The hardest work isn't always physical.

The hardest work isn't always physical.

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I’ve been a member of?CrossFit ?for nearly 12 months. I’ve worked my way up to a 100-pound deadlift and a 75-pound bench press.

I’ve had my share of mishaps:?I’ve hit my chin doing a?push press. I walked into a racked barbell and sported a lump on my forehead for a week. Of course, I’ve pinched my finger between plates, and this week, I fell on my butt several times doing overhead squats. (I finally put a pad behind me!) And I’m proud to say, I can push through these accidental, minor injuries.

But Friday,?I hit a different wall. I was frustrated that there’s so much I still don’t understand. Whenever the coach asks – any questions? Of course, my hand is in the air! Let me explain.

Lifting weights is?far more complicated than it first appears. We must start in a specific spot, then lift the bar with several stops along the body. I ask questions about each lift, nearly every time.?Please remind me the differences between a Power Clean, Hang Power Clean, and a Jerk?

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In addition to knowing what the bar is supposed to do,?you must control your body to do it correctly.?(Remember when you first learned to drive? You had to keep your hands in a certain place on the steering wheel, keep your eyes browsing the windshield, rear view mirrors, and the dash. All while your brain is navigating! So it is with CrossFit.)

Depending on the lift, your feet are supposed to be?so wide?and your hands?so wide?on the barbell. Your butt is usually sticking out while your back is straight and your eyes are forward. Don’t launch until the barbell gets to your hips, and don’t spread your legs too far apart when you jump under it.?The bar has a travel path, your elbows have a travel path, and… don’t hit yourself in the head!

And if that’s not enough, there are acronyms?for how much/many of these activities we’re supposed to do in our WOD (workout of the day):

  • AMRAP: as many repetitions as possible
  • EMOM: every minute on the minute

That’s where I lost it this week. I stared at the screen after the instructions were given. I was confused about the lifts, and what I was supposed to do for 17 minutes. I am so proud of my physical progress, but my mind is shutting it all down because I’m stuck between frustrated and feeling stupid.

And timing is everything. Just then, the coach was offering their new CrossFit T-shirts, and I argued in my head that?I’m not worthy to identify as a CrossFit athlete because I’m so poor at it.

I wanted this to be as easy, or comfortable, as I am when I’m doing my normal work.?I didn’t lift a weight like this till I was 60 years old! I reminded myself that some of these athletes have been doing this for years. That’s why this comes naturally for them.

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Eventually I got my brain to focus on my progress and the supportive culture?(CrossFit is not golf!). The coaches give us several scaled options so we can continue building our strength (I haven’t mastered handstands or chin-ups yet). The members respectfully wait for the last person to finish, cheering us along the way:?You’ve got this! Keep Going! Good work!

This frustrating experience reminded me?what some of my business owner clients face when they begin getting ready for their Next Adventures. There are many things they are so good at. They’ve been successful for years and don’t have to think through the steps. They don’t have to consider where they are, what frame of mind they need, or what resources to have on hand.

But this?next adventure?thing, most of it is new.?Most business owners have never done it before. It brings new challenges to accomplish, acronyms, and a lot of doubt if they really should be doing this or not. I can understand why they feel frustrated, confused, or overwhelmed. It takes a lot of mental muscle to invest one to three years to be ready.

It takes determination to get through the hard stuff.?It’s so much easier when we have others in our community are going through it as well. Everyone on their own journey, everyone facing their own challenges. It’s an energizing place to be.

Owners Outpost ?is a community like CrossFit.?The Guides show us what to do and how to do it. The Business Owners are rooting for each other, offering their experiences and ideas for the work and for overcoming some of the mental challenges.

If you want to try before you buy,?join us for a Business Value Series event where we talk about how to build the value of your business. All participants are offered one free month membership in the Outpost. Register for a Business Value Series event?here , or simply join the Owners Outpost?here . (These events are not recorded, and registration alone doesn’t qualify for the free month).

Kendra Von Esh

Speaker | Faith Coach | Author - Helping you deepen your relationship with God and the Catholic Faith

2 年

So proud of you, an inspiration you are Kelly Cousineau

Kurk Anderson, MSE

Member Board Of Directors at Marine Corps League Foundation

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The hardest work is NEVER physical

Heather Steele

Answering the Question "Why Isn't My Marketing Working?" | Helping Businesses Grow with Clear Messaging and Websites That Generate Leads

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You are incredible, Kelly!


