Weekly Geekout - with inflatable boobs, expensive tacos and the best use of an ostrich.
Welcome to COOL LINKS BRO. We consume a large & varied amount of media to stay current, this is a quick list of links we want to share with you - because we like you. We focus on design, ads, branding & tech. Let’s geek out.
- I heart everything about this work by Mary Iverson, check out coit tower.
- It’s not just HIStory anymore... HIPstory illustrates our world leaders as hipsters. Hah.
- The world’s most expensive taco will set ya back $25k.
- #freethefeed a giant inflatable boob makes a statement about breastfeeding in London.
- It's happening. Turn every surface of your home into a screen.
- "A basic design is always functional, but a great one will say something." –Tinker Hatfield. Definitely worth watching this episode of Abstract on Netflix.
- Creative Director Dave Snyder explains some of the fundamentals of design and how “Design in the most classic sense is a potent business strategy.”
- The cleverest way to use an Ostrich in a commercial.