Hardware solutions for fuel management systems.
Today all companies that allocate a significant portion of their budget to fuel costs have already implemented a contemporary fuel management system or are in the middle of doing it. The idea that this can save the company millions is proven, but the overall effectiveness of each case will significantly depend on a variety of factors.
To each its own: there are quite a few options present on the market, and one must choose the most suitable one for its fleet of vehicles.?The accuracy of your data can vary from 70% to 99%, depending on the method: from Can-Bus, ultrasonic, and capacitive fuel level sensors to flowmeters — it ultimately affects the fuel theft prevention efficiency.
Can-Bus fuel data is the least invasive option, especially with contactless can-bus readers, it is easy and fast to implement, especially considering the irregularity of gas tank shapes in some LCV. The weak point of this solution is the low accuracy of the OEM float — 70%–80% which leaves them somewhat acceptable for fuel consumption monitoring but not good enough for fuel theft prevention.
Ultrasonic fuel level sensors are second in a list of not invasive fuel monitoring solutions. They are installed outside of the tank, usually on the bottom and they measure the height of the liquid with ultrasonic waves. This is a convenient solution, especially for fleets that are using LPG and LNG. The accuracy of this method is up to 95%, however it significantly drops in movement, especially on bumpy rides. This way fleet monitoring system (#FMS ) will ultimately show a lot of false reports of fuel thefts, reacting to instant readings of fuel drains. Another issue is that in rare cases the sensor is damaged since it is installed in somewhat vulnerable area.
The third on our list are the capacitive fuel level sensors. They are highly robust, with ultimate accuracy of readings up to 99% in all conditions, some manufacturers can claim even higher accuracy of 99,5%. The upper-mentioned makes this the most reliable solution in fuel theft prevention. In comparison with other solutions this is much more invasive since to install one you will have to drill your fuel tank, which will also require time and some expertise. This is better left to the professionals. With surging gas prices this solution is popular in all areas from LCVs with regular rectangular tanks to trucks and construction machinery— all places where fuel expenses put a significant dent in the budget.
The last in our list is the flowmeter which is perfect for fuel consumption monitoring. It is installed in the fuel line of the vehicle, and it can perfectly supplement the existing fuel monitoring system. The readings of this device are over 99% accurate.?The list of complications is unfortunately vast: a new device in your fuel line caт put your vehicles’ warranty at risk, it doesn’t read the amount of fuel in the tank and has the highest price among rest. This solution is often used in construction and special machinery, where there are many various ways to steal diesel.
In conclusion, implementing a contemporary fuel management system is a complicated task with variables that should not be ignored. Ultimately, companies must weigh the pros and cons of each option and choose ones that best fit their specific needs.