The hardest part of being hard enough to push through – is to listen, - too
Growing up is hard, you know, knocked down, trying to get up..
When you grow up – it is tough, the things you have to experience and learn from – it is called growing wiser, - and I strongly believe IT (growing wiser) can only come from experience.
I wish I knew - when I was young and dumb, but tougher than nail – that the ONLY way to success goes through learning from others. Say you are working on something new, something uniquely amazing – that you believe is going to change EVERYTHING, how hard isn’t it then, because everyone else doubts, doesn’t believe in – you, to keep the humility too?
You learn, through the fight from when you were young – my learning is that you forget, that somewhere along the way, when you were lying there in the gutter, knocked out, lost, that someone (and YOU do know the name of that someone) reached out and pulled you out, it can be when you were young and dumb, or no later in life when you grew wise – that someone does that – but my experience, I`m supposedly something like 55-56 myself, is – that there is always someone that sees you, that cheer you on – you might not experience in your struggle, when you fight – you are keeping eye on the ball and CAN`T pay attention to that – now/then – but remember, later, as in for me now, people want to help, you be open to give them the chance. It is as Emma is growing up, she is turning 13 in a month, HER JOB IS to be difficult, my job is to stay, stabile – and support, as in be there for WHEN, and she will, and she is, not often – but WHEN she comes and, maybe she is not aware that she is asking for help when she does and therefore is not able to do it in the “nice” way – but, learning to be soft enough in your toughness is about – the surprising release that deep relationship brings when you are there for the people that you have close to you.
Don’t close the opportunity down by being hard, when you should be NOT that. Humility, in my experience, is to believe in yourself 100% all the time, but also, as the 1% key part of that – knowing that doing your best is enough, you ARE good enough as person – but your EFFORT, the process – towards better, goes through, asking for help, even when you aren’t able to – because growing up, until now, didn’t grow your learning to ask for it – help, so – this text is trying to wake you up – so you don’t find yourself lost – inside of yourself.
It is never too late to learn to – grow, that is harder than being hard when the storm is throwing you around, sometimes the storm of life is too tough, then you should lay low, and keep your head down – but on a swivel – looking for opportunities, is what life is about – taking them, is what sets you out from the rest.
And when you take the opportunities – you experience – later on, that THAT is what living is, relationships are the opportunities in life, you should be open for. Surprise – as in trust and empathy, is the core of living a deliberate life, where your best is – 1% of the others.
The hardest part of being hard enough to push through – is to listen to – to whom.
Who – wants good for me, is the question to use as a filter.. those people you should listen to even if you don’t want to.
In my experience, my HUMBLE experience, the one that I set my everything on.
Naivety – is that part of me, that brings me closer to you, the you that want my best for me too.
The most important thing in life is not the result you get – but how you get there, as in – the relationships that support you in the storm, which you don’t see while it happens, so, stop, reflect on IT, from time to time, systematically.
If you want to be a person that constantly grows – you have to have the habits that support it | the vision of you that you want to grow towards – PIT stop is one example.
It takes 30 seconds of your life but brings the 1% improvement potential to the open..
As in Reflection time – end of the week, you look back at the week in order to find the ONE thing you did well, and ask yourself, why.
Often, is my learning, why I did well – is someone.. a question, a smile, always, ALWAYS, that is about, time – to be humble.
Humility – is the core of, Empathy, which is daring to care, by challenging, oneself in a good way.
Why did you do this – this way, is not an attack, but an opportunity.
?Here we grow.. wait
(I took the time to google it – is humility the key to empathy – this article stood out as a good reflection for me)..
And Steve Jobs comes with a point – he is a good example of what this text is about | in a sad way (he learned the hard way – what too stubborn to long are doing to your social life.. it seemed to me) – here is a youtube video on the illustration of “simple courage”.. go try it out – but listen, you might be wrong – you don’t know yet, try, but LEARN, be 100% sure WHEN trying – but also keep 1% for LISTENING to the experience - too | humility is the key to empathy, which in my world (the world of systematic growth) is about perspectivation as a tool for learning | ?
Last, but not least – it IS hard to be soft when you are fighting for your life.. but soft doesn’t mean weak, it just means you should think
Growing up is hard, you KNOW,
knocked down, trying to get up.. and while you get up to your feet you have to be ready for the next knock..
I know - but, somewhere, not long after, you should try to stop - reflect, and see
you are still here because?
You did not give up - and you learned,
strength comes from the storm you just fought through, and strength can be used KINDLY
someone saw you.. so
it IS not easy
nothing seems - when you try to get up
“don`t you fucking give up” (is growing in your head)
you need help |
you got up – now what?
Are you going to remember - and pay it forward
as in (hopefully) NOW?
?Great examples here - level 5 leadership
The well-deserved weekend is coming – used it well
Then act – smarter
Here we grow (together)
Instant value Coaching
6 个月Great example of this (humble inspiration:-D good to great - level 5 leadership |