Harmonics and Weather
Storm at Dawn

Harmonics and Weather

Tornados (in a group) and hurricanes seem to be capable of doing similar damage. Tornados and hurricanes are definitely harmonic behavior. But they seem to be opposites in construction - or should I say etiology.

Hurricanes cannot have any shear in the upper atmosphere and severe tornados seem to need (lots of) shear in the upper atmosphere.

Remembering the Shroedinger equation for the Hydrogen atom and what it means; I think that same methodology or nearly the same methodology applies in this case. At least the methodology of defining the constraints that apply to the process needs to be done. Then the solutions to that Shroedinger equivalent equation, based on those constraints, are the harmonics available to that weather event. But the constraints are not easy to define. And the constraints of a hurricane are quite different than those of the tornado.

I don’t think the thermodynamic equations can be applied as part of the constraints. That is because the most important term in the equation (the entropy) is only an approximation that fits (closely) to the functional basis of the overall equation. Entropy is not a functional variable. Entropy is a probability distribution. I also have come to the conclusion that entropy (how the energy distributes itself in a system) is the solution to the Shroedinger equation not part of the constraints.

I believe that following the molecular flow of individual molecules and then adding them together into the macro-level, is the only way to define the constraints on these processes - (https://sites.google.com/site/theheathsite/tornado - this describes the methodology for doing this process . . . but this description is just for defining the constraints for simple weather patterns). The process needs to deal with molecules because much (if perhaps not all) of the energy we deal with, directly, is molecular. [Thermodynamic equations are approximations - particularly the entropy portion - thus do not explain what happens to molecules in a system under some condition - so these equations cannot be used as a basis for explaining {or describing} molecular activities.]

[Previously I considered how the entropy would be added to the Schroedinger wave equation; as a constraint. On further thought I came to the conclusion that the Schroedinger equation is solving for the distribution of energy (to the extent it is a probability distribution of energy in the system which is actually not specified by other relationships). So the “entropy” portion of the system is the solution or output to the Schroedinger (Wave or Harmonics) equation, rather than a constraint or input.

With equilibrium entropy and no more than basic boundaries around the system which is at the same temperature as the system, there will be no meaningful constraints for fancy Shroedinger solutions as surroundings at the same temperature evolve to merely a matching “entropy”. This is just a system with black body energy distribution interrelationships. This is the “entropy” of dissipation and equilibrium.

When there are meaningful constraints on the system the wave equation solutions can provide patterns of distribution that appears to be or is contradictory to the normal action of “entropy”. In Social Science and Humanities this is referred to as negentropy - not that entropy is negative - but we observe what appears to be and is entropy acting in reverse of its “normal” activity. Entropy is creating rather than destroying. It is entropy that is doing this.]

The use of the Shroedinger wave equation for physical level processes has two caveats. The Shroedinger equation is supposed to define the action of a system completely. That implies that it does not matter whether it is at the physical level or quantum level. Also my belief is that the formula applies only or at least particularly to the entropy portion at the physical level. The entropy “dances” to the tune of the system constraints.

The Shroedinger results for the hydrogen atom show a set of eigenfunctions that produce distributions that look like this:


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From: Schematics showing the general shapes of s, p, d, and f orbitals. Image credit: UCDavis Chemwiki, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US

In https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/quantum-physics/quantum-numbers-and-orbitals/a/the-quantum-mechanical-model-of-the-atom

Note the typical symmetry (the formation of symmetrical patterns) of each solution under the constraints.

Hurricanes have a particular constraint, that is: they have to be over a large area of water at 79+ degrees. This allows warm wet air to rise in the hurricane area. The wetness (humidity) is part of energy transfer processes that allow the hurricane to grow in strength. It appears the only other constraint has to do with the lack of shear or minimum of shear in the atmosphere; particularly the upper atmosphere where shear can be extreme. The energy of the storm is based on the the condensation/evaporation pump of a strong updraft.

Land based storms have a front constraint. Some water area storms are caused by a front, too. The front constraint refers to a vertical plane that may be curved both horizontally and vertically, The front results when two masses of air at quite different temperatures meet each other. The front itself is the result of harmonic processes based on the constraints of the forming air masses. The output of this solutions needs to converted to constraints in the next level of the calculation, toward developing a wave equation for a "land based" storm..

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Abide With Me, Hayley Westenra, Rugby


Because of the temperature difference between the two air masses, the moisture on the warm side tends to be pushed up into the sky which causes condensation and then forma a condensation/evaporation pump. This is the engine that drives the storm.

Different temperatures of the air masses and differences and direction of their motion lead to differences in detail about how these storms form. The storm processes are a combination of the harmonics of wind under constraint (mainly the front constraint) and the formation of the condensation/evaporation pump in an updraft.

