Nathalie CROZ
Facilitatrice de changement - Experte en relation à la clientèle et gestion de conflits
Many voices are being heard for a return of the French to work. You know, this instrument of torture that doesn't make you happy, and that is ruining our planet. Obviously, it is important to have an activity that allows everyone the fulfilment and self-esteem necessary for our life in society. From there to making us machines… All the same!
However, according to these same voices, this return to intensive work would be an essential prerequisite for increasing our GDP, which would allow better repayment of our debt. Carrot has also become unattainable.
In the Old World we might have seen this in a purely accounting way.
It turns out that recent years have been marked by serial hiccups (wanted AND unwanted) at the level of our institutions.
Should we pretend to believe it?
Many of us have therefore studied the system to provide a constructive solution to all our problems.
If you haven't read them yet, I refer you to my 10 or 12 previous articles.
Here are the conclusions which serve as a basis for understanding today:
? The New World – New World Order – is only possible by relying on the very Nature of our beings, natural biological rhythms in mind.
? We are all dependent on each other. We will only be able to rebuild society with local, national, and international cooperation and solidarity (Region, Country, and World).
? The justice of the New World Order must be solid and based on the greatest discernment of each person.
I had already mentioned the fact that VOTING is equivalent to PRETENDING to believe the LIES of CARPET MERCHANTS who SING WRONG.
So, continue – or not – to GIVE OUR POWER to people:
? That we don't really know.
? Who are easily corruptible.
? And not controllable.
Involves our own responsibility for the consequences on our life and our level of happiness.
There, you would have the right to ask me:
‘What should we do in this case?’
Indeed, former Canadian Hockey player Louis Frigon highlighted this:
‘The average person is so busy working to earn the money to raise their children that they no longer have time to worry about the world their children will have to live in.’
If you allow me a little offbeat humour, that’s good! With 140 business closures per day, everyone who has lost their job has time to think about it, now.
Of course, we always think better on a full stomach. This is what led to the article ‘How to go from Queen Bee to Queen Alpha (Part 2)’, where I take up the centuries-old idea of a Guaranteed Minimum Income for everyone depending on their location on the planet.
Yes, it can be done! In 2008, an American company, established in Dublin, was responsible for providing gifts for multinationals based on the standards of living in each country. The relationship between everyone's standards of living is already perfectly known and evaluated.
In my opinion (See my very last article ‘Peace: Quèsaco’), it could well be that we are at the beginnings of world peace. The one awaited by so many people for – at least – two millennia.
This Peace being based on a Just exercise of power, it also depends on our level of involvement in the making of laws, and therefore of democracy.
From primary school, we were indoctrinated to remember that there would be 3 separate powers in our country:
????????????? Executive power.
????????????? Legislative power.
????????????? Judiciary power.
Not only are they not separated (see image a little further), but also:
? For a coordinated and efficient operation of our country, we would need to make them work together (same origin, same direction, same meaning), which requires a certain maturity. That of recognizing in another the possibility of being as right as ourselves. Growing up would avoid this great cacophony that we constantly witness.
? There is 1 other power which is almost more important than the first 3. This is the media power without which no mind can form or confront opposing and critical thinking. No one holds the Truth; it is up to each person to exercise their discernment.
? Note that there is 1 power that no one ever alludes to: ours. Because yes, nothing can be done without the conscious and enlightened free will of each person.
1?? There is also a universal consciousness – the supreme power – to which we are all connected as long as we take the time to evaluate our own free will and reflect on the correctness of our own behaviours.
2?? Some authors speak of a financial power without which no company can produce, and no individual can live decently.
To live in society, we need money to circulate in the real economy.
However, if we considered finance as power, we would be its slave.
As free women and men, money must remain a simple means that must circulate in our society.
A means, a tool that we have at our disposal for the good of all.
A tool serving our common good, our society and our vision.
?This image comes from the work of Christophe Magnaudeix.
You can find it on his website: https://desobeissanceciviquededroit.wordpress.com/separation-des-pouvoirs-en-france/ .
This diagram tells us that:
? We are not in a democracy. If we look at its definition (power to the people), it never existed. Besides, if we were in a democracy, no one would need the right to demonstrate.
? We have no Constitution.
? As the President of the Republic must ensure the Constitution, he would therefore have been guilty of Treason against the people.
Ironically, as this does not date from the election of Emmanuel Macron, we can also question the fact that he was ‘elected’. Not being elected, he could not commit this Treason against the people.
? No code of law is applicable in France.
? No ‘elected official’ has the right to exercise, apply a law or vote for it.
? No judgment is possible.
At this point, we have 2 choices:
1?? Add to the ambient cacophony by asking each ‘elected official’ of the Republic to leave their functions immediately.
2?? Plan a transition between the regime in power and a concerted regime.
