Happy Thanksgiving
In a few days most of us will be gathering around a table with friends and family for a Thanksgiving meal and an enjoyable time together. If we are all honest with ourselves, and pause to think about it…we have a lot to be thankful for. And oftentimes, what we are most grateful for are the simple things in life.
Most of us can be grateful for the very opportunity to gather for a meal with people we cherish. I'm so thankful for my family…my parents, my wife…our children and grandchildren; that they are all healthy and strong. I am thankful for the time we can spend together; enjoying a meal, playing games, laughing…and crying together. It is the times like these which bring me the greatest joy.
I hope that each of us will take the time during the next few days to really look around and see all that we have to be grateful for – even small things that stir your soul – like the taste of that pumpkin, or pecan pie (with extra whipped cream), the laughter of child, the love of a friend or the simple beauty of an incredible sunset.
See the link below for a little perspective of how blessed we are to live where, when and how we do.