Happy New Year??????
Keita H. Williams
Professional Butt-Kicker | Coach | Dazzling Facilitator | Hypnotherapist | Wildly Photogenic
1.??????This Week's Hot Tip
Happy Q4 and Happy New Year!?Welcome to the home stretch of the year.?This is the perfect time to recommit or work on developing good new habits. Here are a couple of things to consider as you finish 2022 with power and momentum.
Check out yesterday's live stream in the video below.??
2: Book Recommendation: I recently wrote an e-book, and it inspired a shift in how we serve our clients and how we serve our community.?I am glad I was lovingly nudged to capture my thoughts.?
Download your copy of, “How to Create Your First Platinum High-Ticket Offer,” and let me know what you think.
3. Resource Recommendation: Since it is the last stretch of the year, we have held time on my calendar for strategy sessions.?We have 5 spots available over the next two weeks to help you plan your next 90 days in your business.
Each appointment is 45 minutes, and you will walk out with a clear revenue target and a game plan to make it happen.
4. Quote:
“Listen. I wish I could tell you it gets better. But, it doesn't get better. You get better.”?
-- Joan Rivers
5. Ask Keita
Submit business and goal-related questions by responding to this email and I’ll answer one each week in the newsletter!
Q: Hello Keita! I am about a year into my coaching practice.?I am so excited to say that I have been getting a lot of leads and discovery calls.?When it comes time to decide, my prospects can’t afford it.?Do you recommend I lower my price?
A: Hard no. I could wax poetically about handling sales objections, but I will save that for our amazing sales coach in our group coaching program, The Exit Strategy Academy.?I will suggest that you check that your potential platinum client and your offer align.?You may need to be more niche or choose a different industry.?Download my e-book or book a call to chat more about it.
I hope you enjoyed your 5-minute break today. If you want to develop your strategy for the end of the year, I would like to invite you to have a call with me.
Let's get after it!
Keita – your favorite Success Bully