Harfang Exploration Inc. (HAR-V)

Harfang discovers spodumene (lithium) in pegmatite dykes at Serpent-Radisson Property, Eeyou Istchee James Bay, QC
Harfang Exploration Inc.

Harfang Exploration Inc. (HAR-V) Harfang discovers spodumene (lithium) in pegmatite dykes at Serpent-Radisson Property, Eeyou Istchee James Bay, QC

Harfang announced on September 13, 2023, that its field crew has discovered several spodumene occurrences in pegmatites in the eastern part of the Serpent-Radisson Property located in the Eeyou Istchee James Bay region, Québec. This discovery was made in the initial days of prospecting that highlighted several pegmatite dykes with up to 50% spodumene crystals. Harfang’s Serpent-Radisson Property consists of 988 claims totalling 50,843 ha and is located proximal to the La Grande – Opinaca subprovince boundary which is a similar geological setting to the majority of the lithium deposits in Eeyou Istchee James Bay area.


Presence of lithium mineralization in pegmatite outcrops and boulders: ?Harfang has commenced a field campaign on Serpent-Radisson as part of a follow-up on a reconnaissance campaign done in the eastern part of the property during summer 2022. The evaluation of the lithium potential of pegmatites during the campaign had grab samples in intrusive rocks that contained highly anomalous beryllium (up to 25,000 ppm), lithium (up to 1,420 ppm), cesium (up to 998 ppm), tantalum (up to 173 ppm), niobium (up to 278 ppm) and rubidium (up to 1,095 ppm), fell in the category known as LCT Pegmatites (see:? https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/eric-lemieux-9468715_quebec-jamesbay-gold-activity-6983420302168858624-hSXK?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop). Recent mapping has confirmed that several pegmatite dykes contain spodumene at different localities spread over at least 1 km. The potential lithium mineralization consists of light grey to greenish elongated spodumene crystals ranging from centimetre size up to 1.4 m in length. The spodumene content is highly variable and reaches up to 50% locally and analytical results shall be disclosed as soon as available. ?Pegmatites in the area contain muscovite with accessory minerals such as tourmaline, garnet, apatite and beryl. The beryl content reaches up to 10% locally in the surrounding pegmatites. A boulder field containing only angular spodumene-bearing pegmatite floats of cubic metre dimensions down-ice of the discovery outcrop have been traced. The spodumene-bearing boulder field measuring ~ 20 m in size is located 30 m SW of the discovery outcrop. Harfang believes that the boulders have not been transported by the glacier and hence could indicate the presence of more LCT (Lithium-Cesium-Tantalum) pegmatites in the underlying bedrock.


More to discover on Serpent-Radisson: Harfang intends to devote most of its efforts to test the extensions of this discovery for the remaining prospecting season on the Serpent-Radisson Property which is already known for its gold and copper potential. Indeed, over the years, diverse styles of mineralization have been highlighted by Harfang in the eastern part of the Radisson Property. Mista is the most significant showing in the area with up to 0.99% Cu, 0.20 g/t Au and 7.7 g/t Ag over 11.7 m in width from channel sampling. (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/harfang-exploration-inc-har-v-go-full-throttle-serpent-eric-lemieux/ ?and https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/harfang-exploration-inc-har-v-continues-deliver-high-grade-lemieux/?trackingId=IAaJA%2FtBQdiddfLLcW7w%2Bw%3D%3D). This showing consists of a quartz-rich arenite/wacke horizon injected by quartz veins mapped at the surface over 350 metres in length and is coincident with an induced polarization chargeability anomaly obtained from an induced polarization survey. That survey suggests that the mineralized horizon could be as long as 700 metres with its strongest chargeability zone, probably related to a higher content in sulphides, hidden under the overburden cover. Moreover, the area hosts many high-grade gold occurrences discovered by Harfang such as Lawr (189 g/t Au, 200 g/t Ag and 1.7% Pb [grab], and 9.79 g/t Au over 1.25 m [channel]), Anaconda Ouest (117 g/t Au), and Couleuvre (38.40 g/t Au).