Severe storms of this kind form when there is upper air turbulence. This is often caused by the Jet Stream "whipping". The Jet Stream then appears on the map as an elongated sin curve, so it is changing Latitude rapidly both over time (as the air and the Jet Stream are moving with the basic trade winds towards the East) or as one moves East and West in position.

In the Mid-west the first blizzard of the new Winter Season happens often when the Jet Stream that is fairly stable along the Canadian border much of late Summer and early Fall, begins to whip. The whipping of the Trade Winds at Winters beginning seems to cause the first blizzard of the season (it is helped by a front in the region that gets multiplied by this upper air turbulence).

See: Grymes for more discussion of this.

The Copenhagen School of Quantum Mechanics

  1. The wave function (consider the Shroedinger equation for the Hydrogen atom) represents the total state of the system. [It is defining the constraints on the system.]
  2. The properties of the system are subject to the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle (i.e. we cannot know both the position and the momentum of the system). [Degrees of Freedom Uncertainty Principle: For Harmonic - physical level - systems the degrees of freedom in the system must be high enough that the uncertainty guarantees non-reversibility. Harmonic entropy is a distribution of molecules that have such a high degree of freedom that the individual molecules are not manipulatable; and the constraints can act on the group without being hampered or interfered with by selective direct action,]
  3. When you observe or make a measurement, the wave function of the systems is said to collapse to the observed state. The wave itself exists no longer. [Ultimately this ends the uncertainty and thus the non-reversibility rule locally.]
  4. The tests involve physical measuring devices and are essentially classical and not wave mechanical in nature.
  5. The wave function solutions (eigenfunctions) describe the system in probabilistic terms. [It is where the system lives - this has been related to its probability distribution.]
  6. An experiment on the system can demonstrate particle-like properties, or wave-like properties.

The Measurement Problem - the results of a test appears be related to how the the measurement was taken (particle-like or wave-like results may depend on whether the determination is using particle-like or wave-like methodologies) [ In Harmonics this is about my Rainbow Metaphor]. The instrumentation becomes entangled with the quantum system. If you look for a particular result in a particular way - you may just find it, because of the way you looked.

Entropy and Energy

At equilibrium the distribution of energy is not related to the physical dimensions of the container (or any other physical limitation). The bell curve of energy distribution shows the energy graphed on energy level not on the position of those energy levels in the container. That bell curve of energy versus energy level is a characteristic of equilibrium. Inside our container there is no bell shaped distribution of energy on distance. The motions of the molecules are quit chaotic. They are at equilibrium but the individual molecules do not show this.

On the whole the system is in equilibrium but the energy differences in local areas of the system make it possible for local disturbances (perturbations) to effect the system in a special way. The perturbation can affect the distribution of energy in the system without having an effect on the equilibrium. The local imbalances help the perturbation to produce a wave like form which continues the balance of that energy average that equilibrium requires but provides information to the system about the perturbations and about the system. The wave form balances local low and high energy to produce no change in energy or in the overall distribution of energy (entropy). The wave signal goes out and about the system and provides information about the perturbation and through reflected waves provides information about the system itself. All this without affecting the entropy equilibrium of the system. This involves local energy and balances local energy. It does not affect global energy issues. 

There are local imbalances that can violate the specific equilibrium of thermodynamic entropy because the individual areas of the process become isolated based on perturbations due to initiating circumstances and constraint activities. At that point small groups of molecules (or other forms of small groups) do not follow entropy processes of thermodynamics laws since these are based on probabilities and on the theory of large numbers.The whole unit of the system still must remain at thermodynamic equilibrium (on average) but individual isolated groups have low enough numbers that they are not bound by the statistical rules of entropy.

The building blocks of closed systems in nature are the constraints. What we see (what derives from the constraints) of such cases is based on the harmonics that are tunable to the constraints, on those constraints, and on how the constraints affect the probability distribution. These harmonics are not traceable (or do not happen reversibly), as would be the case under an equal and opposite reaction in Newtonian processes, since they are created by constraints, the constrained probability distribution, and some energy process not directly related to the result (e.g. air blown across the end of a tube). The results are not specific (not based on an equal and opposite reaction), but are a series of possibilities that are describable as theme and variation. They are probabilistic and not structured {Newtonian}.

Summary of Harmonics of Nature

1. The first rule of Harmonics processes is that small groups of entities (including individual entities) do not necessarily follow thermodynamic equations [the rule of large numbers].

2. The second rule of Harmonic processes is that there are one or more constraints and/or initiating activities that insure the entities within the process are separated into small groups so that Harmonic processes (i. e. symmetric behavior) become more important than Entropy (i. e. dissipation) [the rule of isolation].

3. The third rule of Harmonic processes is that the constraints on the process provide a theoretical envelope or box which determines the ‘space’ the Harmonics processes can act in [the rule of constraints].

4. The fourth (and most important) rule of Harmonic processes is that the Harmonics processes that fit neatly into the envelope of the constraints will occur [the rule of symmetry].

