Happy Thanksgiving
Sal D'Angelo
President LakePointe Advisors LLC | Live Well-Retire Better? [email protected] | (440) 510-8004
I would like to wish all subscribers, family and friends of the the Live Well-Retire Better? newsletter a very Happy Thanksgiving. I'm sure I speak for many when I say we really don't take enough time to think about all of the blessings and good fortune we've been given being citizens of this great country. Sure, there are issues and many things divide us. However, the common thread that unites us is the fact that we are all Americans and we have much to be thankful for. Rather than worry and dwell about what we want or don't have, let's all take a moment today to think and pray about all we have been given and all we have to be thankful for. That's what I'll be doing. My wish for everyone reading this is that you have a very Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your time with friends and family today and throughout the holiday season. God Bless.