hard pull or soft pull for insurance quotes

hard pull or soft pull for insurance quotes

hard pull or soft pull for insurance quotes

ANSWER: I might suggest that you try this website where you can compare rates from different companies: insuretips.xyz


Would it be expensive for a new driver to get insured on a Volvo 940 or 440?

Im in the UK and i like the look of Volvo 440s and 940s i dont know why i just do haha.  Another thing...  Are they reliable? Are they cheap-ish to run? And how expensive are they if something was to go wrong?  Thanks in advance!



Funtions of home insurance?

what are functions of home insurance?



Car Insurance for Teens?

 What can we expect for a 16 year old to pay on a monthly base if he has his OWN insurance (as in not co-insured with the parents). This would be in Texas.  I am pretty sure that there is a great difference. Just trying to familarize myself with the whole deal and trying to figure a ballpark amount. Any tips you might have are very much welcome. Thanks!!!



How much is car insurance per month for a 16 year old?

I really want to get a Pontiac G6 on my 16th Birthday, I`m just curious as to how much the car insurance would be on it !""



How much is your insurance (4 cyl cars only)?

I am under full coverage because Its on bank loan. the same will be the saturn ok , I will revise my question. who drives a 4cyl and single. I know rates vary ie.  just what do you pay, single or married, and age""



Does urgent care cost a lot without insurance?

 Please don't treat me like I'm an idiot. I went to the doctor at my college. They told me my throat looks very bad, but I tested negative for strep throat. They are closed all weekend, so I would have to go to urgent care. Last time I was sick (way less sick than this) they gave me steroids and they told me I would have been in the hospital if I waited after the weekend. When I was born, I had a pneumothorax, so I have very bad asthma. I just had an asthma attack, so I want to go to urgent care. However, my dad passed away in january, so we can't afford health insurance (only the one the school provides with tuition). I was just wondering if anyone knows about how much a regular visit would cost without health insurance. Thank you""



About how much would it cost to for a year of car insurance for a 17 year old in new york?

I am planning on getting a used 2001 Mercedes-Benz C-Class C320. Before I buy the car I will have a senior license and will have taken drivers ed and a defensive driving coarse.



How much does the average trip to the emergency room cost without health insurance?

How much does the average trip to the emergency room cost without health insurance?



Leaving my car sit for 6 months. need to winterize it and decide what to do with the insurance.?

 im leaving for california for 6 months (jan till june) and i have to leave my car (1997 mercury sable) sit at home.   what should i do to winterize it before i leave. fluids (especially gas and oil) etc.   will the tires go flat or rot, if so what to do to prevent this  my battery is weak and i do not want to buy another one. should i let it go dead for force my fiancee to start it even now and again, if so how often, or should i get a new battery, and if so, make her start it every now and again. or can i simply let it go dead and just not start it then bring the car back from the dead when i get home.  also, the insurance, it would be awesome to stop insuring it, or maybe put it on hold? what are the pros and cons, i know i have to turn in my plate, would it be cost effective? i pay 40 a month. i know i would have to pay fees for plate and possibly for starting the insurance back up.  just want to know what you would do and if you have sound advice. thanks so so much for you time""



Cost to insure a car for first time driver?

 Hi, I just turned 15 yrs old and I'm looking to get a car soon. I live in New York City and you need to be 16 to get your permit, but I'd like to buy a car and add on upgrades and completely redo the interior so it will be nice by the time I can drive it. My parents aren't going to pay for any part of this, but I have money. My question is how much do you think I'd end up paying for insurance? My parents would put me on their Gieco plan, they both have never had an accident in their entire lives and pay very little for insurance. I was wondering if anybody had some kind of idea/range of how much I'd expect to pay for car insurance for these cars:  87-93 Ford Mustang 5.0  97-99 BMW M3  00-04 Mustang Cobra  95-2002 Acura/Honda Integra w/ turbocharger and upgrades  93-94 Mazda RX-7 w/ turbo  I don't need exact rates obviously, but if anybody works with a car insurer do you have a range on how much a 1st time driver would pay for each of these cars?  Thanks!""



Question about auto insurance claim pay?

 Edit: Forgot to mention, but in case it's not clear, the insurance company on behalf of the guy I'm talking about will not reimburse the cost it takes to repair both cars. I don't know about the other party's insurer, but from the sound of it my friend is currently expected to pay for both his and the other party's repair out of his own pockets ( what happened to the other party's insurer?)""



