Happy St. Patrick's Day (and some info about how your ancestors may be holding you back!
Hi there, and happy St. Patrick’s Day! This pic was taken in Ireland on my grandma's land a few years ago. Pre-Covid, I got to visit the country of my ancestors 4 years in a row and it was magical. And speaking of ancestors…they may be playing a part in what could be holding you back.
In this post, I want to talk about those blocks we likely all have….
Here is what you need to know. 90% of what drives your behavior is unconscious. Think about that!
That means you basically have control over about 10% of your life.
I like to joke that that means you get to wake up, choose what you wear, and that’s about it.
Now, let’s dissect that.
Back in my days as a psychotherapist, we used to say that babies came into the world a blank slate. Then their early environment “imprinted” them with beliefs. It’s commonly known that by the time a child is age 3, their values and sense of self are pretty much set.
That’s great if you had wonderful early experiences, but for those of us who suffered trauma, or abuse, or illness, etc., that is not such great news!
Yet, there’s more than just our early imprinting. Very often we bring in with us our ancestors' DNA.
As much as I adored my maternal grandma Delia, I didn’t relish discovering that I brought in her suffering, illness, and belief that life was hard. (The potato famine messed up lots of people who are Irish.)
So, not only do you have that 90% unconscious stuff affecting you, science is discovering the DNA carrying way more than eye color! Generational trauma and things that happened in utero are also felt, carried, and remembered by your body. This has a huge effect on how you show up, what results you get, and the pure quality of life you can allow.
Ok, so I’m not trying to depress you here!
What I tell my clients is this:
When you have awareness, you have a choice.
You have a choice to find and change the old/false/disempowering beliefs. But you have to know where they are and see how much they operate in you.
Here are three tips to discover what you REALLY believe instead of what your unconscious or early programming makes you THINK you believe.
Find a place where your beliefs could be strengthened. For example. Do you REALLY believe you can be wealthy? Have a great relationship? Be healthy? You can begin to DECIDE what you want to believe instead. Make a statement you want to be true and then notice if there is a follow-up little voice that tells you that you are full of bull! This is where affirmations or positive declarations can help re-wire your mind. Read Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book, “Breaking the Habit of Being You” which will give you an even deeper understanding of this.
Notice your language. That is the best way to discover your beliefs. If you say things like, “People won’t buy this… It’s probably not going to work… I can’t charge this much”….or other disempowering messages, start watching that! Your words are showing you what you believe. I find this really shows up in how you talk about money. Enlist someone to be your “Word Police” and ask them to point out if you have hidden negative thoughts based on how it’s showing up in your language.
See if it belongs to someone else. Ok, this is where it may get a little “cray cray.” Here’s the deal. I’m finding that sooooo much of what we are walking around with in terms of negative self-concepts, feelings that we don’t want, or results that are less than great… really BELONG to someone else!!!! So right now, think of something you don’t want. Maybe you struggle with money. Or you don’t have the loving relationship you want. Or you have some less-than-desirable feelings.
The way you do this is simply to ask your body if the negative beliefs or not-so-great reactions are yours or not. Really. Just tune in and ask! Your body will tell you. Most of the time it does not even belong to us. We are CARRYING others’ feelings. It could be feelings of family members or ancestors, or even
Here are some examples. “Healers can’t charge for their work because it’s spiritual.” “Money is hard to come by.” “I may lose money or can’t manage it well.” Now if you discover it’s not yours, just tell it to return to sender. Literally, imagine it flying out of your body. You can send it back without causing any harm to anyone. You are, in essence, declaring that this thought/feeling/energy is NOT yours and you will not accept it. Next, replace it! What would you prefer instead? What thought/belief/identity would serve you better. DECIDE that and begin to embody it.
Hope you enjoyed the email and can start tackling those pesky blocks.
And if you want more support in finding and clearing them so you get way more freedom in your life, reach out and we can talk about how I can do that with you.
I help trauma healers impact more people and get more clients using social media and content marketing, without spending all day online | $97 Social Media and Content Strategy Session | Enneagram Type 4 & INFP
3 年Hi Therese! I enjoyed reading your insights on generational trauma and I can so relate to this. I've read Mark Wolynn's book "It didn't start with you" and it opened my eyes to what's really going on - it made me feel angry, grateful AND hopeful. :) What are your thoughts on starting to clear out - on a deeper level - this inherited baggage?