Happy Purple Day!!!

Happy Purple Day!!!

It can no longer be about popularity, fame nor content; but about Humanity, Love, Compassion and Lending a helping hand.

Today, I choose to flag the purple flag, to extend my hand to every epileptic person, to everyone who has ever experienced convulsion; Short spells of blackout; Stiffness of the body; Sudden bouts of chewing, blinking and fear for no apparent reason...

Today, I choose to seat beside you, wrap my arms around you and extend my shoulder that you may rest your head on it. And whisper softly: Relax a little; You are not different, you are unique; You are not alone, you are just like everyother human you see around you; You can be that which you want to be.

I want to assure you that somehow, the universe compensates us who truly dare to become; To tell you that through every seizure and frustrating feeling you go through, we are all there with you.

If you human and have ever gone through any stressful and frustrating time and come out stronger. Please lend a helping, purple hand to every epileptic person you may or maynot know. Put up this picture on any social media platform you are on and share a word of encouragement to them.

Happy Purple Day Guys... #happypurpleday #EpilepticAwarenessDay#Humane #Humanity #Humanitarian #IChooseToLendMyVoice


