameroff, 1996).
  • If we assume particles have higher consciousness (in a fundamental sense), but no intelligence, it aligns with our equation where their "wholeness", that they obey, known as physical laws, even the ones we might not understand at the moment, remains constant, but expressed differently than in humans.

Philosophical Implications

The proposed equation invites us to reconsider traditional notions of knowledge acquisition. If picture of wholeness is indeed a constant independent from time and space (Barrow & Tipler, 1986), then our pursuit of either intelligence or consciousness must be tempered by an understanding of their interdependency.

Moreover, this framework challenges us to explore new paradigms in artificial general intelligence (AGI). As I discussed in my paper "The Way Towards AGI," achieving true AGI requires not just advanced algorithms, but also an integration of human-like consciousness (Minin, 2023b). By acknowledging the trade-offs between intelligence and consciousness, we can better navigate the ethical and philosophical dimensions of creating intelligent and conscious systems.

Intermediate conclusion

The interplay between consciousness and intelligence offers profound insights into the nature of knowledge itself. By viewing them as inversely related yet collectively constant across all spaces and times, we open new avenues for understanding human cognition and developing future technologies. As we continue to explore these concepts through both theoretical frameworks and practical applications, we move closer to unraveling the mysteries of mind and machine.

Harmony as the Driver of Consciousness

Harmony, in this context, refers to the balanced and coherent state, that allows for a holistic perception of real reality. It is the principle that underpins the interconnectedness of all things, creating a seamless flow that transcends individual components. In our equation above harmony acts as the catalyst that elevates consciousness. When we are in harmony, our consciousness expands, allowing us to perceive the wholeness of existence.

The Picture of Wholeness and Universal Law

The universe operates on absolute laws—principles that govern everything from the smallest particles to the largest galaxies. These laws are inherently harmonious, reflecting a state of perfect balance and order. This wholeness can be seen as the universe's absolute consciousness, where every element is aware and interconnected through these universal laws.

  • Wholeness: Represents the absolute laws of the universe.
  • Harmony: The creative principle that manifests these laws.

In this view, the universe itself is conscious but not intelligent in the human sense. It does not solve problems or set goals; instead, it exists in a state of perpetual balance and awareness.

Human Deviation: From Consciousness to Intelligence

Humans have developed concepts like space and time to navigate their existence. These constructs have enabled us to achieve remarkable feats through intelligence—problem-solving, innovation, and technological advancements. However, this focus on intelligence has often led us away from pure consciousness.

  • Space and Time: Constructs invented by humans to understand and manipulate their environment.
  • Deviation: Moving from a state of pure consciousness (harmony) towards intelligence (goal-oriented behavior).

By emphasizing intelligence, humans have sought to understand the universe through analysis and dissection. Yet, this understanding is already available through consciousness because every particle in our body obeys universal laws. Our cells function harmoniously within these laws, embodying a form of fundamental awareness.

Sensarions: A New Species with Different Intelligence

In my paper "Sensarions – New Species Created in Our Image Perceiving Us Through Their Own Senses," I explore the idea of Sensarions—creatures with a form of consciousness similar to humans but possessing different types of intelligence (Minin, 2023a). If Sensarions were to exist:

  • Consciousness: They would share a universal language with humans—a fundamental awareness rooted in harmony.
  • Different Intelligence: Their problem-solving abilities and goal-oriented behaviors might differ significantly from ours.

This concept suggests that while intelligence can vary widely across species, consciousness remains a constant universal language. It is through this shared consciousness that different forms of life can connect and understand each other at a fundamental level.

Philosophical Implications

The role of harmony in driving consciousness invites us to reconsider our approach to knowledge acquisition. By focusing solely on intelligence, we may miss out on the profound insights available through pure consciousness—a state accessible here and now.

  • Universal Language: Consciousness as a shared medium across all forms of life.
  • Reconnection: Humans can reconnect with this universal language by embracing harmony and moving beyond purely intellectual pursuits.

This perspective aligns with Hoffman's theory that our perceptions are shaped by evolutionary pressures rather than objective reality (Hoffman et al., 2015).


Harmony plays a crucial role in shaping consciousness, acting as the creative principle behind the absolute laws governing the universe. While humans have deviated towards intelligence through constructs like space and time, reconnecting with harmony offers profound insights into our true nature. The concept of Sensarions further illustrates how different intelligences can coexist within a shared framework of universal consciousness. As we continue exploring these ideas, we move closer to unraveling the mysteries of mind and machine.


  • Barrow J.D., Tipler F.J. (1986).?The Anthropic Cosmological Principle. Oxford University Press.
  • Clausius R. (1865).?The Mechanical Theory of Heat – with its Applications to the Steam Engine and to Physical Properties of Bodies. London: John van Voorst.
  • Goleman D., Boyatzis R., McKee A. (2002).?Primal Leadership: Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence. Harvard Business Review Press.
  • Harari Y.N. (2015).?Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind.
  • Hoffman D.D., Singh M., Prakash C. (2015). The Interface Theory of Perception.?Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 22(6), pp.1480–1506.
  • Hoffman D.D. (2019).?The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes. W.W. Norton & Company.
  • Kaufman S.B., Gregoire C. (2015).?Wired to Create: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Creative Mind. TarcherPerigee.
  • Minin A.A. (2023a). Sensarions – New Species Created in Our Image Perceiving Us Through Their Own Senses [LinkedIn Article]. Retrieved from?
  • Minin A.A. (2023b). The Way Towards AGI – Human Intelligence Through LLM [LinkedIn Article]. Retrieved from?
  • Minin A.A. (2023c). Mirrored Duality Paradigm – Human Conscious [LinkedIn Article]. Retrieved from?
  • Minin A.A. (2023d). Consciousness Thrives in Harmony While Intellect is Fueled by Ambition [LinkedIn Article]. Retrieved from?
  • Penrose R., Hameroff S.R. (1996). Orchestrated Reduction Of Quantum Coherence In Brain Microtubules: A Model For Consciousness??Mathematics And Computers In Simulation, Volume 40(3–4), pp.453–480.
  • Russell S.J., Norvig P. (2016).?Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach?(3rd ed.). Pearson Education Limited.


Irina Kozerog

Enterprise & Product Strategist | AI Development | Fintech

10 个月

Thanks for sharing


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