Happy Teachers Day
I liked to watch films at the weekends. I get fully relaxed and get recharged. I have taken lot of inspiration from films since college days. Other inspiring sources were songs (Marathi and Hindi), dramas (I have seen many experimental dramas also popularly known as Chhabildas Movement led by Vijaya Mehta, Rohini Hattangadi, Nana Patekar, Dr Shriram Lagoo, Amol Palekar,Vihang Nayak, Dr Hemu Adhikari[Biochemist, BARC], Rekha Sabnis etc ),was member of Film Society due to Dr S R Kamat, classical novels in Marathi and English, motivational books of this generation, Philosophical literature (though these days my reading is not much due to physical exercise in the morning and Sudarshan Kriya including meditation in the evening),inspiring thoughts from anyone not necessarily celebrities and of course blessings of seniors. But I could not see any movie for last couple of weeks. In fact last week our son, Satyyam highly recommended and shown willingness to book the tickets of the movie ‘Super 30’. But I was occupied with Gurupurnima (Unnati Yoga Centre, Dr Vidya Joshi) and success party of my sister’s son. Intermittently I was looking at the proposal for submission to funding agency too on Saturday and Sunday. Finally I made it a point to view “Super 30” and “Mission Mangal” as per the recommendations of Dr Dinesh Amalnerkar, Ex-Executive Director, Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (CMET),Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, GOI.I could divert my attention for some time but simultaneously was very much disturbed to a great extent while watching both the movies. I have started introspecting, about my career and asked myself what I have done in more than four decades of scientific career?
I, is not normally used as per our scientific culture. But if I am is coming in the writing then please ignore and excuse me as this is my introspection.
Initially, I have joined as a postgraduate student for working on International Clinical Trial (Dr B S Kulkarni, Dr F D Dastur and Dr K G Nair) at G. S. Medical College, Mumbai for testing a drug in Tetanus patients. I have studied Central Nervous System (CNS) and Autonomous Nervous System (ANS) apart from book entitled “Tetanus” for this project.
Later I was a Team member of Air Pollution Health Survey led by Dr S R Kamat. City Engineer Mr Shirodkar and Dr Kamat were invited by Bombay Chamber of Commerce and Industry prior to just start of the Air Pollution study in the year 1976-1977. Half a day seminar mainly covered “Throwing garbage on the streets, spitting on roads/walls, writing on walls, Traffic rules and of course Tobacco etc.
Later the team witnessed 8-Member WHO round table meeting for getting Grants. He invited many people from all walks of life (Scientific, Social, Political, Policy makers etc) at the National level for this three day marathon meetings. Dr Kamat refused to share the data concerning health of Indian population which was not connected with Air Pollution work at the cost of Rs 2 Crs in 1978. I was in his room after these three days long and exhaustive deliberations. The first statement he uttered was ‘Natu whatever happens to WHO Grants, your PhD work must make significant progress’(My Ph D thesis was part of this survey). The Team conducted massive population health survey (by mobilizing population of Railways, RCF, Petrochemical refineries, Reserve Bank of India, Poinad-Alibaug, Thal-Vaishet (prior to the establishment of RCF Factory), permission from Maharashtra Police, Slums of Mumbai and finally measurements of Carboxyhemoglobin on the streets of Lalbaug) for five years and established that Air Pollution is hazardous to the Indian population. People will die due to cardio-pulmonary disorders. Simultaneously, I was involved in the data processing at TIFR (Prof. Sadanandan and Alka Narvekar-Irani) and coordinating with NEERI, Mumbai for measurements of CO, NOx. Particulate Matter, SO2 Hydrocarbons etc. We also gathered data from observatories (Temperature, Humidity, Wind velocity and direction, Rain fall etc), mortality data from Bombay Municipal Corporation, socio-economic data (age, sex, education, housing details, sanitation, nature of job [sedentary or laborious], smoking habits, income, dietary habits etc etc) of selected population apart from Clinical and Laboratory investigations. Dr Kamat also asked me to supervise Two Statisticians and a programmer (Mr Mahesh Naik ??? not sure about surname). Entire team is An Author of the book entitled “Bombay Air Pollution Health Study”, a book published by Bombay Municipal Corporation, 1984. The person responsible for this to happen was of course Dr S. R. Kamat (Prof. & Head of Respiratory Medicine). Nobody knows him beyond the boundaries of four walls of an Academic Institutions. But one of his students, Dr Deelip Mhaisekar, Vice Chancellor (VC), Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) is well known to India. Relatively recently (2018) Dr Kamat was recognized as a Father of Modern Respiratory Medicine in India.
