Hardware Problems
Hardware issues are among the biggest problems in any workflow, such as the pipeline, which is the main way of working technically, such as in the film industry, gaming industry, engineering field, especially Arch.Viz, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Animation, and design in general.
Using outdated devices from 2008 and 2009 in 2023 is not suitable for new programs, architectures, and many other stories. The accessories of the devices, such as screens, keyboards, and mice, should also be appropriate for the nature of the work. For example, in jobs that require frequent movement between programs, two or three screens are necessary. The brain of the person working and their skills are also important, along with the devices. It is not acceptable for an individual to have a more powerful device at home than the company or office.
Gradually improving the devices is important due to the high cost of operating companies and offices. It is important to buy licensed software instead of using cracked versions, as this can cause problems.
For smaller projects in fields such as Interior Design, Graphic Design, and Architecture, 2 monitors with 1080p resolution, 8-12 core Intel or AMD, NVIDIA GPU GTX 1060 or above, 32GB RAM, and an SSD hard disk are sufficient.
For larger projects such as Animation, VR, and Gaming, 2-3 monitors with 1080p, 2K, or 4K resolution, 16-64 core AMD Thread-ripper, NVIDIA GPU RTX 2070 or above, 64-256GB high-frequency modules, and NVME 1TB or above are necessary.
It is important to avoid using used devices, screens, or devices, as they can cause problems and have short lifespan. Having a stable and fast network, along with an IT team that understands the company's needs, is also important. Investing in better devices can lead to happier employees, faster completion of work, and fewer problems.