Hard Work Made Easy
Hard work sounds masochist, it's like going against the grain, summoning your willpower, and going through pain to accomplish something, but should it really be like that?
Studies today prove that meditation plays a significant role in making hard work easy at least in the following 3 ways:-
1) Increasing plasticity ( which basically means a better mindset to learn new things), we all know hard work can stem from a lack of knowledge, and we tend to avoid things we don't know about, with improved plasticity one is more open to learning new things ( even things which are perceived to be outside of our interest). Once we are more informed about the tasks we are undertaking it becomes easy not to procrastinate.
2) Replenishment of dopamine levels: Spending an obscene amount of time on social media dries out our dopamine levels leading to an overall lowering of excitement levels and as a result work starts to look like an uphill task, Meditation can replenish dopamine levels and ensure we continue to be enthusiastic as we go about facing the challenges of life.
3) Lowering cortisol levels: we all know that high cortisol levels can bring about the onslaught of type 2 diabetes, meditation puts this danger at bay and ensures prime health as you take on challenges.
We are only as good as our minds at any given moment, our state of mind attaches definition to the nature of work, a healthy one seldom looks at work as hard or easy, it actually does not attach any concept to it, it just goes about accomplishing the task with a clear focus and attention.