Happy Solar Return, Libra! ??????
Art by Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

Happy Solar Return, Libra! ??????

The Sun is transitioning from earthy Virgo into airy Libra and was complete @ 8:44 AM, EDT. Some information about Libra:

SYMBOL: The Scales??

MODE + ELEMENT: Cardinal, Air??

RULING PLANET: Venus – cooperative, persuasive, companionable, peace-loving ????

House: 7th ??

MANTRA: “I balance” ??

KEYWORD: Harmony ??

BODY PART: kidneys, lower back, adrenal glands, appendix ??

COLORS: Pink/Purple ( Lucky ), Blue ( power ), white ( auspicious )????????

UNLUCKY COLORS: Red, brown, black ??????

ANGEL: Jophiel ??

GODDESS: Lusticia ( Roman ) & Lakshmi ( Hindu ) ??

FLOWER: Rose ??

??Archangel Jophiel: “Beauty of God”

Archangel Jophiel is linked to Libra and is referred to as the “Feng shui angel.” Its role is to help you beautify your environment and thoughts. Whenever you feel mentally cluttered or your surroundings are overwhelming, call upon Archangel Jophiel to clear your mind and bring clarity to your life.

??Roman Goddess Lusticia: "Justicia"

Goddess of Justice within Roman mythology introduced by emperor Augustus and was thus not a very old deity in the Roman pantheon. Justice was one of the virtues celebrated by emperor Augustus in his clipeus virtutis, and a temple of Justitia was established in Rome by emperor Tiberius.

Lustitia became a symbol for the virtue of justice with which every emperor wished to associate his regime; emperor Vespasian minted coins with the image of the goddess seated on a throne called Lustitia Augusta, and many emperors after him used the image of the goddess to proclaim themselves protectors of justice.

??Hindu Goddess Lakshmi: "Shri"

Lakshmi is also known as Shri and is one of the principal goddesses in Hinduism. She is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, beauty, fertility and prosperity, and associated with Maya ("Illusion").

Within the goddess-oriented Shaktism, Lakshmi is venerated as the prosperity aspect of the Mother goddess. She is both the consort and the divine energy (shakti) of the Hindu god Vishnu, the Supreme Being of Vaishnavism; she is also the Supreme Goddess in the sect and assists Vishnu to create, protect, and transform the universe.

??The Sun stations in Libra on a Sunday, which is ruled by the Sun! ?? ??This time is favorable for healing, spirituality, success, strength, and protection.

??The Moon is a waning third quarter, a wonderful time for study, meditation, and little magical work outside of banishing harmful energies.

??Libra ( October ) Birthstone ??

October's child is born for woe,

And Life's vicissitudes must know;

But lay an Opal on her breast,

And hope will lull those foes to rest.

Modern: Opal or Tourmaline

Zodiac: Peridot

As a Cardinal Air sign, Librans are all about relationships or partnerships. But it's not about finding the perfect partner, it's about learning more about who you are from the partner/s you choose and the reflection he or she provides. This process could take you through several relationships ( or even lifetimes ).

However, even if you find a rewarding relationship with the best partner, it is not the relationship that will complete you. It will only provide the means by which you, through increased understanding and self-awareness, can complete yourself as a human being.

Happy Birthday, my Libran friends!

*Birthstone poetry reprinted from 'The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones' by William T. Fernie, MD. Harper & Row ( 1981 )

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