Polymetallic play à son meilleur: The recent lithium discovery coupled with the already known gold, copper and silver occurrences considerably enhances the mineral potential in the eastern part of Serpent-Radisson. This portion of the Serpent-Radisson Property has received limited field work as the previous focus was oriented toward the western half where most of the exploration work has been conducted since 2020 based on the discovery of gold-rich till and soil and abundant associated gold occurrences in bedrock (Stu Structure) (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/harfang-exploration-inc-har-v-confirms-gold-intervals-eric-lemieux/?trackingId=G%2FBiQSbFRHGMGCe6Lors0g%3D%3D). The Eeyou Istchee James Bay continues to emerge as a North American lithium province comparable to some of the largest districts globally based on the occurrence of several deposits; for example, Patriot Battery Metals CV5 pegmatite with inferred resources of 109.2 Mt @ 1.42% Li2O with a cut-off grade of 0.40%. Furthermore, the Eeyou Istchee James Bay is experiencing an exploration rush with among others several players advancing projects (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/midland-exploration-inc-md-v-brunswick-brw-v-eric-lemieux/?trackingId=GLstniZuQpCkMK%2FQUBPSAQ%3D%3D).


Recall, Harfang had announced on September 6, 2023, that it had resumed its summer-fall program on its lithium and gold projects SE of the Radisson in the NW Eeyou Istchee James Bay (https://harfangexploration.com/en/harfang-resumes-exploration-on-its-lithium-and-gold-projects/). Harfang completed works on the Conviac, Ross and Lemare properties in central Eeyou Istchee James Bay proximal to the Nemiscau area. Exploration is also being completed on the on the La Passe, Ewart and Sakami properties to the NE of Serpent-Radisson. See end of: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/harfang-exploration-inc-har-v-commences-2023-program-lake-lemieux/.



Mr. Ian Campbell, President and CEO, stated: “We are excited about today’s announcement which represents one of the very first discoveries of spodumene-bearing pegmatites since the beginning of the lithium rush in the emerging James Bay district. We are off to a superb start as our team has only been on this Property for a few days following the lifting of the lengthy fire ban and there is a lot of ground to cover. We have felt since last year that the area of this discovery had excellent potential for the discovery of LCT pegmatites based on our initial sampling results combined with the overall favourable geological environment which contains similarities to the major lithium deposits in James Bay. This discovery area also contains several high-grade gold showings as well as the compelling Mista copper target which is drill-ready”.


Important Disclosures


Harfang Exploration Inc.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????

D???????????? The Mining Analyst, in his own account or in a family related account, owns securities in excess of 50,000 shares of the issued and outstanding equity securities of this issuer.

V???????????? The Mining Analyst has visited material operations of this issuer, namely the Lac Menarik project.

P???????????? This issuer paid a portion of the travel-related expenses incurred by the Mining Analyst to visit material operations of this issuer.

R???????????? This issuer has indirectly paid the Mining Analyst.


Mining Analyst Certification

I, éric Lemieux, Mining Analyst, hereby certify that the comments and opinions expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject and the issuer.



UPDATE: December 6, 2023

Harfang confirms lithium and high-grade tantalum at its Serpent-Radisson Property, Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Québec.



Harfang reported on December 6, 2023, analytical results from its lithium discovery, known as the Améliane Showing, hosted in a highly evolved LCT spodumene-bearing pegmatites on the Serpent-Radisson Property. The Serpent-Radisson Property is located in Eeyou Istchee James Bay and is composed of 988 claims (50,843 ha) proximal to the La Grande-Opinaca subprovince boundary, locus of the lithium and gold deposits in James Bay. Recall Harfang had announced on September 13, 2023, the discovery of several spodumene occurrences in pegmatites in the eastern part of the Serpent-Radisson Property which is also host to >50 high-grade gold occurrences discovered by Harfang since 2017.


Presence of lithium mineralization in pegmatite in the eastern part of the Serpent-Radisson Property: The new Améliane Showing discovery consists of several spodumene occurrences in pegmatite outcrops and boulders. Grab samples up to 4.56% Li2O have been exposed in outcrops at the Améliane Showing area that exposes possible stacking of shallow-dipping and sub-parallel spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes over a 300m strike length. The spodumene consists of light grey to greenish elongated crystals ranging from centimeter size up to 1.40 m in length and spodumene content reaches up to 50% locally at Améliane. The best lithium grades obtained from 145 rock samples are highlighted by values up to 1.53%, 2.61% and 4.56% Li2O in grab samples, with an average of 1.57% Li2O. Of note, one sample with up to 7.36% Li2O was collected to test the lithium content of a single grey spodumene crystal. Furthermore, 20 samples collected in a 20 m-long channel gave an average grade of 0.82% Li2O, including 1.46% Li2O over 6m and 1.29% Li2O over 4m. The channel represents the continuity of the lithium mineralization along the exposed main dyke (N070° strike and 25° dip towards the SE) and not the true width. The thickness of main dyke is estimated at ~5m. The distribution of spodumene occurrences at Améliane Showing suggests that several shallowly dipping pegmatite dykes could be stacked.

