Hardware and Software Assessment with ConfigMgr - Part 5
Part 1(https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/hardware-software-assessment-configmgr-part-1-raphael-perez/) talked about the Devices
Part 2(https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/hardware-software-assessment-configmgr-part-2-raphael-perez/) talked about the Operating System
Part 3(https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/hardware-software-assessment-configmgr-part-3-raphael-perez/) talked about the Office
Part 4(https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/hardware-software-assessment-configmgr-part-4-raphael-perez/) talked about the Office AddIns and now we'll look at the Browser Analysis and as always, all queries can be found at my github repository at https://github.com/dotraphael/ConfigMgr_SQL_HW_SW_Assessment.
In this post, I'll be using the Browser.sql query.
- Connect to the ConfigMgr server
- Change the Database to your ConfigMgr database and open the Office.sql file
- Change the @CollectionID to the collection you want to filter and click Execute
- In the result, select all and then right click and click Copy with headers
- Open in excel and past the results
- On the Home tab, click Format as table and select the format.
- On the Format as Table, confirm the My Table has headers and click Ok
- On the Insert tab, click Pivot Table
- On the Pivot Table, select the Add this data to the Data Model and click Ok
- On the New Sheet, select Insert tab and then Recommended Charts.
- Select the chart template and click Ok
Now we're almost ready. We have our source of details as well as a way to visualise the data and now it is time to play with the content.
With the return of the device query, we can analyse the following:
- Browser Installed Analysis
- Default Browser Analysis
- Browser Usage Analysis
So to do this you'll need:
- On the PivotChart Fields drag the ResourceID to the Values twice. For both of them, click on the arrow and select Value Field Settings and then select Distinct count under summarise value field by
- For the 2nd, change to the Show values as tab and select % of grand total under Show value as
- Drag the SCCM Managed and LastInventory to filters. Filter the SCCM Managed to Enabled and the LastInventory unselect the Never
Now it is time to look at each individual item
- Browser Installed Analysis: Drag the BrowserName field to Rows and Installed to the Filters and filter it to 1
- Default Browser Analysis: Drag the Company Name field to Rows
- Browser Usage Analysis: Drag the BrowserName field to Rows. Drag UsagePercentage to both Filters and Values and remove the ResourceIDs added earlier from Values.
- Filter the UsagePercentage and remove the Zero. You'll need to enable the Select Multiple Values checkbox
- In the Values area, click on the arrow next to UsagePercentage select Value Field Settings and then select Average under summarise value field by
Part 1: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/hardware-software-assessment-configmgr-part-1-raphael-perez/
Part 2: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/hardware-software-assessment-configmgr-part-2-raphael-perez/
Part 3 - https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/hardware-software-assessment-configmgr-part-3-raphael-perez/
Part 4 - https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/hardware-software-assessment-configmgr-part-4-raphael-perez/
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