Hard Work
James C. Johnson
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By now I am sure many of you have heard of, or read up on, the recent discussion involving Mike Rowe and his response to Melissa Harris-Perry comments on her television show? Mr. Rowe brings up some good points on his rebuttal about ‘Hard Work’ via Facebook on October 29th. But in Mrs. Harris-Perry’s defense, her comment was taking offense to a politician being labeled a 'hard worker' with her comparing that 'job' to someone who works in the fields, not one in the same.
I’m not sure I understand how the definition of “Hard Work” can be a bad thing. In hiring we are always looking for that person that comes in and gets the job done. I think we would all like employees that come in early, stay late, under promise and over deliver. No matter what that job is, it is probably going to require “Hard Work”.
What this brings to my mind is my inspiration growing up that has got me where I am today. I believe that ‘Hard Work’ is not something you are born with, it is something you have to learn. You have to have that example in your life, you have to want to exceed expectations in everything you do.
My Inspiration is my Father.
My father was a Farmer. In farming, there are no days off. There are always crops to tend to, animals to feed, or something that needs fixed. My father was always out the door before sun up, always on the go. Growing up I don’t think I realized how hard he worked, or how much this influence would later impact my life. I don’t know if Mrs. Harris-Perry would consider me a ‘Hard Worker’, I sit at a desk most of the day. But I would find it hard to believe, if she didn’t agree that my father was a ‘Hard Worker’.
I personally have an appreciation for those that go above and beyond the call of duty, typically without being asked. Something needs done, they just do it. Our country was founded on hard work. Whether it be agriculture, industry or our military.
I for one, would never be ashamed to be called a “Hard Worker”, I embrace it.
What is your definition?