The Harder They Fall - The Fall of Big Insurance Via the Greed of the Cookie Crumb Laden, Lying Toddler, Lemonade

The Harder They Fall - The Fall of Big Insurance Via the Greed of the Cookie Crumb Laden, Lying Toddler, Lemonade

The full 124 page police report documenting the open-and-shut case of Lemonade, Daniel Schreiber’s and Conora Dyson’s attempted manslaughter of my client drops publicly on Monday. Other executives and employees will more than likely be charged as well. All of the executives and most investors, whether they be individuals or entities have pierced the corporate veil and will be held personally liable for financial damages nationwide.

Sworn statement is below. Supporting evidence will be available publicly on Monday.

Client Sworn Statement

Call me Nostradamus. If Lemonade Insurance has abuse you, please inquire within.

This report is so scathing it should effectively end Lemonade’s appalling sham run as a wannabe big insurance corporate criminal in every state it currently functions in in America.

Policyholders, I can’t tell you who you should purchase insurance from, but I hope this report helps you better discern in the future.

What a tangled web they weave, when they conspire, yet fail to deceive.

Abusers of our creator bestowed unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Lemonade , its executives, employees and assigns, don’t say I didn’t warn you and give you the opportunity to at least fake integrity.

This report details every illegal and unethical action committed by Lemonade's adjusters and the executive support of each and every one of them who chose to remain silent after my multiple attempts to notify them of the abuse.

Lemonade's conspiratorial efforts to profit from the abuse of policyholders by capturing premiums through cutesy marketing and feigned humanitarian efforts paid for with the stolen premiums, abuses Lemonade executives hoped to conceal via discriminatory AI programmed for profit over human problem solving, then retaining the premiums through abuse for intentional silence and the perpetual illegal withholding of claims payments are also detailed in Ty Sagalow’s book

If there isn’t a show called America’s Dumbest Corporate Criminals, film and television production colleagues, feel free to run with that concept and I will provide you with all of the details you need for your first mini-series.

BlackRock and Vanguard. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) IAIS - International Association of Insurance Supervisors Insurtech Insights Rent The Runway Tim Bixby Office of the New York State Attorney General Michigan Department of Attorney General Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services Macomb County Prosecutor's Office City of Sterling Heights NAACP Detroit Branch NAACP Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Ontario Securities Commission Federal Trade Commission Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) FBI Cyber Division Larry Fink

State Farm , Allstate , AAA , Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan , Auto-Owners Insurance , etc. Look at these wannabe corporate criminals stealing your market share, committing crimes you wouldn't dare commit as openly as they and them bragging to your face that they're stealing it, while slapping the politicians on the take in the face by creating a mess for them that they'll have no choice but to clean up. It might be time to clean your acts up too. Big Insurance will never be the same once we hold Lemonade accountable.

Let's make history Peter J. Lucido and City of Sterling Heights . When these white collar criminals know their crimes will land them in cuffs, they'll stop abusing and killing policyholders at will.

Conclusion and Legal Argument:

Abuses as stated above, maybe not as sloppy or transparent as they have been committed in this case, happen on a daily basis in this country every time a public servant paid for by citizen's taxes honors the corporate criminals who demand that their crimes be framed as civil, rather than criminal, despite irrefutable evidence of crimes being committed by definition. As a direct result of these abuses, the American people have been taxed without being represented and suffered exponentially, via the crimes of humanity perpetrated by the banking cartels, the military industrial complex, big insurance, big pharma and the attorney lobby.

It ends now. Give me equanimity and liberty or give me death!!!

The term civil crime is as asinine and oxymoronic as the term civil war. There is nothing civil about crime or war, yet there is a ruling class that profits exponentially from both. This ruling class has devised a system of corporate bylaws, masked by grotesque legalese intended to confuse the masses and promulgated as law by the corporations, such as Oakland County, among others, presenting themselves as purveyors of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. This is a system obviously devised for corporate criminals, by corporate criminals that wanted to enjoy absolution from their crimes while enjoying the benefit of profiting from the petty crimes, if crimes at all, of the status quo. By holding the guilty parties here accountable and those who in government chose to turn a blind eye complicit, we can begin the end of such abuse today.

The people pay taxes to legal entities who are supposed to protect and serve their interests, not profit from their suffering. We The People demand that action be taken in support of our unalienable rights and on the premise of our judicial system's foundation of truth, justice and liberty for all.

Any branch of government that taxes the American citizen then uses those tax dollars to police for profit and serve its corporate masters in the halls of justice is a defunct corporation, a tyrannical form of government conceived of by our founding fathers which prompted the second amendment. No demand made by such a tyrant shall be deemed legally binding by any self-sovereign, free-thinking, individual with feet planted upon American soil, existing in American airspace, or in American Waters.

As such, to restore justice and order to the American policyholder, reaffix the American Judicial System back atop its foundation of truth, justice and liberty for all, and show the American people that this system isn't completely devoid of interest by the powers that be to protect and advance the self-sovereign individuals' Creator bestowed right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Lemonade and it's assigns must be held criminally responsible for the attempted manslaughter(s) of its policyholders for profit.

ybe not as sloppy or transparent as they have been committed in this case, happen on a daily basis in this country every time a public servant paid for by citizen's taxes honors the corporate criminals who demand that their crimes be framed as civil, rather than criminal, despite irrefutable evidence of crimes being committed by definition. As a direct result of these abuses, the American people have been taxed without being represented and suffered exponentially, via the crimes of humanity perpetrated by the banking cartels, the military industrial complex, big insurance, big pharma and the attorney lobby.

It ends now. Give me equanimity and liberty or give me death!!!

The term civil crime is as asinine and oxymoronic as the term civil war. There is nothing civil about crime or war, yet there is a ruling class that profits exponentially from both. This ruling class has devised a system of corporate bylaws, masked by grotesque legalese intended to confuse the masses and promulgated as law by the corporations, such as Oakland County, among others, presenting themselves as purveyors of our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. This is a system obviously devised for corporate criminals, by corporate criminals that wanted to enjoy absolution from their crimes while enjoying the benefit of profiting from the petty crimes, if crimes at all, of the status quo. By holding the guilty parties here accountable and those who in government chose to turn a blind eye complicit, we can begin the end of such abuse today.

The people pay taxes to legal entities who are supposed to protect and serve their interests, not profit from their suffering. We The People demand that action be taken in support of our unalienable rights and on the premise of our judicial system's foundation of truth, justice and liberty for all.

Any branch of government that taxes the American citizen then uses those tax dollars to police for profit and serve its corporate masters in the halls of justice is a defunct corporation, a tyrannical form of government conceived of by our founding fathers which prompted the second amendment. No demand made by such a tyrant shall be deemed legally binding by any self-sovereign, free-thinking, individual with feet planted upon American soil, existing in American airspace, or in American Waters.

As such, to restore justice and order to the American policyholder, reaffix the American Judicial System back atop its foundation of truth, justice and liberty for all, and show the American people that this system isn't completely devoid of interest by the powers that be to protect and advance the self-sovereign individuals' Creator bestowed right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Lemonade and it's assigns must be held criminally responsible for the attempted manslaughter(s) of its policyholders for profit.


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