Harden WordPress With WP-Config & Avoid Data Exposure
Mahmud Hasan Abeed
WordPress Developer & Cyber Security Specialist & Photography Enthusiast
Here are several compelling steps how you should take these steps:
1. Restrict File Access. Move your wp-config.php file one directory level above the root folder to prevent it from being accessible via the internet. This prevents direct access to your wp-config.php file by unauthorized users. Additionally, you can add access restrictions using server configuration files like .htaccess on Apache servers. By adding the directive <FilesMatch "wp-config\.php"> Require all denied </FilesMatch> ensuring an extra layer of security.
2. Configure Security Keys and Salts. The wp-config.php file includes a section for unique authentication keys and salts, which enhance the encryption of cookies and passwords. Using randomly generated values makes it much harder for attackers to exploit your site. Generate these keys using the WordPress secret key service at https://api.wordpress.org/secret-key/1.1/salt/.
3. Disable File Editing and Modifications. WordPress allows admins to edit theme and plugin files from the dashboard, posing a security risk if credentials are compromised. Add define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true ); and define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true ); to your wp-config.php file to disable the file editor and prevent plugin/theme installation, reducing the risk of malicious code injection.
4. Set Proper File Permissions. Since wp-config.php contains sensitive information, it's crucial to set the correct file permissions to prevent unauthorized access. Ideally, the file should be set to 400 or 440, which allows only the owner to read and write the file while preventing others from accessing it.
By customizing your wp-config file with these security measures, you significantly enhance the security and performance of your WordPress site.
To implement these security measures professionally:
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