I know some who would tell me this:
‘The ‘elected ones’ would still have to agree to let go of power!’
This could happen much more easily than some people seem to believe.
For this, these “elected officials” need guarantees. Certain conditions must be met:
? We must ensure the safety of goods and people. ALL property and ALL people.
? We must let go of the concept of ‘secularism’ and move towards that of freedom of worship and beliefs. I had demonstrated that secularism is a cult of non-life which is contrary to our own nature. This transition therefore requires mutual education on a large scale. No one fears what he knows. Knowing a wide range of religions, everyone forms an opinion and moves towards the one that suits them best.
? We must ensure that everyone who will occupy executive, legislative, judicial, or even media functions is sufficiently educated, conscious, and incorruptible, to move towards an improvement in all our relations and a stability that lasts in the time.
Clearly, by choosing assertiveness (win-win relationships) rather than division and domination, we ensure that each individual living on our soil is as satisfied as possible.
In fact, this allows us to calm our relations as well as real progress towards coordinated management of our resources both regionally and internationally.
Better yet, we go beyond the concept of collusion between private and public interests.
While it is important to get involved in the political life of our country, and particularly at the local level:
? Too many people have no interest in this.
? There are already enough people who have fixed ideas and who refuse to consider the possibility of being wrong. Refusing to question their beliefs, they cut themselves off from the possibility of finding assertive solutions. Particularly with their biggest opponents.
? There remains a very small number of people who are really interested in everything and can cross-reference data to obtain better assertiveness (win-win for all).
‘The paradox of democracy is that we need everyone’s participation; while at the same time, many people have never asked themselves the right questions.’
Thus, we can affirm that it is impossible, at present, to give everyone the same voice.
Also note that:
? Those who specialized with great zeal in the Old World are sometimes ‘too’ specialized. This would prevent them from considering solutions that fall outside their field of expertise (out of the box in English). In doing so, they would maintain divisive relational relationships. This simple fact would go against participatory democracy.
? Our expertise varies over time. Nothing prevents Roger from training 5 years before retirement. Nothing prevents us from allowing Lilou (7 years old), passionate about construction, to become an architect as soon as she comes of age.
? When we recognize that everyone has the possibility of evolving and changing, we allow ourselves to deploy solutions that belong to our time and that give us a glimpse of a positive future.
‘School prepares children to live in a world that does not exist.’
Since we wish to evolve in a balanced system that respects our Beings, whatever our age and condition, we should consider moving towards Harmony rather than Democracy.
To my knowledge, there are 6 definitions of the word harmony. Here are 3:
1?? Agreement, good relations between people.
2?? Relations between the parts of a whole, which cause them to contribute to the same overall effect.
3?? Set of principles which regulate the use and combination of simultaneous sounds. Science of chords and simultaneities of sounds.
I had already defined the notion of Unity as being the sum of our uniqueness’s. It could be represented schematically as follows:
In the Unit, everyone has their own colour. However, there are colours that form a similar colour subgroup.
This can be described as a sound wave, or here, as a drop of water which vibrates with the surface of a liquid.
We form sets of concentric circles, different but connected.
Everyone can leap from one circle to another when their consciousness has evolved enough to get closer to the centre.
The implementation of such a system requires:
? An extensive evaluation of each member of the population (character, attractions, particular needs, etc.).
? An evaluation of local resources (at the present time and hypothetically with the evaluation of minimum and maximum capacities, while considering the social change of the population).
? A consultation between each member of our communities to decide who does what and who receives what. The most important thing is to feel respected and to get involved in our respective interests while keeping in mind the notion of the common good.
No one can go against their own beliefs. Certain needs must be satisfied (eating meat, driving a sports car, etc.). Otherwise, we could cause frustration and backlash in the opposite direction.
We are different, but we can respect each other.
‘To get along, we must not have the same ideas, but the same respect.’ (Blixm)
This harmonization of our society implies that:
? We are finishing with the elections for Europe in Brussels.
? We are putting an end to the omnipotence that we grant to our heads of state.
? We gave everyone their own responsibility while providing the support necessary for this assumption of responsibility (autonomy and real prospects for development).
This involves transferring powers from Us (= French Republic State involved in European and Global functioning) to US (= European Regionalism based on individual skills and needs). In another legal form which meets the needs and the serenity of each category of our population.
Self-management of our territories is the only common vision that allows for the involvement and accountability of each of us, and the establishment of harmonious global relations.
I borrow an image found on the networks:
‘It’s not about thinking the same way but looking in the same direction.’ Jochen Peter Breuer
As this article is already long, I will stop here.
I invite you to look at my post yesterday giving 1 example of a possibility of cross-resolution of a multi-sectoral concern.
The next article (Friday May 3) will address the notions of norm and forgiveness. We will see, even if it is sometimes difficult, that it is essential to learn how to forgive if we want to move forward.