Happy not perfect

Happy not perfect

Happy not perfect by Poppy Jamie

The author’s goal isn’t to be perfect, but to be happy from inside out. As a little girl, she took on the belief that she wasn’t good enough as she was and spent twenty years in search of evidence to confirm her own worthlessness. It took her numerous years to reprogram her brain in order to discover her self-confidence and worthiness. Using her mind upgrade techniques, Polly Jamie finally got rid of her imposter syndrome and tasted a freedom from anxiety she didn’t know possible.

Most of us seek the approval of others and believing such approval will make us happy. Whether it’s the next promotion, the new car or accessory, or a larger house, each of these things only results in a transitory feeling of being happy. In fact, happiness isn’t a manifestation of what one has but who one is.

Living a life of flexibility is the key to being happy (not perfect). Being flexible is about allowing yourself to be human. The Flex allows you to feel all your feelings without being railroaded by them. You also need to get rid of some toxic core beliefs, like you are not good enough; you must try harder; and happiness and success would fix everything. The flex is also about turning stiff thoughts into flexible ones. Occasionally you may still slide back into rigid and unhealthy thoughts. However, once you are aware of it, use your Flex mind upgrade to correct it. Flexible thinking requires your mind and body to work together toward wholeness. The route to a happier, healthier, enjoyable life is to remain flexible and elastic.

The fact that we are swimming in toxic fear, uncertainty, and stress all day, all week, is arguably the biggest problem facing humanity. You don’t have to pretend that all is fine and you are gliding effortlessly in life, like exhibiting the Duck Syndrome. One way to deal with this chronic stress lifestyle is to be more mindful. Deep breathing, meditation and mindfulness can open up a new world for you, creating a sense of tranquility and wellbeing.

It’s a daily battle to choose enoughness when almost every media and culture are reminding you of your inadequacy. You must question and challenge this cultural conditioning all the time. Your job is to look ahead with joy and excitement with the knowledge that you have already survived every single one of your worst days so far.

A big problem with the happiness industry is that it promotes the idea that it’s a thing that you can achieve, and that once you get there, all will be super, peachy keen for the rest of your life. Unfortunately, happiness doesn’t arrive with a smile and stays with you for the rest of your life. Happiness should not be “perfection” in disguise. Rather, embrace being authentically you with your spectrum of emotions. Rather, happiness should be self-acceptance and being reconnected to your true self.

This article was first published in my free monthly BecomeYourBest newletter - October 2021 Edition. www.kintue-fee.com


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