The pegmatite field at Serpent-Radisson has the potential to host lithium, tantalum, cesium and beryllium mineralization: Grab samples with high-grade tantalum up to 21,000 ppm Ta (2.56% Ta2O5) and >25,000 ppm Ta (>3.05% Ta2O5) have been collected. Coarse-grained tantalite crystals have been observed in nearby pegmatites and outlined a >15 km2 corridor rated as high potential for additional discoveries based on in-field X-Ray Fluorescence (“XRF") geo analyses. ?The area is prospective for additional discoveries of lithium based on the chemical composition of muscovite in pegmatites. Beryl crystals, up to 70 cm in length, are common in pegmatites at Serpent-Radisson and reaches up to 10% locally and more than 30 grab samples exceed 360 ppm Be. Cesium is strongly correlated with beryllium values as both chemical elements are hosted in beryl. The presence of pollucite is also inferred.


Future exploration program on Serpent-Radisson: Harfang is considering a drill program in 2024 in order to investigate the down-dip and lateral extent of the various dykes and the presence of potential stacked and unexposed dykes as part of its exploration strategy for critical and strategic minerals. The >15 km2 ?favourable zone for lithium, tantalum, cesium and beryllium stretches into a NNE-SSW direction and likely extends towards the Arwen lithium discovery on Midland Exploration’s Elrond Property - option by Brunswick Exploration (BRW-V) (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/brunswick-exploration-inc-brw-v-midland-md-v-found-elrond-lemieux/?trackingId=kKZTVfKsTdiqLXx1V7FK5A%3D%3D). Future prospecting for critical and strategic minerals on the Serpent-Radisson Property shall be mainly deployed in that newly defined spodumene zone. Also, the Mista Cu-Au-Ag showing (where channel sampling has returned up to 1% Cu, 0.21 g/t Au and 7.9 g/t Ag over 12.9 m and traced laterally over 350m) and located 1.5 km to the SW shall likely be drilled. The mineralized copper horizon is coincident with a 700 m-long induced polarization chargeability anomaly much hidden under the overburden cover.

Like the Mirage discovery (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/brunswick-exploration-inc-brw-v-intersects-spodumene-dyke-lemieux-9demf%3FtrackingId=i1hFEtnFRcezK%252FTXtKYopg%253D%253D/?trackingId=i1hFEtnFRcezK%2FTXtKYopg%3D%3D), ?the area is emerging as a new fertile lithium and critical metals area play.



Mr. Ian Campbell, President and CEO, stated: “The discovery of the Améliane showing and several other spodumene-bearing LCT pegmatites is very encouraging and we have validated the high potential of the area for additional discoveries. It is a credit to our team who has previously discovered numerous high-grade gold occurrences outlining a large gold-in-bedrock anomaly beginning near the Améliane pegmatites and extending westward for over 15 kilometres. We are well financed with over $5.7 M in the treasury and are looking forward to advancing our extensive gold and lithium portfolio of projects”.



UPDATE: December 11, 2023

Harfang announces corporate update – changing of the guard


Harfang announced on December 11, 2023 the appointment of Mr. Richard (Rick) Breger, as President and eventually as Harfang’s Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”), when Ian Campbell shall retire. Mr. Campbell shall continue to serve as CEO till around February 1, 2024, working closely with Mr. Breger, to ensure a seamless transition.


Mr. Breger holds an MBA from Ryerson University (now Toronto Metropolitan University) and a B. Sc. in Earth and Planetary Sciences from McGill University in Montreal. He has diverse industry experience spanning both technical and financial aspects of the mining industry.? Mr. Breger has a career that includes roles at IAMGOLD Corp. and Coeur Mining Inc., where he executed strategic initiatives and transactions and capital markets experience with Canaccord Genuity and Dundee Capital Markets as associate. He is also a practicing member of the Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (PGO).


