Harmonize diverse healthcare views
Healthcare politics across the psychosocial orientation spectrum

Harmonize diverse healthcare views

Connect diverse healthcare views to diverse psychosocial needs

Steph Turner, Value Relating


  1. Illuminating diverse needs behind diverse beliefs
  2. Tweeting politicos to harmonize these diverse politicized needs
  3. Stepping further outside polarization

Previously, I harmonized your healthcare politics to your underlying psychosocial needs. I invite you to see how your affected psychosocial needs correlate highly with your political outlook, if you lean politically left or right. Now we delve into how much you lean in either direction. Now we unpack the diversity of healthcare views across the political spectrum.

Healthcare serves as the fifth in eight hot button issues across the spectrum. I delve into these eight issues to illuminate the diversity of views along the psychosocial spectrum discussed previously.

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Left leaning healthcare views generally appeal to wider relationships. I see wider relationships result from unmet social-needs relative to guarded self-needs. Wider relationships tend to generalize how society should protect discriminated group identities, while relying on their established resolved need to remain authentic to their identity despite any pressure to conform or acculturate.

“I need to escape the persisting threats ingrained in society against those outside of traditional norms. Discrimination continues to cost us fair access to basic resources like healthcare. That’s unacceptable!”

Right leaning healthcare views generally appeal to deeper relationships. I see deeper relationships result from unmet self-needs compared to guarded social-needs. Deeper relationships tend to generalize how individuals should have full personal freedom to do their best for others, especially for their loved ones, while relying on their established resolved need to preserve local group cohesion among their loved ones and others centrally important to their lives.

“I need to freely choose what is personally best for me and my family, not what some distant bureaucrat assumes is best. Any disruptions of my personal relationships with my healthcare providers is unacceptable!”



1. Illuminating diverse needs behind diverse beliefs

Categories along the continuum are less about fitting into neat definitions, and more for comparing with each other. There easily can be some overlap across categories. Let’s focus more on the vulnerable needs beneath the visible expressions of healthcare politics.

Remember, harmony politics is not about finding harmony between the left and right. No, harmony politics supersedes the political divide by linking

outward political rhetoric


inward vulnerably felt needs.

Sometimes the sharpest differences are not between left and right, but between those within the left and between those within the right. You tend to expect more from those in the same camp. Your sharpest disagreements about healthcare tend to be among those you’d expect more agreement.

Harmony politics links you to the diverse needs in each of these camps under the big tent of each partisan wing. You are challenged here to listen for the hard-to-express needs behind the declared rhetoric.

You can disagree all you want with each declared position. You get nowhere disputing the underlying vulnerable needs. The very risk of others rejecting your inflexible needs prompts you to guard them under the cover of tribal politics. Doesn’t it?

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WIDE-YET-SHALLOW - Far Left Socialist/Democratic Socialist:

It’s easier to visibly declare

Capitalism is a sick system keeping us all sick. We must do better.

It’s harder to vulnerably admit

We need universal health care guaranteed by public ownership and admin of all health services. We need to abolish any profit motive medicine with its conflict of interest, and instead fund this single-payer system by progressive taxation.

Economic discrimination, often out of plain view, prevents many of us to benefit from the best healthcare system in the world. It’s a sick system keeping us sick in the name of health choices.


WIDE-THEN-DEEP - Social Progressive/Social Democrat:

It’s easier to visibly declare,

Healthcare is a human right, not a privilege for those who can afford it.

It’s harder to vulnerably admit

We need to access health care as a right whether we can afford it or not, without risk of going deeper into debt. We need to keep pace with every other industrialized nation already providing some form of universal healthcare.

Only a single-payer system can guarantee the basic right of healthcare equally to all. Obamacare improves on the previous status quo, but still leaves many without basic services like mental health coverage. Questions how to afford it dodge the morally questionable expense of not doing it.


WIDE-AND-DEEP - Center Left Liberal/Moderate:

It’s easier to visibly declare,

The richest nation on earth has a responsibility to ensure all have 
access to affordable care.

It’s harder to vulnerably admit

We need to work within the current health care system of trained providers with the Affordable Care Act. We need to balance what is pragmatically available with a greater role of government to ensure access to all.

How can we make American great if we fail to provide guarantee the health of citizen like every other developed nation in the world? How can we compete in the world with skyrocketing rates of mental illness, the Opioid crisis and other productivity crushing ailments?


DEEP-AND-WIDE - Center Right Conservative/Moderate:

It’s easier to visibly declare,

Until economic opportunity lifts us all up, government can minimally 
support affordable access to healthcare resources necessary for equal 
economic opportunities.

It’s harder to vulnerably admit

We need to replace Obamacare with a national or state level health exchange providing better choices. Consumers should be able to choose their own doctors and not be penalized with more taxes if they didn’t enroll.

