Happy St. Patricks Day!!
Matthew Case
Helping brands evolve, grow and achieve business success with high quality solutions in branding, website design and build, marketing strategy development and implementation.
The day of painting our towns green (not literally please), wearing giant green costumes shapes like a clover, and singing arm in arm with complete strangers is upon us once again.
In true St. Patricks Day spirit (and wanting not to bore the heck out of you by talking about the historical facts), the team here in the Straightedge studio decided it would be relevantly festive of us to tell some St. Patricks Day jokes!
.... now remember, whether you deem these jokes good or bad, you must laugh! ... for laughing and being merry is the law on St. Patricks Day (well thats what we think anyway).
Here we go...
Jim: What do you call a fake irish stone?
Bob: What?
Jim: A shamrock!
Susan: Mom, I met an Irish boy on St. Patricks Day
Mom: Oh, really?
Susan: No, O'Reilly!
Jim: What do ghosts drink on St. Patricks Day?
Bob: BOOs
... last one...
I went out drinking on St. Patricks Day, so I took a bus home... That may not be a big deal to you, but I've never driven a bus before!
... the last one was definitely the best wasn't it!
From everyone here at Straightedge... "Have a great St. Patricks Day"!!!