What Company Has the Cheapest Auto Insurance?

Also, are there any tricks to finding cheap auto insurance.""



Should Americans pay for those who are too irresponsible to buy health insurance?

 If cons repeal the Affordable Care Act we'll go back to the old system where hospitals tack-on extra charges to patients with insurance in order to cover their ER losses.  Under the ACA everybody will be responsible to pay for the injury we all must face at some point in our lives.  Why do cons want responsible Americans to pay for those who are too irresponsible to maintain insurance?



Wrong birthdate on auto insurance?

 my parents wont help me out with insurance, i bought my own car, i have a full time job and i am really responsible. i am 4 months from being 18 and need to get auto insurance for my new car. i live out on my own already and handle everything by myself. Do I have any options with auto insurances that would take a 17 year old in washington state. OR what would happen if I put I was one year older for the next four months than changed it? Does the insurance company verify?""



Life Insurance?

My husband and I are a young couple with three children and we are looking into getting life insurance for ourselves other than the ones provided by our employers. What companies would you suggest we look at and what kind of policy do you think is more suitable for young adults and children?



Which family/individual health insurance policy covers OPD expenses also in India?

Which health insurance companies are best, is it wise to buy policy from any of the companies which are listed there or registered with IRDA or we should keep certain things or criteria in mind? So that we should not feel sorry or guilty after buying or dealing with these in the need hour. THANKS""



Insurance for Rolls-Royce Phantom?

 What company can issue insurance for a Rolls-Royce Phantom here in Canada?  It is true that the companies can refuse the insurance because the price tag is almost $500,000? What happen if someone buys one and then the company refuses to approve the policy? is that legal for a company to say no to a car like that?  I just heard someone that mentioned that.  Thank you for your answers. Regards""



Car insurance for a 21 yr old living in ny?!?

Approx how much does car insurance, per month, cost for a 21 yr old college student from abroad in ny? My sister who lives in the country pays about 130 dollars per month in MA.""



How much does a Gynecology appointment cost without insurance?

 How much would a gynecology appointment cost if I paid out of pocket? I'd probably need both a pelvic exam and a pap smear. I'm in California so I'm guessing it will cost a little more here than in other states. Also, do I have to pay all at once or can I pay in installments? I'm not interested in going to public health clinics or planned parenthood.""



Car Accident........No collision insurance.?

 I had an accident where I ran into the back of a car. A second car ran into the back of me. I do not have collision insurance. I gave a recorded statement to my insurance company describing the accident. Initially, I said that my car hit the first car tonce.  I told the body shop to give me an estimate for the front end, since I may have to pay it. It was $3300. My car is only worth bluebook tradein at $3000. I contacted my insurance company and stated that I could not recall if my car hit the car in front a second time. I spoke to the person who hit me and she was wondering if the damage came from the first impact or if it was the result of a second impact. I am not sure. The first car reported to the driver that hit me that she felt an impact and then a vibration.  How can I get some cash from the insurance company to help fix my car. The car that hit me and I have Geico.""



""Can anyone recommend the best car insurance provider in Vancouver, BC?""

I am moving to Vancouver, BC in the fall, and taking my car with me? Can anyone please recommend the #1 car insurance provider, with lowest premium? For example, like Geico in the US?  And also, can you advise how much an insurance premium runs if i have clean driving history?""



What is the best insurance company for a recently passed young driver?

I passed my test last week and i am looking to buy a corsa, punto, clio like car. Its gonna be either a 1.0L or 1.2L car. How much will this cost me and what companies will give me the best quotes?  Also, i am a boy""



Can I suspend my car insurance?

 I am 18 years old, male, clean driving record, good student, going to college. I will only be going home for occasional weekends, and vacations, and I would like to be insured so I can drive my car (saturn 2000 sl) around.  I want to have coverage when I need it, but don't want to pay for a whole year of car insurance. I do not know a lot about car insurance but, Is it possible to just call up my car insurance company (MetLife) whenever I want and suspend or unsuspend my car insurance? This way I don't have to pay for a whole year of car insurance when i am only using it for weekends, week breaks, or winter and summer vacations (probably 5 months per year). Is this a normal practice?  Thanks!!""



""Typically for a healthy young 27 year old male, how much is health insurance monthly?

how much would health insurance cost?



Can you recommend the best possible health insurance for my father?