Mr. Ian Campbell stated: “On behalf of the Board of Directors and the entire Harfang team, I am delighted to welcome Rick as the new President. He is a business builder and leader with a unique skill set. He has an exceptional track record of value creation and relevant industry experience in executive, operational and strategic roles. We have full confidence that Rick is well-positioned to take Harfang to new heights and build on our solid base of assets and management team. We look forward to growing the Company with his fresh perspectives”.

Jean-Pierre Janson, Chair of the Board stated: “We are excited to welcome Rick as the new President, and eventually the CEO, of Harfang,” stated “We believe Rick’s combination of capital markets and technical experience will add value to the Company and its shareholders”.

On a sadder note, Mr. Fran?ois Huot - VP Exploration, has notified of his resignation on or around February 23, 2024.


UPDATE: March 13, 2024

?Harfang announces management update



Harfang announced on March 13, 2024 the appointment of Mr. Ludovic Bigot as the company's VP Exploration effective on or around March 20, 2024. Ludovic brings a unique skillset to Harfang with his nearly 15 years’ experience as an exploration geologist. He was most recently with ALS GoldSpot Discoveries as the lead project geologist responsible for the management and mineral targeting programs for precious and strategic metals in green- and brownfields exploration projects. We note that he was a Research Geologist with CONSOREM (https://www.uqac.ca/consorem/) from September 2013 to March 2017. Ludovic obtained a Master of Science in Economic Geology from UQAM (Université du Québec à Montréal) where he focused on gold deposits in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt in Québec. He also obtained a Bachelor of Science in Earth Sciences from UQAM and is a practicing member of the Ordre des géologues du Québec (“OGQ”). Ludovic stated: “Harfang’s current portfolio provides a solid foundation for growth. I am excited to work with Rick and our talented team to implement innovative exploration strategies focused on uncovering significant mineral discoveries, increasing shareholder value, and attracting new shareholder interest. My first order of business will be to conduct a comprehensive review of our entire portfolio to pinpoint key development opportunities. With the incredible optionality of its assets, and in today’s pivotal economic environment, my approach will focus on leveraging our existing strengths while exploring innovative avenues for strategic growth, ensuring that every dollar spent is an investment in our company’s future”.

Ludovic Bigot

Mr. Rick Breger, CEO stated: “On behalf of the Board of Directors and the entire Harfang team, I am delighted to welcome Ludovic as the new VP, Exploration. He is a seasoned exploration geologist and project manager with an impressive track record in the field as well as in the Boardroom. I look forward to working closely with him to build Harfang into a significant player among Canadian exploration companies”.

Mr. Breger added, “I would also like to thank Fran?ois (Huot) for all his hard work and dedication to the Company throughout his tenure. He has played a key role is bringing Harfang to where it is today and on behalf of the Board and the rest of the team, I wish him all the best in his future endeavours”.



UPDATE: April 3, 2024

Harfang and Quebec Precious Metals jointly identify high-priority gold and lithium drill targets on their Serpent-Radisson and Sakami Projects, Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Québec.


Harfang announced on April 3, 2024 the results of a joint targeting study completed with Quebec Precious Metals Corporation (“QPM-V”) on their adjacent and respective wholly-owned Serpent-Radisson and Sakami projects. Both projects appear to demonstrate significant potential for high-grade gold and more recently for lithium. The joint study, performed by ALS GoldSpot Discoveries Ltd. with the assistance of GeoVector Management Inc., was designed to identify additional gold and lithium drill targets on the western portion of the Sakami project and on the eastern portion of the Serpent-Radisson project. The collaboration analysis and compilation work resulted in: i) The identification of 12 priority gold and lithium targets including 3 high-priority targets that can be diamond drill-ready following a field inspection later this year; and ii) an improved geological understanding and confirmation of the structural and lithological controls on gold and lithium mineralization.


