Happy student's day!

Happy student's day!

Hi, network!

?Today is a national day for students. We can see some faces of some students already here on LinkedIn. :)

?Currently, I am working with an ONG with kids from 6 to 10 years old and I am used to going to secondary schools and universities giving my best to spread hope for the future of our students. Normally we start by creating trust and rapport with them and then letting them visualize their life in the future or the person that they want to be.

We know that we have too many factors that can influence the quality of life of the future adult, and I think everything starts as young. It will be easier (in the major of cases) if you were lucky enough to have been awarded a good social and genetic lottery. It helps but it isn't everything. We have plenty of inspirational examples around the world from those who had trouble when kids and now they inspire others with their examples of success.

?I will not mention the "happiness" word either I will speak about the number of positive emotions that future adults can have in their lives. All of us want to have the maximum of positive experiences in our lives and say that we live a life that is self-worth, right?

?I don't have any magical portion to provide for maximizing the number of good moments that our future adults can have but I've summarized some of them for you (all from my perspective, of course!)

?1. One important thing to incorporate is that work is only one component of your life. Not your all life. Studies show that people that are near death just remember the moments that they spend with loved ones and yes, we can make a lot of good friends in our job but taking care of our vital circle of people is one of the most important things that we can do in our lives.

2. Save some money at the beginning of the month to "pay yourself", before paying the bills. This can be the money you can use to go to the gym or do something else for yourself.

3. Preparation is key. I am always saying that the "physiology of emotions" appears when you have something important to do, either a presentation, an interview, or a public speech. We still have our amygdala from our ancients working for us. In this case, it would be nice to turn her off because our life is not in danger. But it looks like. If you prepare yourself for each scenario in this challenging situation, you will see that you will do great and you will be proud of yourself because you gave your best.

4. At the beginning of my career I was always so insecure that I was always saying: "I am sorry". One day I got so tired of that and I went to the dictionary to check what the word I am sorry for was. If you will check that as well, you will only say in the proper moments.

5. Being the best version of yourself, there are multiple factors for you to not be selected for a job. If you need any tips, just text me.

6. Don't be afraid to change your direction or course if you are not enjoying it.

7. Study… A lot. Along your life. Always.

8. You can change the world by helping the community near you. This will bring much value to your life and work.

Some useful links to help you face the waves of life:

For grounding: https://insighttimer.com/

To learn: Coursera bit.ly/3FNjnaj; Udemy bit.ly/40bOXqx; 42 Lisboa https://www.42lisboa.com/

Podcasts / Articles: 45 Graus: https://45graus.parafuso.net/; Despolariza: https://despolariza.pt/; Imagens de Marca: https://www.imagensdemarca.pt/; The next big idea: https://thenextbigidea.pt/

To inspire: Exploring Expat Life Through Neighborhood Connections | Evrim Kanbur - bit.ly/3LJEsq1

Learn about yourself and others: 16 personality test - https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test

Have a great day and never stop learning!


[email protected] (You can always contact me if you have any doubt about career topics :) )

#learning #studentsday #despolariza #45graus #imagensdemarca #evrimkanbur


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