Harmonizing Processes to evolving Operations: The Challenge of Change
Processes need to address Operational Chaos !

Harmonizing Processes to evolving Operations: The Challenge of Change

Firstly, some terminological ground has to be cleared. What is an Operation and What is a Process ??


  • Pre-defined and well-designed set of actions and tasks.
  • Aimed at fulfilling a goal or a part of the goal (of One or more Operations).
  • Predictable in nature.


  • Involves more than the process and its predefined properties.
  • Involves indeterminate or unprecedented aspects of a process.
  • Involves ideation and evolution of insights.
  • Deals with conditions and challenges not anticipated during process design.
  • Concerned with the over-all Goal, rather than the method

Do your processes get into Knots when your Operations evolve?

In BPM (Business Process Management) parlance, this would sound as:? A process should NOT ONLY be Defined, Measurable, Monitorable. It should also be Evolvable !

The BPM paradigm is definitely the center stage and ground where maximum ideation has happened historically on how dynamic in practice can IT-Enablement be for small or big enterprises. There are obviously ample pointers to the potential impact of AI here, but maybe it can be a topic for different discussion.( I invite comments from avid readers on that aspect too).?

Process enabling: the fundamental quest of Software

So Processes are about what We are sure about or at least what We yearn to be sure about: Actors, Action Steps and consequent State changes comprise of what the Process is. The world demands predictability in all grounds of life: Processes are important everywhere including; Business, Social & Governance environments. Software enabling processes try to deliver maximally in this requirement

Process Flux arising from Operational change:

There is no harm in imagining a Process as a sequence of Operations at various stages;? But In totality, the ‘Operation’ always has a larger ‘diameter’. It always needs to address certain conditions and challenges that were hitherto not anticipated during the design of the process. OR contains elements which can never be made into a Process too.?

The Operations : Process dichotomy may be exemplified as a few typical Use-Cases, each of which manifest an Operation that ‘envelopes’ a Process:

  • How the school bus safely, ships and drops your child to & fro from Home (Operation) : How you can track the location of your child and be alerted in case of emergencies (Process)
  • -How custom pizzas are ordered and delivered (Process) : How the Pizzas are tasty for various Age-groups (Operation/ Process)
  • -How all citizens have an equal fair chance to exercise franchisee on Voting day (Operation): How Electoral Polls & Systems cannot be rigged (Process)
  • ,How your monies are safe in bank and you can withdraw them with a fair queuing system (Process) : How Banks can survive without folding up in times of economic turbulence (Operation)??

Process modelling is implicit in Software Design

Therefore, from a Process Design view-point (Read Software enabling point of View), Operations always exceed the process boundary because any environment needs change, sooner or later after it is process enabled. EITHER because there have been time-dictated changes in the environment itself OR because they are not anticipated upfront OR both.

The BPM Paradigm?

Traditionally, One key challenge of Software project Ideation, was about how much of the Process/Operation can be anticipated up front, with no need for sudden or frequent change management. Because, Change management in software delivery is costly for a number of reasons including vendor dependence for correcting the Deltas, need for recurrent HR orientation through repeated Training, etc.?

Without digressing too much into the history of the BPM Paradigm; a quick summary could read as follows:?

From the ‘80’s and more forcefully in the ‘90’s, the Industry responded to the ‘Change Risk’ with BPM frameworks representing the convergence of 3 types of technical architectures :?

1. The RAD layer that ensures fast adaptation to changes even if coding is required and 2. The Process Layer where Processes can be extended, change-managed with new properties.?

3. The change itself needs to be anticipated with a Process monitoring layer that provides foresight that the processes are choking with respect to objective fulfillment and thereby provoking responsive correction from various stakeholders. (As No:of passengers increase, there have to be altered processes that manage the higher traffic, with respect to number of considerations including Passenger check-ins, Security check-ins etc)

Post 2010 & Web 2.0, We also saw the onset of a Fourth Architectural Layer, that of Collaboration. Did BPM frameworks adequately accommodate them? A matter perhaps for a different article or post.

Ideally, the Iterations change cycle would first leverage the Process layer for changes in the business Process Model, and if the exact complete change (changes in access, business logic, and data connections between various processes) cannot be completely delivered by the Process layer; the more-foundational code environment is tapped for core changes in real code- a.k.a., Data structures, Algorithms and Database design

This maturation of Enterprise software meant that successful solution consulting & delivery was all about how efficiently Processes could be envisaged, delivered, and persistently change-managed with minimal overheads and monitored for ruptures/ fulfillment.

Process Evolution to cope up with Operational Flux

No-Code & Low Code : The New Genre?

