HARMAN Automotive Engineering Services: Vector certified expertise in AUTOSAR software development
What is the significance of AUTOSAR?
One of the most widely adopted standards for embedded software development in the automotive industry is AUTOSAR (AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture). AUTOSAR is a platform-independent layered software architecture that is the cornerstone of embedded software development in the automotive industry. The standard defines the functionality, interfaces, services, and components for developing modular and reusable software for ECUs. AUTOSAR aims to improve software interoperability, scalability, and portability across different hardware platforms, vendors and applications. OEMs benefit by being able to focus more on building the vehicle and less on reinventing the platform SW.
What are the challenges with AUTOSAR-compliant software development?
AUTOSAR is the most pervasive standard in the automotive industry for applications with hard real-time execution requirements and operating at the highest safety levels, as required, for example, by the ADAS domain. A key challenge in AUTOSAR-compliant software development is the availability of skills and know-how in several different areas, including:
What is a Vector-certified Embedded Engineering partner?
For those seeking expertise in AUTOSAR applications, the Vector Certified Embedded Engineering (CEEP) partner program offers a comprehensive solution. The CEEP certification equips participants with a thorough understanding of AUTOSAR specifications, methodologies, and tools and the ability to integrate and test software components in a complex system.
HARMAN Automotive Engineering Services is now a Certified Embedded Engineering Partner of Vector and part of an elite network of AUTOSAR service providers. Vector is a leading provider of software tools and solutions for embedded software development, focusing on AUTOSAR solutions.
A Vector-certified Embedded Engineering partner is a software services provider that has undergone a rigorous evaluation and certification process by Vector to demonstrate its competence and quality in delivering embedded software solutions based on Vector products and AUTOSAR. The Certified partner has access to the latest Vector tools, technologies, know-how, and support and guidance from Vector experts. They can offer a range of services, including:
How can a Vector-certified Embedded Engineering partner like HARMAN Automotive Engineering Services (AES) help OEMs?
By working with a Vector-certified Embedded Engineering partner, you can benefit from the following advantages:
As a Vector-certified Embedded Engineering partner, HARMAN AES can offer engineering services built on high-quality, efficient, flexible, and compatible solutions based on Vector products and AUTOSAR. HARMAN AES has used Vector’s Classic and Adaptive AUTOSAR Stacks and tooling for OEMs, Tier 1s, HARMAN telematics, and cockpit projects for several years. The partnership between Vector and AES and the certification amplifies these competencies and grants HARMAN privileged access to Vector resources and the latest product updates.
By leveraging this partnership, AES is leveling up its support for OEM and Tier1 customers with AUTOSAR application development and the integration, configuration, and networking for Vector SDV Solutions AUTOSAR stacks.
Learn more about HARMAN Automotive Engineering Services: https://car.harman.com/solutions/automotive-engineering-services
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