Happy New Year's! How About Reclaiming Your Inner Wisdom Stuart Wilde's Way?
Last year when I was first began doing daily Facebook Lives I spent about a month just teaching Stuart Wilde's "33 Steps to Reclaiming Your Inner Wisdom." I had people from around the world joining me from my location in Connecticut. They came from to Whales and England all the way round to Australia. This is where we all learned together how to get in touch with our purpose while respecting other peoples' journeys. It was and is amazing stuff, from one of the best spiritualists that ever lived. Sadly, he passed a few years ago, but we have his teachings to keep him immortal, which is only right for all he gave to those who followed him including the late great Wayne Dyer who called him, "my teacher." Come join me for a timeless teaching in which to start your New Year in the greatest manner I could imagine!
Today for the New Year I found an abbreviated version of his teachings which I am going to share on my Facebook Live in about 15 minutes or so from now: 11:15 AM Eastern Time, 815 AM Pacific Time, 4:15 London time and 6:15 Isreali time.
Where: Facebook page: Suzanne Kellner-Zinck