Happy Spamiversary!
James Newell
B2B founder? Hard to explain offering? Go from CONFUSION to CONVERSION with a Clear Sales Message?
Now, we have to be careful here.
I'm not a miserable sourpuss who doesn't like to congratulate others...
(Although I do have 200+ similar rants on my Youtube channel...)
This I can't abide.
And this one..
And this one...
So what's the problem?
This is:
Linkedin and other platforms have made interacting near effortless by having suggested words/predictive text and other wizardry.
Which is great and all...
But it makes the work of a spammer that much easier.
Have you ever had congratulations from people you are connected with on Linkedin but perhaps don't know very well?
Is that the ONLY time they contact you?
If it is, then it's likely to be a pretense to find an excuse to talk to you in the hope they might then engage you in their offering.
But, like all spam it's easy to spot and just a bit lame really - think printed signatures on Christmas cards or "dear valued customer" emails.
Buyers (and people!) want to feel valued and important - not just like they're an opportunity to make money.
If the only reason you are interacting with people is because you want to sell to them, that's OK... but don't hide it and pretend otherwise. (Or lie to me about meeting me last year)
Be straight, be polite and actually take an interest in your potential client. All the spamiversary messages in the world can't compete with a to the point, genuine, breezy message.
So there you have it - beware the perils of spamiversaries and false interest... we know what you're upto...
If you like this rants, you can find hundreds more on my Youtube channel - www.jamesnewell.tv
Oh.. and congrats on the new role! ;-)