5. The fifth rule (call it the Macro-Harmonics rule) of Harmonic processes is that larger groupings that are isolated from each other enough that it limits functional interrelationships between the groups can show Harmonic behavior expressed above normal entropic behavior [the rule of separation].

This short book is an excerpt of chapters from Reverse Engineering the Universe via Post-Structuralism.

(Also see books by Dr. Jerome Heath: Books Available)

See also: Entropy - Our Dear Old Friend.Harmonics of Nature 

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Iseni Mwe Yesu


Harmonics of Storms

The harmonics of storms work in this way. The constraints are limitations that apply to a Shroedinger like wave equation that describes the probability distribution of possible solutions. The balancing of energy and momentum constraints are included in the equation. The solutions to this equation are the possible distributions of the molecules of the system. This would be a series of eigenfunctions. The wave equation would look like any wave equation. The solution is a set of eigenfunctions on the distribution of the molecules [or base entities] of the system. Since it is in probabilistic terms it might be more useful to describe the solution as a description of the life of the system.

It appears that waves near shore are generally static systems. Although the waves from swells appear to be moving into shore; the water is actually relatively stationary [just going up and down with each wave] while the wave action only appears to the eye to be moving towards the shore. Waves from swells are a closed and static system. Surfers [bobbing in the waves] can gauge a lot about the wave that is going to form from the shape [or shapes of action] of the swell. Not, sometime, and canoe trying to catch the waves going into shore. There are funny moments as the canoe does not actually do what you expect.

Waves seem to be set up [emerge] to follow the direction of formation so there is little or no motion in the transverse direction. You can be moved forward, as with a canoe floating on top, because of the the pushing motion of the stationary inclined water surface. The waves can come in at an angle, and there a complex wave forms caused by crossing swells, but the wave tend to have little or no cross directional movement.

Air in the wind seems to form a cyclonic “wave” forms, which duplicate some of the patterns of water waves; but the main motion of the air is transverse to the cyclone. In the other two dimensions, the air is just rotating around a central pivot (while moving forward). There is an entropic stability here, based on dimensional form and Coriolis, so the cyclone motion is preferred. The water wave also forms a cyclone that is in effect stationary [with near zero transverse motion]; which demonstrates the stability of this form in nature.

See: Harmonics of Nature - https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Dr_Jerome_Heath_Harmonics_of_Nature?id=OPUrCwAAQBAJ&hl=en_US

Thunderstorms (land based storms) compared with Hurricanes

Hurricanes appear to me to be a single layer probability distribution under constraints. But it is obvious that the solution of thunderstorms (land based storms) is at least two layers. The first layer, the front, is required to define the front that the storm is associated with.That is the first distribution under constraint that needs to be solved. This solution becomes the most important constraint in the second layer of the storm solution. There could be a third layer if there is high level shear associated with the storm. This makes a third level [for some storms] of solution of the mathematic analysis of land based - thunderstorms. See: The Onion Skin

Closed compared to Open Systems

In the organ pipe solution a stationery probability distribution is implied. It is a closed system also. With a weather pattern we need to have probability distributions on the existing air molecules that also includes dynamic winds in the distribution. The solution including the winds processes demonstrates such distributions that fulfill the constraints of the process. To the extent that this is not a closed system the distribution will follow a minimum of the possible eigenfunctions. See Open and Closed Systems. When the system becomes closed (from Coriolis closure or from vertical motion cycle completion), the distribution inside the closure will follow all the eigenfunctions of the solution at once. Since it is always the same molecules, as in a pipe organ, this is a distribution of motions that is followed by all the molecules together in combination in the closure. That is a necessary part of understanding the entropy of a dynamic closed system under constraint. The moving air [winds] are following a "wave" equation of motion "dynamically".

 See: Somewhere Over the Rainbow.


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Rainbands Weather Map - Hurricane Erin - 08//02/1995

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NWS Melbourne Florida Storm Surveys - weather.gov

Rainbands Weather Map - Hurricane Michael -10/10/2018

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NWS Tallahassee Florida Storm Surveys - weather.gov


Severe Risk Midwest, Joplin Tornado

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Reflections on 2011 Joplin Tornado

See: Polymorphic Interpretation.

And see: Harmonics of Nature, Wind Open and Closed Systems

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Waikiki at Sunset

It is Well with My Soul

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It Is Well With My Soul - Audrey Assad


It Is Well With My Soul

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Harmonics and Weather

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Jerome Heath

Chapter 4: Polymorphic Interpretation.

Chapter 2: Wind Open and Closed Systems

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Purple Haze (Caused by tiny size of particles and steep solar angle.)

Tags: #Weather, #Storms, #Constraints, #Fronts, #WeatherFronts, #Hurricane, #Thermodynamics, #Entropy, #Probability, #Shroedinger, #Distribution, #Dynamic,


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