Happy New Year
Marie Paterson
Helping managers, and their teams, to be calmer, happier, and healthier. Author: Positive Paths to Wellbeing.
Happy New Year to you. I hope you had a great Christmas and that Santa was good to you.?With many people not returning to work until 6th January, me included, the Christmas break has been a long one. I particularly enjoyed the time between Christmas and New Year, when I managed to do a bit of clearing out and I have started 2025 with less "stuff" in the cupboards and with the house generally feeling a bit more organised. I do love a de-clutter. I also got out for lots of walks thanks to dog-sitting my daughter's dog. Fun and tiring in equal measure. On a less positive note,?the overindulgence of Christmas has continued for a bit too long,?and I definitely feel the need for a return to normality and the end of Christmas cake or a?mince pie?with every cup of tea! But I am definitely not going to be too harsh on myself, just be grateful for all that the holiday period brought and to get back quickly to normality. Wishing you a "normal" 2025.???????Marie?
Normality vs New Year resolutions??
This time of year the papers, social media and adverts are full of information trying to help us to improve ourselves. 14 ways to de-stress, 10 foods to eat for health, the only exercise regime you will ever need, you know the sort of thing. At this time of year I must admit I do toy with the idea of setting a few new year resolutions, but another part of me rebels against it and questions why anyone would think that the dark winter months were a good time for a punishing regime of hard work,?abstinence and finding an extra dose of willpower. ?As I was contemplating my options I decided that the most important thing for me is to get back to my "normal". Over the years of working in wellbeing I have fine tuned what works for me; what keeps me feeling calm, happy and healthy. They include:-
1. Home cooked foods, with lots of vegetables.?
2. Zumba class, running groups, yoga class and Parkrun.?
3. My daily exercises.
4. My morning gratitude practice.
5. My daily routine of bed and wake times.?
6. Puzzles, reading and knitting.?
7. Measured glasses of wine at the weekend.?
8. My breathing exercises.?
So if you have started and maybe broken your new year resolutions, or you never make any but feel things could be better, forget the new year resolutions and establish your "normal". The activities that keep you calm, happy and healthy all year long and that you can guide yourself back to when things go off track over the holidays.?
Positive Paths to Wellbeing book anniversary!
I can't believe it is just over a year since I published my book. This time last year was a whirlwind of activity. I am pleased to say that the book is still selling regularly on Amazon and in local shops. It can also be ordered from a wide range of online book stores around the world. How cool is that? There was a flurry of December sales which led to it heading back up the Amazon charts (health, family and lifestyle reference section) to number 15. I was wondering if there might be a bit of a new year boost as well with some people wanting some ideas and motivation, so if you have not yet bought a copy, but have been thinking about it, please click here or if you know of anyone who is wanting some support for their wellbeing, please let them know about the book.
Maybe it can get a few places higher in January. Thank you for your support.?
Colds and flu
Have you managed to escape the rounds of cold and flu so far this winter? Everyone I know seems to have had something. I have had a few sniffles and a bit of a sore throat but thankfully it only lasted a few days and so far I have not picked up the cough that seems to last for ages. Fingers crossed it will stay that way. Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruit is the best way to ensure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals you need to support your immune system. There is much controversy over whether supplementation can help. Taking Vitamin D in the winter months is recommended by the government as we can't get enough from the sun during the darker months so make sure you are taking yours. You can find evidence for and against whether vitamin C can help or not, but some research suggests there can be benefits, and it is unlikely to cause any harm so I am taking my vitamins C?and D?at the moment as an insurance policy. It may well be a placebo effect but it gives me the feeling of some control over these pesky winter bugs! Don't forget to speak to your pharmacist if you need advice on treating your symptoms.?
Book of the month - Built to move
One of the things most people notice as they get older is they get a bit stiffer, and start to move less freely. I am someone who has always been fairly stiff, just about able to touch my toes, but I am conscious that I want to be as flexible and supple?as possible, so this book caught my eye. Built to Move by Kelly and Juliet Starrett focuses on 10 areas to work on to enable us to move as freely as possible. It is an easy read and includes a test for each of these areas, so you can establish a baseline. I plan to work through a chapter every few?weeks and really focus on making changes where necessary. The 10 habits are:-
1. Getting up and down off the floor
2. Breathe easy
3. Extend your hips
4. Walk this way
5. Future-proof your neck and shoulders
6. Eat like you're going to live forever
7. Squat
8. Find your balance
9. Create a movement rich environment
10. Sleep.
If you would like to be entered into a draw to receive a copy of the book, please DM me before 11:30 on Monday 20th January.
Getting up and down off the floor
The first habit in the book of the month focuses on how easily you can get up and down off the floor. You may have heard that this is a test that can predict longevity. Being able to get up and down without using your hands is surprisingly difficult.
Watch this video by Ed Paget to see the test in action. He makes it look very easy. I tend to wobble and tip backwards on the way down and can sometimes get up with no hands but other times I struggle and need to use a hand to help me get back up. Spending more time sitting on the floor is a simple way to help, plus adding in some other exercises, that are detailed in the book. So one of my goals for this year is to spend more time sitting on the floor. A few minutes while watching the TV might make all the difference. Fingers, or should that be legs, crossed??
Supporting your wellbeing
While we can all make changes ourselves without any help, change is much easier with the support of someone else. And that applies to both individuals and teams. My Positive Paths to Wellbeing programme helps teams to be calmer, happier and healthier, leading to?a more harmonious and productive workplace.??Until the end of January you can book a team programme and get 4 spaces for your staff for the price of 3. And hurry, as the price per person goes up on February 1st. (From £129 to £139).?My first price rise for 5 years. Book a call now for a free, no-obligation enquiry to find out what difference the Positive Paths to Wellbeing programme can bring to your team.?Just drop me a DM.