The message got from the Air Pollution work is that Bombay is getting deteriorated (1980’s). Our job was to carry out investigations and submit a report to Bombay Municipal Corporation, State Government and Central Government. The issue of Air Pollution cannot be tackled at an individual level. It has to be tackled by Government. Apart from Air Pollution, noise levels, water and food quality were also bad. But so far no measures were taken which are visible to the Indian population. Simultaneously, ICMR conducted a study of RTO’s working on New Delhi streets in the year 1978-1980. It was observed that elevated levels of Caboxyheamoglobin in Policemen controlling the traffic even for just two hours. In this scenario how an individual can face the challenges of Air Pollution. The answer was and is go for the regular physical exercise depending upon the liking of an individual. The options are Walking, Running, Cycling, Gym work out, Hill Climbing, Swimming, Pranayam, Yoga, Sudarshan Kriya, one may get involved in various sports such as Badmington, Tennis, Table Tennis, Foot Ball, Volly Ball etc without sacrificing professional responsibilities. I have attempted most of the exercises during last fifty years. Currently I am practicing some of these religiously, day in and day out. This might help an individual to face the challenges of Air Pollution.
What happened later years? Vehicular Exhaust is being checked periodically by Government authorities. Pollution Control Board is taking corrective action at an industrial scale. Smoking is significantly reduced. New manufacturing sector has been initiated in the form of Mineral water. But everyone has to take a note of the fact that vehicular pollution is significantly hazardous than industrial Air Pollution. The water pollution is more dangerous than Air Pollution. However to tackle the challenges of pollution is not responsibility of Government alone. The involvement of Individuals, NGO’s, Private and Public Sector are expected. Enormous amount of funding can be shared by Private Sector under the heading of Social Corporate Responsibility. Such an initiative will be encouraged by State and Central Governments.
Simultaneously I was associated with Dr P D Soman. He was involved in drug development for Hepatitis B during 1966 to 1972 in UK. I have heard from him the entire story of drug development during 1972-1975. Also he explained me that blood levels going up or down is not a clinical research. His son is Milind Soman. Everybody knows him as a model and a film star. But I have witnessed Milind’s early days of swimming. Later he was recognized as National champion by winning most of the Gold Medals. Dr Soman inspired me for individual sports instead of cricket apart from giving insights in Research. Simultaneously he has taken me on the path of independent thinking. In his last visit to G S Medical College, he stated that you are in the practical hands of Dr Kamat. Also cricket is full of politics was mentioned by Mr Vijay Merchant in one of the party given to Dr Kamat for his work on Effects of Cotton Dust in Textile Mill Workers, the Disease Known as Byssinosis, just prior to the start of Air Pollution work. I was involved in this project as a Trainee Statistician with Mr. S T Kulkarni.
So I went for swimming.
My Ph D guide was Dr D V Rege, Prof. & Head, Food Technology, UDCT, Mumbai. All his students during 1960’s and early 1970’s went abroad to work in American and European food industries. Later on Prof. Rege changed his strategy and started designing/encouraging projects suitable for India. He has given new dimensions to Food Industry. He made changes in products like Protinex, Cadbury etc. Subsequently he became Director of UDCT. During his tenure as Director I have witnessed that he himself used to visit Fish Market at Mahim. Also he could gather Rs 1 Cr (1986-87) from food industry for R & D in his tenure as Director. Later on he was recognized as a National Professor of Modern Food Technology.
I did some work on Alcoholic fermentation and suggested to distilleries in International Seminar
On “Modernization of Distilleries and Breweries" organized by All India Distiller's Association,
New Delhi, held at Srinagar (July 1989) that existing fermentation process can be modified instead of going for expensive Continuous Fermentation Technology. The suggestions were implemented by Mr Mansingrao Jadhav, M D of Shetkari Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana, Sangli.
Further I was involved to a great extent in developing an instrument for on-line measurement of color i.e. WG-COLORMET-1.0 in association with Wavelet Group (WG, Dr Vishwas Udpikar). The trials of this device were conducted in many sugar factories in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu before making an Instrument (Dr Vandana Dhamankar was associated for these efforts). Who knows WG? But if I say President of India Dr A P J Abdul Kalam visited this company before, during and after his President ship then everybody will understand the credibility of WG. Colormet-1.0 was the only product made for general industries. Scientifically it was a success story. It is having potential to revolutionize QC of Sugar Industry. Otherwise entire work of WG is for Defense and primarily working on Digital Signal Processing. Several products were made but did not file a single patent. The reason is simple it was for Indian defense.