Collaborative Analysis: Harfang and QPM used both their company and publicly available data, to create a comprehensive geological and structural lineament map of the Sakami-Serpent-Radisson area. ALS GoldSpot Discoveries Ltd. likely used its data-driven AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology and workflow to generate new targets. Noteworthy elements are: i) Mafic to ultramafic slivers extend to the SW along shears in the Sakami project area, deflecting to the WSW along splays in the Serpent-Radisson project area; ii) Mafic gabbroic dyke swarms that were previously unrecognized occur within tonalitic gneiss and felsic intrusions at Sakami; iii) Additional gabbroic material occurs at the Serpent project, mainly along interpreted structures; iv) Several untested pegmatites, potentially lithium-bearing bodies, are present; and, v) Anastomosed shear zones are present with reverse movement and/or primarily sinistral-strike slip component, in a Riedel-like system associated to a N-S compression.

Well endowed Area: The Serpent-Radisson Property is located in Eeyou Istchee James Bay and is composed of 988 claims (50,843 ha) proximal to the La Grande-Opinaca subprovince boundary, locus of the lithium and gold deposits in James Bay. The recent discovery of several spodumene occurrences in pegmatites in the eastern part of the Serpent-Radisson Property, which also host to >50 high-grade gold occurrences discovered by Harfang since 2017, is locus of mineral endowment that likely requires further investigation.

Both the Sakami and Serpent-Radisson projects exhibit the presence of high-grade gold and lithium bearing pegmatite potential:

Sakami: the discovery of 29 showings with up to 48.93 g/t Au over 1.0 m (channel sample), and up to 120.4 g/t Au over 0.45 m (drillhole) along a 23-km mineralized corridor, and including more than 50,000 m of drilling on 2 well-defined deposits (La Pointe and La Pointe Extension) with intercepts up to 1.15 g/t Au over 80.1 m including 2.21 g/t Au over 24.85 m. Several interpreted pegmatite bodies may be field-tested to determine their potential to contain lithium.

Serpent-Radisson: the discovery of more than 50 showings with up to 340 g/t Au (grab sample), up to 7.78 g/t Au over 6.15 m (channel sample), and up to 2.52 g/t Au over 19.65 m and 1.64 g/t Au over 22.40 m (drillhole) along an interpreted 20-km long mineralized corridor. Saliently we note the Mista Cu-Au-Ag Showing, where channel sampling returned up to 1% Cu, 0.21 g/t Au and 7.9 g/t Ag over 12.9 m. The discovery of spodumene and tantalite showings in the eastern part of the project with up to 4.56% Li2O (grab sample) over a favourable zone that is greater than 1,500 ha. This favourable zone for lithium, tantalum, cesium and beryllium stretches into a NNE-SSW direction and likely extends towards the Arwen lithium discovery on Midland Exploration’s Elrond Property - option by Brunswick Exploration (BRW-V) (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/brunswick-exploration-inc-brw-v-midland-md-v-found-elrond-lemieux/?trackingId=kKZTVfKsTdiqLXx1V7FK5A%3D%3D) and where an active diamond drill program is being conducted (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/midland-exploration-inc-md-v-brunswick-brw-v-launch-maiden-lemieux-xq14e/?trackingId=H%2FCbtL4GRD6qlmm%2FAOXzZg%3D%3D).

Rick Breger, Harfang’s President & CEO, stated: “These types of collaborations are exactly what this industry needs more of. Not only were we able to more efficiently deploy our capital by pooling and sharing resources, but we also now have a much better technical understanding of our respective projects. Afterall, the geology does not change on the other side of the claim boundary”.

Normand Champigny, QPM’s CEO, stated: “The collaboration with Harfang has been very beneficial to demonstrate the stronger exploration potential for both gold and lithium at our respective projects. We look forward to the follow-up in the field, drill the best targets and continue our collaboration with Harfang”.



UPDATE: August 22, 2024


Harfang announces lithium discovery at Serpent-Radisson, Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Québec.



Harfang on August 22, 2023, announced an additional lithium discovery at its 100%-owned Serpent-Radisson Property in Eeyou Istchee James Bay, Québec. The discovery of spodumene crystals in pegmatite dykes, named Milou, is located ~1.8 km NE of the Améliane lithium showing. Initial Summer 2024 prospecting at the Serpent-Radisson Property has resulted in discoveries of critical and strategic elements, including lithium and beryllium in pegmatite dykes.