As we grow accustomed to government assured healthcare access, as we are now accustomed to Social Security and Medicare as parts of an essential safety net, we can still safeguard quality healthcare options. What good is a healthcare exchange if overall quality of choices goes down?


DEEP-THEN-WIDE - New Right Reactionary/Alt-Lite:

It’s easier to visibly declare,

The best healthcare system in the world results from a free market of 
choices, and any government interference risks diminishing its quality.

It’s harder to vulnerably admit

We need to preserve our traditional system covered by private health insurers to choose our own providers. We need the competition the market creates to produce high quality options for us to reach our full health potential.

Health is a private matter between oneself and one’s healthcare provider. Government involvement tends to drag down the quality of choices. Create long waits. Risk giving government authority over life-or-death decisions. Wellness cannot be dictated by government mandate or assured by impersonal regulations, but best achieved by resources created in the competitive marketplace to match specific needs.


 DEEP-YET-NARROW - Far Right/Alt-Right:

It’s easier to visibly declare,

How healthcare gets provided is not as important as ensuring 
identitarians like us can affordably access it.

It’s harder to vulnerably admit

We need reliable healthcare to guarantee the wellness of our people threatened by foreign pathologies. We need to be pragmatic in what best serves the health needs of working-class white folks.

The supposedly free market health system is already bogged down in a milieu of regulations, subsidies and tax breaks working against working class whites and other ethnic enclaves, favoring legally savvy elites. Republican elites’ deregulating big business and tax cuts for the rich continue to hurt the white working class, cutting them off from quality healthcare. Besides, members of the alt-right dread losing their job-provided health insurance if outed and fired, so a public option could embolden their “economic nationalism” pronouncements.


2. Tweeting politicos to harmonize these diverse politicized needs

Timing has me shifting gear. As I get set to post this, the CNN Climate Change Townhall wrapped up. This provides an ideal opportunity to engage all the 2020 Dems in the presidential race on the same issue because of an organized event. Or trying to engage, but for now it’s more like I’m broadcasting to them my original climate change article and infographic.

  • Former Vice President Joe Biden
  • New Jersey senator Cory Booker
  • South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg
  • Former Housing and Urban Development secretary Julián Castro
  • California senator Kamala Harris
  • Minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar
  • Former Texas representative Beto O’Rourke
  • Vermont senator Bernie Sanders
  • Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren
  • Businessman Andrew Yang




ENGAGING Cory Booker


ENGAGING Pete Buttigieg


ENGAGING Julián Castro


ENGAGING Kamala Harris


ENGAGING Amy Klobuchar (via TheHill)


ENGAGING Beto O’Rourke


ENGAGING Bernie Sanders


ENGAGING Elizabeth Warren


ENGAGING Andrew Yang


ENGAGING THE ENGAGED (Ted Cruz & Alyssa Milano)

Not directly addressing the climate change debate or town hall, but these two politically opposing figures welcome engaging each other over the issue of guns. That’s what harmony politics is all about!

Later, I can get back to tweeting about the healthcare issue.


3. Stepping further outside polarization

This article on healthcare serves as the fifth in the second series of issue-oriented articles. Let’s harmonize our politics to our diverse needs, to replace bitter divisive politics with greater respect and love for one another. One issue at a time.

Follow each issue here. Links for articles yet to be published will understandably not work yet.

1 Harmonize your immigration politics. Harmonize diverse immigration views.

2 Harmonize your climate change politics. Harmonize diverse climate change views.

3 Harmonize your gun safety politics. Harmonize diverse gun safety views.

4 Harmonize your abortion politics. Harmonize diverse abortion views.

5 Harmonize your healthcare politics. Harmonize diverse healthcare views.

6 Harmonize your criminal justice politics. Harmonize diverse criminal justice views.

7 Harmonize your economy politics. Harmonize diverse economy views.

8 Harmonize your racial politics. Harmonize diverse racial views.



Consider how Harmony Politics could serve your needs. I consult with political leaders and influencers to link them with the vulnerable needs of their audience. Contact me to explore how I can fit this pioneering approach to your particular need to stand out more.

I cover much of this material in more detail in my eCourse Defusing Polarization: Understanding Divisive Politics. Check out the free units to see if it serves your needs. Share the link with others you know in need of this fresh understanding of politics.

Together, let’s revolutionize politics with love. If we don’t, who will?


If you find this article valuable, please click "like" and share freely. Follow here on LinkedIn to keep up with these daily encouragements to turn divisive politics into opportunities to love one another across the political divide. Spread that love, and let some of this love return back to you.

Don't forget to comment below. Thank you for helping turn politics as usual into greater respect for your specific needs, and theirs.


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