Hard Truth You Shouldn't Know as A ChatGPT Lover

Hard Truth You Shouldn't Know as A ChatGPT Lover

ChatGPT language model by OpenAI is the new attention in today's modern world. No wonder, the team did a great job creating GPT and shared the taste of AI with all of us.

1 million users in just 5 days... it's a big thing!

First time after trying GPT, and the first thing on my mind... "Damn! It's Gold". It was writing great answers to my queries.

Spoiler: Sometimes it feels like a bunch of "If-Else" statements getting executed.

Jokes apart, it made finding solutions much easier and faster. Saves a lot of time.

The best part - it can write lines of code too. Have a look!

code written by ChatGPT

I remember working on content optimization for on-page SEO that week and I created fresh long-form content using ChatGPT.

The content was so nicely structured and on point, that I barely had to make any changes other than adding a few researched keywords.

Just two weeks after the optimization, I find that the content webpage lost its previous rank and it was not even on the third page of Google.

At that point, it wasn't very tough for me to realize that Google hates AI-generated content. Doesn't matter if the content is structured and contains the right keyword.

Google Team confirms that their algorithm is well-trained to demote AI-generated content.

Don't sacrifice your website ranking in the crossfire between AI-Generated Content and Mighty Google.
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Great Content Creation Takes Time and Effort

If you want to grow online and engage with the audience, potential content is the only key. Don't get trapped in the "Easy Quick Content" ideology. It isn't for the long-term game!

How does the ChatGPT work in a nutshell?

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot that learns from a huge quantity of data how to respond to any user in a human manner. It shows results exactly like search engines. While you're using the software, it is learning about you from the prompts and with time it improves the results.

Now as a beginner, you must be wondering...

ChatGPT Results are Accurate or Not?

That's definitely a thing to consider before you decide to blindly copy-paste it.

Sorry GPT fans... but the truth is ChatGPT is not completely perfect at this point.

Now you must be telling, "Dude you high or what? Any proof?"

Absolutely! Have a look at the image below.

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You got the point right?

The output often consists of text replications.

BTW, I don't sell toys. The query was just for testing purpose.

As per my findings, these replications are more in listicles than paragraphs. Also in strict queries too.

Should we use ChatGPT?

Definitely, it is created for a good cause and should be used. You're getting results in short form which is easy to consume than going through an entire website blog post.

But presently it is at its learning stage.

At least for the time being you should not use it for Content Marketing purposes else it will backfire. Maybe in the coming years, we can expect a better and more advanced version that makes it more userfriendly.

So, how you're going to use ChatGPT?