 He is using Blue Cross right now, and he is self employed, so it's about $800 / month just for him and they don't pay for much of anything, which I almost can't believe. I get health insurance through my husband's job, so I don't know what is the best choice, but there has to be something better than what Blue Cross offers. I typically don't just go calling around until I hear what other people have to say because I don't like being suckered into anything (I know places do this from experience). We live in RI. My father is almost 60 and he smokes, slightly overweight but not too much. He also had hip surgery last year but is otherwise in good shape. Any suggestions are much appreciated!!""



General costs to buy and insure a 50cc moped?

General costs to buy and insure a 50cc moped?


hard pull or soft pull for insurance quotes

hard pull or soft pull for insurance quotes

ANSWER: I might suggest that you try this website where you can compare rates from different companies: insuretips.xyz"

How much does auto insurance cost?

How much does auto insurance cost?



I would like to know which is the average prize for a scooter insurance?

 I would like to buy a new scooter, i don't know yet which one exacly but it' s probably going to be a 250cc or 125cc , prize around 2000 - 3000.  I would just like to know which can be the average prize to insure it, as I checked on the net for a quote but all of of them ask me for my details and everything....I am a little bit scared to give my all my details away to an unknown website over the internet, so I was just wondering if somebody could give me at least an idea on the average scooter insurance prize ( I know I know, I am so inexperinced about this things!!! )  By the way, my age is 32, if that makes the difference  Thank you very much for your help in advance.""



I need 1 month of auto insurance coverage. Does anyone know how I might go about finding a insurer online?

 -I live abroad  -I'm a U.S. citizen  -I will buy a used car in California  -I will drive this car for exactly 1 month this summer  -I will then park it at my parents home for the winter  -It will not be driven until next year  -Most insurers appear to offer only 6 month policies with large cancellation fees.  -Companies in the UK, AUS, and SAfrica appear to have 1 month policies.""



I had my driving license revoked got six points IN10 passed test again any 1 know how to get cheaper insurance?

Driving license 



How can a 16 year old afford a BMW Z3 and insurance?

 Hi, it's almost summer time and I plan on getting a full time (8 hours a day) job from June 1st until maybe mid-August. Here's the thing: I really want a 1996-1998 BMW Z3 1.9L. I want this car more than anything else and I'm willing to work my a$$ off if that's what it takes. But every time I talk about it to my parents they discourage me, by saying I could never afford the insurance and that it's just a dream. I have $500 in the bank and I plan on selling my dirt bike for about $1200 bringing me up to about $1700 that I already have. I want to find a 4 cylinder Z3 for around $7000 or less and make a down payment on it (I don't know how much) and make payments for 36 months. Is there any way I could afford this? I am willing to do whatever I can to afford it. And what job pays the best? Like a restaurant or grocery store or something else? And what could I do when school starts back? I was thinking getting a job after school for 2 or 3 hours a day. Any suggestions on all this? Thank you so much.""



Home insurance claim. Should installation be included in claim from insurance company?

 Home insurance claim for Kitchen fire. Should installation be included with the claim?  We had a kitchen fire in our home a few months back. They are getting into the installation of everything but going over the claim, it covers items to be removed, and covers materials (minimally) but it doesn't cover for anything to be replaced. So all the installation is being taken out of pocket and out of our materials budget. Does this sound right? I thought if its covered to be removed they'd cover for it to be put back.   Thanks for any help in advance.""



Does your home insurance premiums go up if you file a claim?

Due to our winter weather my moms has sustained some roof water damage. Its leaking into her ceiling and she has to put bowls out to catch the dripping water. She doesnt want to call Farmers Insurance to make a claim because she fears her rates will go up. Is that true? She has never filed a claim before.



Insurance for a cheap car?

 Hi all, i am living in NYC which has notoriously high car insurance rates. I'm looking to purchase a second beater car to work on as a side hobby. This car would run anywhere from $500-$2000. Is there anyway to insure this car without it being $100/mo? Because those are the quotes i am currently getting for just liability insurance. Seems a bit ridiculous seeing how the cost of insurance would go over the value of the car in just a year or so.""



Does motorcycle insurance cost the same as car insurance?

 Currently 18 years old and was looking for a car but I am also interested in motorcycles. The bike would be a 1979 Honda Twinstar 185. I just wanted something to zip around in in the city. Would it be less considering if I crash there isn't much to repair? or more because I am a teen? I currently pay $150 as a secondary driver on my dad's car insurance. I know there are a lot of factors to determine price but how much of a difference is it normally?