The proliferation of the ubiquitous Web 2.0 around 2010, heralded disruptions in all prevailing paradigms in a manner that cannot be detailed easily. But Global economy, Post (or Parallel to) Web 2.0 has undergone a sea change characterized by:

  • Many time multiplied Economic activity and opening up complete new vistas of businesses?
  • Manifold expansion of the Supply chain; especially in the Services Sector
  • New Marketing Pipelines through Social Media
  • Eco-Systems and Communities where Information cross-flows create Opportunity sets which are fluid and dynamic
  • Need for unprecedented Speed & Innovation to react to the new turbulence of Opportunities as well as Threats

In such an overwhelmingly transformed global milieu & socio-economic landscape, there is one exciting genre of? IT Solutions who drew inspiration from the long evolution of BPM and started trodding a Daring trail ! No Code & Low Code Solutions like Journyz (which is incidentally a No-Code Solution framework) emerged and established continuity with the vastly evolved Engineering strengths within BPM architecture like:?

  • Inter system connectivity for separate Systems to work successfully as Business Eco-Systems vis-a-vis Web Services which had also rapidly matured with the earth shaking Web 2.0 wave [ The new adventurers could now build niche & domain restricted No-Code products addressing a specific domain and co-exist with non-competing similar vendors who are also No-Code or Low-Code ] . Jira, the Project Management tool, is a wonderful example in this regard.
  • Highly Resilient & Flexible Process Layer for fast change management -

  1. The Holy Grail promise of BPM that You could practically ‘draw’ a Process Visually and the system would render all interfaces with the envisaged data connections & work-flows [ No-Code genre products are yet to come sufficiently near to fulfilling the Holy Grail promise (even premium BPM products do not deliver perfectly on this promise); but they address this value proposition in a different manner. SAAS based No-Code Application Builder solutions like Journyz, ship with Ready-to-Use Process Templates for CRM, Accounts Management, Product Life-Cycle Management, Domain Specific Operations Management, etc. The End-User could launch these processes to enable Operations and thereafter fine-tune and change-manage them in Self-Service Mode.

And while shipping with ready-to-use & quick-start templates, Journyz is NOT Domain/Template restricted either. The End-user with sufficient subscription rights can build an entire application ad-hoc from scratch too.???

Change Management could be as minor as adding an additional Text field or perhaps an Auto-Numbering Field to an existing record structure to meet data integrity demands as and when they arise. Or It could be a more major change like adding a more complex Task-List Object which can transform the process property drastically by enabling WBS (Work Break-Down Structure) within a single Task record.

A Task-List Object in Journyz

  1. Advanced resilience for the Process Layer involving rapid re-definition of Process sequences and Inter-Process dependencies/work-flows with Rules & Conditions
  2. Within the Process Layer, a further sub-classified Layer for managing Access control for whole Teams & Individual Users. (An essential challenge for rapid change management, where most systems can fail, despite the perfect strengths in the aspects earlier mentioned)

No-Code Solutions : Promises & Challenges

Whether No-Code & Low-Code Solutions drastically redefine the Time & Cost chemistries in Software Consulting is one of the hottest concerns in the Industry. Will the traditional revenue models of Large Teams billing Long Hours, Days, Weeks & Months for large Enterprise solution delivery, be swamped out with sleeker & more cost-effective delivery Options?

From a closer look at emerging patterns of productization in various solution frameworks, I think We are poised in an exciting transition stage of definable paradigm change in the following fronts:

  • Any Software framework will need to be Low Code (Open Source ERP frameworks like ODOO are already so; yet providing leverage for bottoms-up revision in the Internal Code architecture)
  • Closed/Open Low-Code & No-Code solutions will need to consistently measure up to deliver on the same challenges that Code-Full solutions offer, Like Data Integrity, Access Control, Complex work-flows, etc.
  • Both the New Genre Low-Code & No-Code solution AND existing dominant Code-full frameworks will have to be scalable in the Cloud; so that the advantages of Inter-Operability offered by the Cloud Eco-system can be adequately leveraged.?
  • Scalability will also mean ability to handle both NoSQL & SQL Data especially in the Big Data league.
  • Option for the End-User to manage User Access control & Isolation; should work Fool-Proof in No-Code or Low-Code solutions; without which the entire stack of value propositions built on the Self-Service promise will crumble down when it has to address bigger process scopes and thereby larger Operational landscapes.
  • AI may be leveraged for making the Process evolution more rapid- Processes can ‘morph themselves’ with minimal intervention of human Process monitoring

As a Code-Less Application Builder Framework that also enables Industry ahead collaboration features to bolster better alignment of Processes to Operations, Journyz aspires to swim the challenging waters of all the above streams of challenges. We look forward to leverage all the emerging exciting AI paradigms as well; to ensure that Processes & thereby Operations can evolve better to the high velocity of emerging challenges that are typical of contemporary Business.


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