Happy Thanksgiving from Your Next.Up Family!

Happy Thanksgiving from Your Next.Up Family!

Dear Esteemed Athletes of Next.Up,

As the leaves turn golden and the air fills with the spirit of Thanksgiving, we, the Next.Up.Athletic team want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to each one of you.

This year, like those before, has been a journey – one of challenges, triumphs, and relentless growth. Your dedication, resilience, and spirit have been the heartbeat of our community. We are incredibly thankful for your commitment, your passion, and the unique qualities each of you brings to Next.Up.

As you gather with loved ones to celebrate Thanksgiving, we wish you moments filled with joy, laughter, and the warmth of togetherness. May your tables be laden with the bounty of the season, and your hearts with the contentment of well-earned rest.

Remember, amidst the festivities, to take a moment for yourself – to reflect on your achievements, to dream of future goals, and to bask in the satisfaction of endeavors well-pursued. We are endlessly proud of what you've accomplished and are excited about what the future holds for each of you.

We wish you health, happiness, and continued success in all that you do. Know that we are always here for you, cheering you on, supporting your dreams, and ready to assist in any way we can.

Happy Thanksgiving! May this holiday season bring you peace, prosperity, and the joy of achieving new heights.

With heartfelt thanks,

Whit and the Entire Next.Up.Athletic Team