Potential stacked lithium mineralization: Harfang has received and processed a first batch of assay results from the summer 2024 exploration program in Eeyou Istchee James Bay program, that confirms the discovery of new lithium-bearing pegmatites. Grab samples from the Milou discovery that were collected from numerous exposed pegmatite dykes returned assay results up to 2.97% Li2O, 2.17% Li2O and 2.03% Li2O. The Milou discovery, located ~1.8 km to the NE of the Améliane showing, may represent the northern extension of a large lithium-pegmatite system. The two pegmatite trend projections are ~1,000 metres apart on surface, suggesting the presence of a zone measuring potentially 400 m to 500 m wide (true thickness) that may host multiple spodumene-bearing dykes. The pegmatite dykes are exposed irregularly over a cumulative length of ~100 metres, trending in an ENE direction and dipping ~25° to 30° to the SE. The dykes are estimated to be on average ~ 5 metres thick. ?Field observations at Milou include a similar strike and dip to Améliane, which reinforce the evidence of the possible stacking of shallow-dipping and sub-parallel spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes. The Milou discovery suggests a possible series of SE shallow-dipping and sub-parallel spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes. Investigating this hypothesis shall require investigating the potential ~500-metre-wide corridor, increasing the likelihood of additional lithium discoveries on the property. This potential stacking zone offers encouraging exploration opportunities for hidden lithium mineralization, comparable in width to the 500-metre-wide corridor at Patriot Battery Metals Inc.’s CV5 Shaakichiuwaanaan (formerly Corvette) deposit. Note that Patriot has just disclosed a PEA that highlights a study based on Indicated and Inferred Resources of 122Mt @1.37% Li2O at CV5, and with a staged, open pit and underground operation targeting total production of initially 400,000 tonnes per year of spodumene concentrate and then 800,000 tonnes per year over an initial mine life ~25 years. ?


Fertile territory: The pegmatites observed and tested are highly fractionated and beryllium-rich – a favorable magmatic setting for mineralization. selected assay results from the Milou discovery above the 0.25% Li2O threshold for lithium showings. These samples were collected in the early phase of the summer program and that grab samples are selective by nature and may not represent ultimately the average grades of the staked pegmatites. We estimate an average of 1.81% Li2O for the 8 samples disclosed which indicates a good tenor. Spodumene crystals range from 2.5 to 25 cm in length, with concentrations up to 30% and with small beryl crystals. Field analyses performed on muscovite crystals using a handheld X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) instrument indicates similarly low (<15) potassium/rubidium ratios to Améliane, typically associated with fertile pegmatites. Up to 4 beryllium showings have also been discovered in the SE pegmatite field at Serpent-Radisson, with grades up to 1.27% Be. Cesium values reached up to 597 ppm in a pegmatite located ~200 m west of the Améliane Showing. Further south, tantalum results were as high as 1,404 ppm Ta2O5 (1,150 ppm Ta) were encountered.


The Serpent-Radisson Property is located in Eeyou Istchee James Bay not too far from the N-S Billy Diamond Highway and is composed of ~988 claims (50,843 ha) proximal to the La Grande-Opinaca subprovince boundary, locus of the lithium and gold deposits in James Bay. Recall Harfang Serpent-Radisson Property is also host to >50 high-grade gold occurrences discovered by Harfang since 2017. ?Midland Exploration’s Elrond Property - optioned by Brunswick Exploration (BRW-V) (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/brunswick-exploration-inc-brw-v-midland-md-v-found-elrond-lemieux/?trackingId=kKZTVfKsTdiqLXx1V7FK5A%3D%3D and https://www.dhirubhai.net/posts/eric-lemieux-9468715_lithium-exploration-quebec-activity-7207430565317230592-hXho?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop) is located just to the south. Somewhat like the Mirage discovery (see: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/brunswick-exploration-inc-brw-v-outlines-new-rich-boulder-lemieux-nljme/?trackingId=7yEk%2BA9tTfy2q8%2BavksSKQ%3D%3D), the area may still emerge as a new fertile lithium and critical metals area play.


Mr. Vincent Dubé-Bourgeois, Interim President and CEO stated: “This is a significant development for our exploration efforts in the James Bay region,” commented “The Milou discovery expands the mineralized system further north and provides additional insight into the potential stacking of spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes. Our team is highly encouraged by these results, and we look forward to advancing our understanding of the region’s lithium potential”.



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