Hard work v raw talent: Which one will bring me success even more?

What is the real secret to success? Is it hard work or raw talent?

Asking whether hard work or raw talent is the better element for success is a bit like asking whether the chicken or the egg came first. There is real merit in the question but it’s the answer that gets us a bit confused.

I sometimes view the yin and yang of talent versus hard work as being akin to driving a car from your starting point (X) to the place where you ultimately want to go (Y). Simply because you are a talented driver who knows the route and has the desire to get there quickly does not guarantee that you will effortlessly reach your destination.

A myriad of other things can hinder the process – the weather conditions might be treacherous, your car made not be roadworthy, the traffic may be bumper-to-bumper, the road itself may be impassable or you might even be pulled over by the police on the way.

But, if you plan for your journey, bearing in mind your strengths and weaknesses; if you do your homework in advance by finding out when rush hour is, making sure you’ve enough petrol in the tank, reading the weather forecast and listening to the traffic reports before you set off, being aware of the speed limits, and evaluating alternative routes in advance, your chances of getting to point Y without a hitch will undoubtedly improve.

The same applies to career development and success. Your raw talent will certainly put you in a good position to reach your potential but the combination of knowledge, experience, nous and patience that working hard brings is the crucial factor that transforms your potential into your reality.

Confidence is key

Working hard is the thing that will get you there because it is the thing that gives you confidence; and confidence, as we all know, is the key to success.

Confidence – that inner belief that you can deliver what is required better than anyone else – is not gained simply by charisma, by talking the talk and fooling people into thinking you are the right person for the job.

It’s achieved by walking the walk and showing them that you are the right person to lead, the right person to achieve. To be confident is to believe in your own ability and to have to scars to show it.

Practice makes perfect

While the debate about talent versus hard work has its chicken-and-egg dimensions, the bottom line is that most people become successful because they crave it, whether they are gifted or not.

With that as your starting point, all you need is to work hard, and your chances of succeeding will increase.

It’s true, too, that some people have all the luck and that stars always seem to align for the lucky few. They are blessed with success without having to lift a finger to achieve it – the famous for being famous, the writers of unreadable books, the two-left-footed footballers, the all-thumbed musicians – the list goes on. But such is life, and foaming at the mouth over their lack of talent gets us nowhere.

For most of us, success is all about graft in a world where the scope for development is limited. No matter where you work or what you do, the formula for success is to marry your talents to a solid work ethic, and to do the best you can under the circumstances.

The key, however, is to do your best with a confidence and aplomb that garners notice from those who count. And remember, if someone still managed to get to the place that you wanted to go ahead of you, it might just be because they practised a little harder.

But there’s always next time!