Car Insurance for teens?

ok so i need to get insurance for my car asap how long  if i call today and pay for everything over the phone  how long until i am covered? Do they have to send me a card which means i have to wait to drive until i get it?



Can i get non-owners insurance without a drivers license?

looking for a insurance company in houston texas that can help me with non-owners insurance



How can I find a whole life insurance policy that was paid in full by my Mom on me as a child?

How can I find a whole life insurance policy that was paid in full by my Mom on me as a child?



How much insurance for a 16 years old boy?

in california



What is the cheapest car insurance?

I was wondering what is the absolute cheapest car insurance? What is it and how much about? I am going to be 23 I am a female and I have never been in any accidents. I am very limit budget I need coverage but waaaaay cheap.



Why does van insurance cost more the vehilce is in your companies name rather thann your own name?

my insurance on my transit seems to be about 200 more when i have it in the company name rather than my own?!  Any ideas?



Got in an accident with no collision on my car insurance?

 I got in an accident at and intersection the other day. i was heading north ready to turn west(my left) at the intersection. the other driver was heading south with her left blinker on ready to turn east (her left). so when i saw her blinker o n i figured it was safe to take my turn now. but in the middle of my turn she decides to keep going straight rather than turning left like her blinker had indicated. therefore she hit me in my rear passenger side with her front passenger side. she did not have much damage. however my car is fairly warped up in the rear end. it may even be totaled although it is drivable. i am just waiting for the appraisal right now. when we began speaking to the cop i mentioned that she had her blinker on, but she denied this.   i alerted my insurance company and they filed a claim. i heard from her insurance company and they sent me to get and appraisal. i sent the accident report to the police station the rmv and my insurance yesterday.  I do have insurance but i have no collision so i am real scared that it they put me at fault for some reason that i may be in some deep water. i am almost sure the damage to my car is at least a $5,000 fix.  what are the odd of them ruling it her fault?  and what are the odds of them ruling it my fault?  also...how do you think think my damage will be fixed or covered?  any help is much appreciated! thx!""



New car for 16 year old. Insurance question?

 So I'm 16 and my parents are buying me a 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L.  Anyways, the insurance will be under my dad's name. Until I get into an accident, I don't need to have insurance.  Would it be better to stick to the insurance we have now. Which we have 5 houses under, and 3 cars. Or would it be better to go to another insurance company and not let either know of eachother?   Thanks! Oh and don't bother BSing about how it should be under my name... I won't listen so why do it?""



How can I lower my car insurance rates?

 I'm 17, and got a car a little over a month ago. My car insurance (with Gieco) is $250 a month. My mom's is $100. I'm on her plan, or something. I never took drivers ed (and with two jobs, school full time, and online classes, I most likely never will). I do have all A's though, does anywhere give a discount for that? I've got no tickets or accidents. Please help me find something cheaper!""



Can I insure my children(2 and 6 years old) from turning into gays?

I have heard insurance companies have some sort of life insurances with many options out there - does any of them cover that? So that, If they actually become gay - I at least get something""



Is insurance cheaper if you work as a mechanic?

I'm 17, about to buy a car and insurance but was curious to see if me working as a mechanic with alot of experience with car repair, spray painting and such would lower the cost""



Hayabusa Mini Insurance. (Kit car?)?

Hayabusa Mini Insurance. (Kit car?)?



Auto insurance premium?

 I have state farm auto insurance. Recently my premium has increased by about 15 dollars. I haven't done anything wrong though. I haven't had a ticket or been in any accidents. My record is clear. I asked my state farm agent but she just told me that she can't control these increases. If I haven't done anything wrong, why is my state farm insurance premium increasing? I don't get it. If anyone know, please educate me on this. Thanks!""



How do I figure how much life insurance I will need?

How do I figure how much life insurance I will need?



Why is it cheaper to get term life insurance as a business or through a business than as an individual?

It seems much more costly to buy direct as an individual than thru my company. Is my company getting a tax credit/discount? Should I form an LLC to get the same discounted value?



How much does malpractice insurance cost?

How much does malpractice insurance cost for a dental hygienist?



Is whole life insurance a good tool for estate planning?

Is whole life insurance a good tool for estate planning?


hard pull or soft pull for insurance quotes

hard pull or soft pull for insurance quotes

ANSWER: I might suggest that you try this website where you can compare rates from different companies: insuretips.xyz


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