Hard work vs. Desk work
Elevating Security Professionals Worldwide | Global Career Coach & Mentor | Unlocking Growth & Certification Pathways
Have you ever tried working out in a gym 8hrs or 4 hrs at a stretch without a break?
You cannot because your body does not allow you.?
But you end up stretching on your screen for 8 hr or 4hr without a break.?
Not even have time to see whether the task you are working on is worth doing.?
When we do physical work, we do not need to plan breaks, but when we do work on screen, we have to.?
The screens are designed to glue your eyes to screams. And cannot avoid it.?
The worst, you accomplish way less than you can actually.
You work more but accomplish less.?
No review - no progress.?
You would spend time on things that are trivial or can easily delegate or completely avoided.?
Remember, your future depends on each hour you spend, whether significant or trivial.?
That's where the hard and smart work concept would have arisen. I presume.?
To progress in anything, you have to review and improve it regularly.?
The best way to work is to plan your work in chunks of time, primarily when working on screen with the internet.?
The best method you can use is the Pomodoro technique. Perhaps you have already heard it. But never tried or tried intermittently and but left.?
You are assuming that it does not work. If you are Security Professional, it is challenging to follow depending on the volatile nature of work.?
?But if you plan, you can do it.?
Do you handle emergencies 24 /7? Are you spending every minute in crisis mode??
If you think you cannot, you cannot; If you think you can, you can, to some extent.?
Anyway, the general approach to doing Pomodoro is 25 minutes of work followed by 5-minute breaks.?
You do not need to follow exactly that.?
Depending on your nature of work, you can try 25/5 or 50/10 or 120/30, or 180/30. Perhaps difficult if you have a babysitting manager.?
Negative consequences of not following this approach are excessive blinking/CVS, insomnia, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks... whatnot.?
Of course, not immediate - you will only see symptoms after 3 to 5 or even 10 years.?
Do not blame your company or your manager when you are experiencing these.?
?If you decide to be productive, no one can stop you. Act wisely.
Let me know your thoughts on this Pomodoro and the work break frequency you followed: