HAPPY PRESIDENT'S DAY everyone ! Maybe for many it is just an extension of the weekend, but living in America we really do enjoy some wonderful privileges & are indebted to many who have served our Country to ensure them,....such as the Presidents who have led us & our military who have protected us. Its funny what things will trigger a memory. Thinking about this Federal Holiday got me to thinking about my two Grandfathers who both served in the armed forces in WWI,...one in the Army & one in the Navy, but both in France, & both whom survived to become small business owners back in the States as veterans. This got me to thinking that most of us know someone(s) who have or are still serving in out military. What a debt of gratitude they are owed. This reminded me of the time in 1982 when because of my Grandfathers I was led to donate to the "Soldiers, Sailor's, & Airman's Club" in NYC, which was started originally to assist WWI vets with places to stay & help with veterans benefits. It got me to thinking how we really should do more to make sure our veterans are supported & our current active duty have the support they need to continue protecting our freedoms.