I have a bothering question to pose to many Nigerians at this critical time as we are about making another history to decide who paddles our affairs for another four years not four months!

To everyone especially distinguished learned people of my dear Country here on different social media platforms whose conscience is still alive!!!

I used to think that the survival of Nigeria -Nation is in the hands of learned individuals the caliber we have on this platform of professionals?

 As a scholar, I was wondering what conscious efforts we are making in our little corners and positions of influence?

Now, concerning this coming election of less than a month time, I'm so baffled at the issues the most competent hands raise!  If we are not practicing journalism, at least we have the fundamental training to frame issues of National relevance as well rounded humans!

Now my humble thoughts:

 Education of the electorates, grass root mobilization of voters, enlightenment of the masses on nationhood core values, the essence of peaceful co-existence under this entity, Nigeria, sense of balanced reportage, raising pertinent issues amongst the teeming youths used by politicians to cause chaos in such volatile periods amidst other sensitive topics should be our focus to show we know better than some of the half bake graduates churned out from other Universities. .

As we pride naturally ahead of others! Critically posing fundamental questions to those we send to represent us! Knowing if they still remember we sent them to various positions as senators, Members of the House of Representatives and other exalted position where we voted them in inquiring how they are fairing?

 if they still remember we sent them there? Ever wondered how this Nation would fair in ten years from now if we continue in this docility as world class scholars?

 If we constantly ignore emerging crucial national issues and subscribe to mundane tribal and ethnic politics and alignment?

 Ever imagined how disappointed our grand children will judge our negligence to the future if we keep mortgaging it in this awkward manner as we thread in our shallow logic soothing our quest for personal satisfaction?  

Would our children unborn be proud of our education? We can see the decadence amongst Nationalists children alignment already!

We castigate their sense of cowardice yet repeat their blunder in our conversations! Of what relevance are communication, culture and leadership in a multimedia era? Do our votes really count? Are we worthy mortals enough to defend the strong value systems we see in other developed world as we travel round?

How long shall we continue in relegating pertinent issues as scholars? What does Nigeria mean to us? The decay in our educational sector, in our Universities that we contribute to as leaders? Are we perturbed at the ongoing extortion in various degrees where we out to fight against? What does leadership mean to us as agents of positive change every sane society clamour for, a reason our parents suffered to train us for? What legacies are we leaving behind? As custodians of morality and cultural presevence we ought to be!

Are we concerned at all about the decay? This theory of mundane trivialities should bother our hearts as mortals with living consciences!

Can people really long to come here as an educative platform after scanning through our thread glue to this page and never ever leave but rather are changed into better humans with strong values to affect others?

Iam so concerned because that's the essence of education and that's what differentiates us from political clowns parading in the corridors of power without any sense of human value, suffering from mental” kwasiokor”!

If we crucify the political school drop outs who barely finished OND and repeat their blunders, we are of all men most despicable and rotten!!!

We can be better than this if we choose to be more intentional about life and follow the footsteps of many examples we already can reckon with! Prof. Pat Utomi is a living example of a rare being people testify to his impeccable integrity. ...

We need not go far..His in our midst and we need to copy good example of men of like passions!!! We can be better humans!

My hearts bleeds over the things we regard as vital and dwell more on in our discussion on this noble platform! It hurts me deeply that we can be less concerned in the face of fierce battle with such intensity as a four years or eight years decision can make or mar our future?

Thanks as you read and do the needful. ..

You have a part to play in our Nation's decision. We are stronger together! It's my thoughts and strong thoughts.

Iam doing my part as well. If each one can be committed to this cause!!! Then a better future awaits us all...



