Hara Gulab - ??? ???? ? (??Emerald Rose, the shade of Chartreuse liqueur)
?Hindi: Hara Gulab
??? ?????
[Commissioned by Ewan Nisbet]
A joy, felt blithely
A companion nearby.
Longingly, lovingly
Hear at first, thy soft sigh.
Perennial lost beauty
Soft kissed innocent face.
Yearning soft entreaty
Longed for laughter and grace.
The feint hearted ne'er kept
Nor knew thy wondrousness.
As if in half dreams slept,
Or chose carelessness.
No safe refuge, retreat.
Or solemn whispered plight.
Or outstretched arms entreat.
Or blind sullen, delight.
Cloudless sky, silver chaste.
Springs joyous light evoking.
Virulent ivy haste;
Quicken green buds choking.
Rose in green apparel.
Yet can ne'er undress,
Or pathless time conceal.
Its' rapture and distress.
If by thy colours dressed
Springs' bright vitality.
By thee we each are blessed
Sans sin: idolatry.
No tiara worn, nor yoke,
The heart that governs thee.
Nor secrets, beneath cloak,
To mar thee breaking free.
Underneath green flowers,
Sleek cats' back arches high.
'Neath her quick claw: cowers,
A tired rat that must die.
Playful eyes, fearful eyes.
The cat may taunt or tease.
Who would mourn rats demise?
Or pity its' spirits breeze.
Seductive feral cat
Hidden beneath its blooms.
Buds softly delicate,
Brushed against: as it grooms.
Periwinkle bank fountain.
Trailing stars of purple fire.
Diadem buds, white pristine.
A summit, to inspire.
Love, a defiant treasure
Conjured by the creative.
Distance, a vain measure
Crossed by the instinctive.
Eyes of a hidden toad,
Catching gadflies at play.
The solitary road
In time fades away.
Hopping toad's sudden leap,
Awakens each scented bloom.
Though rooted in a lost sleep,
Its' exquisite perfume.
The soft rustle of leaves.
Reveal endless shadows.
Lost innocence grieves.
Seeking shady meadows.
Secrets that merge serene.
Hidden within a rose.
Time snatched memorable scene.
Only the weak expose.
Cool wind uncoils red kite.
Breeze unfurls green petals.
Jousting wasps cease to fight,
Caught in rusty nettles.
Petals that tear softly,
Protect secrets fear hid.
Fate will eventually,
Reveal all, or forbid.
If slyly discovered,
Sweet rare loveliness.
A spine shiver followed.
Impending wariness.
At the perilous edge
China rose vert flora.
Interspersed teary sedge,
Its radiant aurora.
Those that saw only grass
Missed its heart pulsing love
Those who sank in morass,
Reached for loves' sacred glove.
Soft fingers hold tightly.
Oblivious to sharp thorns.
Ivy held rose nightly.
Caressing until torn.
Each sepal tinged with red
When kissed by tender lips.
Then where is thy soft seedbed?
Did love lead to hardships?
Aspire a fervent wish.
By nature designing
Its green rose unscented bush.
Fern and frond entwining.
Swathed by heart leaved ivy
Tinsel frilled, tipped leaves.
This green blush, none envy.
Ivy vining weaves.
Its deeply embedded roots
Twisting sightlessly.
It's colonising shoots,
Reach skyward endlessly.
'Round interweaving vine,
Green buds tightly embrace,
Whilst roots slender and fine,
Each others' tendrils chase.
No bards, lyrics delight
Nor soft silence intrude.
The battle ensues through night.
As ivy and thorns feud.
In slow seductive trails.
A haunted, tireless sleep.
The ivy mat prevails.
The wretched lonely weep.
Loves disparity
In prim isolation.
Cut wrist sincerity?
Or cruel hearts violation.
Tear filled decay and mud,
A bloodless gripping will.
Oh poor green rosebud
how fare thee so well, still?.
Summers soft sullen sigh.
Arid, bleak, wind beaten.
Each flower head stretched high.
Blight or aphid eaten.
By weathered dusty road.
Languishing jade green rose.
Its green sepal whorls twisted.
Enfolding kindred sorrows.
Lizard silvery zinc,
'Neath gold suns' fire burning.
A cold streams' endless drink;
Lizard tongue flicks yearning.
Saffron gold, tinged pink skies
Warm the ice glazed green rose.
Expunging all our goodbye's.
Swiftly fly maudlin crows.
Unstrained souls' tender touch.
Two green buds are entwined.
Soft petals blend too much.
Loneliness consigned.
If that grey unscented air,
Autumn fed, roses red.
To find the roads that tear,
Beauteously rose covered.
No senseless quarrel,
Would by maelstroms, devour.
Or infectious rival,
To steal thy sweet flower.
Light sparkles wistfully.
As bee and wasp disperse.
Creation flees hastily.
No rejection so terse.
Buds sway, a scent followed.
Careless petals lost.
Petal-less, dust swallowed,
Swiftly dead-heading ghost.
Though cobwebs shudder too,
Wilder storms that shower
Rarer, than roses blue;
'Neath lightning cower.
Wet and heavy buds droop.
Shimmering webs' enlace.
As spiders spin and loop.
Silk ravelled interlace.
Loves' hope suspends death.
Until petals shiver...
Old winters icy breath,
Freezes thy warm centre.
Plucked lifeless ill time
Winter shortness of breath.
Each false smile will repine
Withering, hope 'till death.
Unrest plight, love cures.
Travel alone each day.
The bleak road endures;
Yet will in time decay.
To be helplessly caught
What untraversed terrain.
Requited devotion sought.
If love is to remain.
Sadly, dost thou languish,
Exude pepper fragrance.
Inner tranquil anguish,
Secluded songless silence.
So coy, contritely
Frosty fury will die.
Endlessly, hankering,
Hear at last thy soft cry.
When by sharp swift spokes
Of steel, iron or lead;
Caught by such life strokes.
Tumbled leaves, swam blood red.
A grey fox tilted its head.
To find roses' subtle scent.
Memory too lingered.
Angels' sorrowed lament.
Vigilant quiet stillness.
Inner silence spellbound.
Intrusions timeless,
Love-spilled and profound.
If thy soft petals stroked
Unconsumed times' hurry;
Fond memories invoke,
Sans hoary frost fury.
A silk life line from thou,
Conferred with lasting grace
Forgive and then allow;
A love redeemed embrace.
Silver, thy soft yearning.
Green as emerald silk.
Gold are the forgiving,
Anointed by mothers' milk.
If my love could change you,
What wouldst thou do if free?
Wouldst that I could sleep too,
If I were changed with thee.
Copyright?Sapphire Eagle???