Who knows Dr Savita Datar from S P College? Dr Datar working in a teaching Institute but still maintaining scientific spirit. Dr Datar published 15 research articles in international journals related to Stem Cells and Diabetes. In contrast to this if I state that she is a mother of Gayatri Datar then the global Marathi population will know instantly.
Dr S R Kamat sincerely apologized me for not mentioning my name at the time of book publication written by the Team. But he stated after the function that “Natu you worked very well for those seven years”. But let me tell you Sir (DrSRK), you taught us wrong things that only work is important and not position or money.
Dr Arun Jamkar Ex-VC of MUHS opened a department of Interdisciplinary and I was recognized as a teacher for Ph.D. in 2015. Further I was nominated by MUHS authorities to work on the Board of Research, Interdisciplinary Subjects. I am sure that this must have happened due to Dr Yogesh Bendale (Rasayu Cancer Clinic,Pune).
Finally my contribution to the society apart from all above…Rasayu was recognized on Global platform due to e-Rasamruta a first journal in Ayuveda (2009 till today).I have received 30 articles before the launch of the journal based on Orkut interactions. Ayush Research Portal (https://ayushportal.nic.in/) requested permission to upload the Rasamruta articles (2012) just on the basis of Facebook interactions. Editorial Boards were formed in 2009 and 2014 only on the basis of social platforms. Celebrities such as Dr Arun Jamkar, Dr S R Kamat, Dr Dinesh Amalnerkar have sent Friendship requests on Facebook to me. The person who has taken me on the social platform for e-Rasamruta is Dr Payal Sethi-Khandelwal.
I think it is just about two years ago Dr Yogesh Bendale (involved in treating cancer patients at National and International level) was felicitated by Dr Deelip Mhaisekar, VC, MUHS for Lifetime Achievement Award in Tilak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Pune and Dr Bendale invited me for the function. Although he did not mention my name from the platform but I have considered as correction of mistake made by Dr Kamat. I am sure statistically speaking (Regression analysis) Dr Bendale will be recognized as a Father of Modern Ayurveda in the years to come. May be, may be that time I will not be alive.
Excel will convey the work done by an individual but it doesn’t express involvement/emotions, time taken even for just making a single telephonic call and lots of other things which we used to share with our wonderful teachers. As we all know, no baby is born before nine months or sugarcane crop takes 18 months to grow. Healing of a wound takes its own time. How many months Cancer patients take to enjoy better Quality of Life? The business starts only after the completion of scientific work wherein strategies, reports and many other aspects are involved. Therefore I feel very strongly that Rasayani Biologics Pvt.Ltd. is a most competitive scientific platform which can deliver drug/data for commercialization only after successful completion of scientific work.
Couple of months ago Dr Kamat sent me a Friendship request on Facebook. Later I have shared with him my writing on Fitness and Developmental India. His comments are “It is good for you (Exercises) and at least someone is following me (his thoughts in practice)”. Even today at the age of 86 or 87, Dr Kamat says we/Team did Air Pollution work. Sir’s comments are true in the sense that physical exercise is good to develop resistance and face the challenges of pollution in general at an individual level. National level initiatives are required as mentioned above.
Awareness in general population has increased significantly which led to making Shadu Ganapati, Ganesh immersion in tanks, Nirmalya Collection and Recycling Campaign, Tree plantation drive by NGO’s and state governments, lesser use of Gulal during festivals (Colour powder) etc. are good signs. Problem of Solid and liquid waste is being tackled by Municipal Corporations.The Institutional efforts of Biogas generation from solid and liquid waste needs to be mentioned.
Some efforts were taken by politicians. Late Shri R R Patil has motivated Cleaning villages in his constituency.CM Shri Arvind Kejriwal experimented some measures for vehicular traffic in New Delhi. Central Government unsuccessfully banned tobacco products. State Governments are taking measures for controlling Air and Noise pollution during festivals.
The bold move of banning usage of plastics by state government must be appreciated. Environmentalist must consider the fact that vehicular pollution is more dangerous than industrial pollution and therefore encourage municipal corporations to construct new roads to decongest traffic without sacrificing environmental damage.
Current regime under the leadership of Pradhan Sevak Mr Narendra Modi, PM initiated The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan which covers many aspects related to Pollution. We were aware in 1980’s that Pollution, Population and Politics (PPP) are interdependent. It is now known that Fertility rate has decreased, Political will power is in favour of cleaning India and therefore it may be possible to control pollution to a great extent in the years to come.
Dr Ramesh Natu