Let me tell you the SAME story from ANOTHER context.

The Ownership of the "Happy Worker" lies with the Worker primarily , and secondary to Employer. The Employer will facilitate the environment ( as per it's policy and goal) at best to keep the Employee Happy, because the Employer has primary goal of running the business.

I have noticed a growing conversation/debates around the "Unhappy Workforce" through various surveys, opinion polls, and LinkedIn influencers. The number of content( Please read -Happier lot than their peers) professionals is significantly smaller than those who are dissatisfied ( Most of those poll / survey / report advocates or confirm this statement ). Despite numerous HR initiatives aimed at fostering a happier work environment, annual reports continue to reflect the same disheartening results year after year.

The amount of time and effort invested in addressing this issue without substantial progress is alarming.

I have had the privilege of engaging in meaningful conversations with a handfull of professionals who are "genuinely happier" in their organizations and that population is diverse in regards to age, money they make, skills they have, job titles they earned, location they live , industries they work in, varied marital status , religion ,socio-economical backgrounds etc.

Some of these interactions even blossomed from professional to personal connections.

So, what contributes to their happiness?

I have observed "three" factors that played significant. This is my observation(so may not be FIT for ALL) and I have tried to understand and pen that from my understanding of those conversations.

1. Defined Dream Job

A dream job isn’t just about the compensation package or having a corner office. It includes:

  • Your manager
  • Peers and juniors
  • Company culture
  • Location
  • Flexibility
  • Employer's history
  • Industry
  • Economy
  • Family
  • Health (a BIG one, often overlooked)
  • Long-term future/retirement

You don’t need a supercomputer to analyze all these factors. The trick is LOCK & LOCATE.

Try to "Lock in the basic minimum you want in most of these areas" and then "Locate an employer where these basics are met and appreciated by the employer." This is what a dream job means to these people. Most of them figured out this EQUATION early or later in their careers. They KNOW themselves and identify WHAT they WANT.

2. Mojo of Measurement

They build their own SCALE.

They try hard not to depend on the scale/measurements fixed by others.

Once they find their "ideal equation", they continually measure their growth with a scale that suits them, not society or others. They understand that growth isn’t "always linear", so they regularly reassess and make adjustments as needed. This ongoing evaluation and course correction help them stay on track and maintain their satisfaction at work.

3. Superior Emotional Intelligence

These professionals exhibit higher emotional intelligence compared to their peers. They don't seek external validation and are comfortable saying "no" when necessary. In essence, they thrive ( read hang on longer than their peers) in situations that others might find uncomfortable. They are more "agile and aware" and have a higher "learnability" than others. They always LIFT others up and most of the times know where the "Full-Stop" lies.

And one BONOUS point, that may be termed as LUCK.

They do have the luxury of working with at least ONE/more great Manager ( Read - Mentor ) and Co worker ( Read - Friend cum Co-worker) in their professional journey along with a supportive FAMILY ( Read- Mostly the Spouse).

This a prospective only, endless combinations are possible. And a person is the best person to create that combination for him/her self. And there always will be something remains to be learn /achieve in professional life as well there will always be something that will be left out.


